- B1 (1877) Analysis of "Composition for Grass." Johnson, S.W.
- B2 (1877) Analysis of "Composition for Vegetables." Johnson, S.W.
- B3 (1877) A Sample of Soluble Pacific Guano. Johnson, S.W.
- B4 (1877) Bulletin of October. Johnson, S.W.
- B4A (1878) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B5 (1878) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B6 (1878) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B7 (1878) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B8 (1878) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B9 (1878) Analyses of Leached Ashes and Egg Food. Johnson, S.W.
- B10 (1878) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B11 (1878) Nitrate of Soda. Johnson, S.W.
- B12 (1878) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B13 (1878) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B14 (1878) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B15 (1878) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B16 (1878) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B17 (1878) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B18 (1878) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B19 (1878) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B20 (1878) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B21 (1879) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B22 (1879) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B23 (1879) Analyses of Hay. Johnson, S.W.
- B24 (1879) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B25 (1879) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B26 (1879) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B27 (1879) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B28 (1879) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B29 (1879) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B30 (1879) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B31 (1879) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B32 (1879) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B33 (1879) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B34 (1879) Analyses of Hay. Johnson, S.W.
- B35 (1879) Analyses of Maize Kernel. Armsby, H. P.; Johnson, S.W.
- B36 (1880) Shell Marl. Anonymous.
- B37 (1880) Fresh Water Sediments. Johnson, S.W.
- B38 (1880) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B39 (1880) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B40 (1880) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B41 (1880) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B42 (1880) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B43 (1880) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B44 (1880) Pollard Fertilizers: Caution. Johnson, S.W.
- B45 (1880) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B46 (1880) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B47 (1880) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B48 (1880) Forrester's Fertilizer. Johnson, S.W.
- B49 (1880) Analyses of Swamp Muck. Johnson, S.W.
- B50 (1880) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B51 (1881) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B52 (1881) Cost of Active Ingredients of Fertilizers during 1880 and Trade-Value adopted by the station for 1881. Johnson, S.W.
- B53 (1881) The Bird Guano and Fertilizer. Johnson, S.W.
- B54 (1881) Ashes from Factories in Canada. Johnson, S.W.
- B55 (1881) Night Soil. Johnson, S.W.
- B56 (1881) Bone Saw Dust. Johnson, S.W.
- B57 (1881) Commonwealth Bone Meal. Johnson, S.W.
- B58 (1881) Superphosphates, Guanos. Johnson, S.W.
- B59 (1881) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B60 (1881) An Act Concerning Commercial Fertilizers. Anonymous.
- B61 (1881) Special Manures and Superphosphates. Johnson, S.W.
- B62 (1881) Mapes Complete Manure for Heavy Soils. Johnson, S.W.
- B63 (1881) Darling's Animal Fertilizer. Johnson, S.W.
- B64 (1881) Superphosphate. Johnson, S.W.
- B65 (1881) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B66 (1881) Forrester's Corn Manure. Johnson, S.W.
- B67 (1881) Canada Ashes. Johnson, S.W.
- B68 (1882) Trade Values for 1882. Johnson, S.W.
- B69 (1882) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B70 (1882) Fertilizer Analysis. Anonymous.
- B71 (1882) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B72 (1882) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B73 (1883) An Act Concerning Commercial Fertilizers. Anonymous
- B74 (1883) Analyses of National Fertilizer Company's Goods. Johnson, S.W.
- B75 (1883) Observance of the Fertilizer Law. Anonymous.
- B76 (1883) Observance of the Fertilizer Law. Anonymous.
- B77 (1884) Trade Values of Fertilizing Ingredients in Raw Materials and Chemicals for 1884. Johnson, S.W.
- B78 (1884) Explanations Concerning the Analysis of Fertilizers and the Valuation of their Active Ingredients. Johnson, S.W.
- B79 (1884) Observance of the Fertilizer Law. Anonymous
- B80 (1884) Observance of the Fertilizer Law. Johnson, S.W.
- B81 (1884) Fertilizers. Johnson, S.W.
- B82 (1885) Fertilizers. Johnson, S.W.
- B83 (1885) Analyses of Fertilizers. Anonymous.
- B84 (1885) Observance of the Fertilizer Law. Anonymous.
- B85 (1885) Fertilizer Analysis. Anonymous.
- B86 (1886) Fertilizer Analysis. Anonymous.
- B87 (1886) Valuation of Fertilizers. Anonymous.
- B88 (1886) Gratuitous Analysis of Commercial Fertilizers. Anonymous.
- B89 (1886) Analysis of Super Phosphates and Special Manures. Anonymous.
- B90 (1887) Valuation of Fertilizers. Johnson, S.W.
- B91 (1887) Fertilizer Analysis. Johnson, S.W.
- B92 (1887) Fertilizers. Anonymous.
- B93 (1887) Grasses and Forage Plants. Anonymous.
- B94 (1888) Fertilizers. Anonymous.
- B95 (1888) Fertilizers. Anonymous.
- B96 (1888) Analysis and Valuation of Feeding Stuffs. Anonymous
- B97 (1889) Fungous Diseases of Plant. Anonymous.
- B98 (1889) Home-mixed Fertilizers. Anonymous.
- B99 (1889) Fertilizer Analysis. Anonymous.
- B100 (1889) Sylvanit. Anonymous.
- B101 (1890) Nitrogenous Superphosphates. Anonymous.
- B102 (1890) Fungicides. Thaxter, R.
- B103 (1890) Fertilizers. Anonymous.
- B104 (1890) Fertilizers. Anonymous.
- B105 (1890) The Potato Scab; The Proteids or Albuminoids of the Oat-Kernel. Thaxter, R.
- B106 (1891) The Babcock Method of Determining Fat in Milk and Cream for the use of Creameries. Anonymous.
- B107 (1891) The Connecticut Species of Gymnosporangium (Cedar Apples). Thaxter, R.
- B108 (1891) Examination of the Seed of Orchard Grass, Dactylis glomerata. Anonymous.
- B109 (1891) Mixed Commercial Fertilizers. Anonymous.
- B110 (1891) The Sampling of Canada Ashes. Johnson, S.W.
- B111 (1892) Common Fungus Diseases and Their Treatment. Sturgis, W.C.
- B112 (1892) On the Gunning-Kjeldahl Method and a Modification Applicable in the Presence of Nitrates. Winton, A.L.
- B113 (1892) The Trade Values for 1892 of Fertilizing Ingredients in Raw Materials and Chemicals. Anonymous.
- B114 (1892) Mixed Fertilizers. Anonymous.
- B115 (1893) Common Fungus Diseases and Their Treatment. Sturgis, W.C.
- B116 (1893) The Connecticut Fertilizer Law. Anonymous.
- B117 (1894) The Babcock Method of Determining Fat in Milk and Cream for the use of Creameries. Anonymous.
- B118 (1894) A Provisional Bibliography … on Fungous and Bacterial Diseases of Economic Plants. Sturgis, W.C.
- B119 (1894) The Babcock Test as a Basis for Payment in Cream Gathering Creameries. Winton, A.L.
- B120 (1895) Analysis of Fertilizers. Trade Values of Fertilizer Ingredients for 1895. Poultry Foods. Jenkins, E.H.
- B121 (1895) The Elm-Leaf Beetle and San Jose Scale. Sturgis, W.C.
- B122 (1896) Cost of Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid and Potash in Connecticut, Spring Months of 1896. Jenkins, E.H.
- B123 (1896) Examination of Food Products Sold in Connecticut. Johnson, S.W.
- B124 (1897) The Cost of Plant Food In Connecticut, Spring Months of 1897. Anonymous.
- B125 (1898) Preparation and Application of Fungicides. Sturgis, W.C.
- B126 (1898) Insecticides: Their Preparation Use. Britton, W.E.
- B127 (1898) The Cost of Plant Food In Connecticut, Spring Months of 1898. Anonymous.
- B128 (1899) Commercial Feeding Stuffs in the Connecticut Market. Anonymous.
- B129 (1899) Inspection and Care of Nursery Stock. Britton, W.E.
- B130 (1900) Commercial Feeding Stuffs in the Connecticut Market. Jenkins, E.H.
- B131 (1900) The Protection of Shade Trees in Towns and Cities. Jenkins, E.H.; Britton, W.E.; Graves, H.S.; Blake, H.T.
- B132 (1901) Condimental and Medicinal Cattle and Poultry Foods. Anonymous.
- B133 (1901) Commercial Feeding Stuffs in the Connecticut Market. Jenkins, E.H.; Britton, W.E.; Graves, H.S.; Blake, H.T.
- B134 (1901) The New Law Concerning Insect Pests. Britton, W.E.
- B135 (1901) The San Jose Scale-Insect : It's Appearance and Spread In CT. Britton, W.E.
- B136 (1902) Preliminary Experiments in Spraying To Kill The San Jose Insect, Season of 1901. Britton, W.E.
- B137 (1902) The Growing of Tobacco Under Shade In Connecticut. Jenkins, E.H.
- B138 (1902) Commercial Feeding Stuffs in the Connecticut Market. Jenkins, E.H.; Winton, A.L.; Ogden, A.W.; Silverman M.
- B139 (1902) The Apple-Tree Tent-Caterpillar. Britton, W.E.
- B140 (1902) The White-fly or Plant-house Aleyrodes. Britton, W.E.
- B141 (1903) Commercial Feeding Stuffs in the Connecticut Market. Jenkins, E.H.; Winton, A.L.; Ogden, A.W.; Silverman, M.
- B142 (1903) Spray Calendar. Britton, W.E.
- B143 (1903) Two Common Scale -Insects of the Orchard. Britton, W.E.
- B144 (1903) Fighting the San Jose Scale-Insect in 1903. Britton, W.E.; Walden, B.H.
- B145 (1903) Commercial Feeding Stuffs in the Connecticut Market. Jenkins, E.H.; Winton A.L.; Ogden, A.W.; Silverman, M.
- B146 (1904) San Jose Scale-Insect Experiments in 1904. Britton, W.E.; Walden, B.H. (PDF Format)
- B147 (1905) Commercial Feeding Stuffs in the Connecticut Market. Jenkins, E.H.; Britton, W.E.; Graves, H.S.; Blake, H.T.
- B148 (1905) The Preparation of Tobacco Seed. Shamel, A.D.
- B149 (1905) A New and Valuable Cover-crop for Tobacco Fields. Shamel, A.D.
- B150 (1905) The Selection of Tobacco Seed Plants. Shamel, A.D.
- B151 (1905) The Chief Injurious Scale-Insects of Connecticut. Britton, W.E.
- B152 (1906) The Improvement of Corn in Connecticut. East, E.M.
- B153 (1906) The Gypsy Moth and the Brown-Tail Moth. Britton, W.E.
- B154 (1906) Chestnut in Connecticut and the Improvement of the Woodlot. Hawes, A.F.
- B155 (1907) The Elm Leaf Beetle. Britton, W.E.
- B156 (1907) Cotton Seed Meal as a Fertilizer. Jenkins, E.H.; Street, J.P.
- B157 (1907) Lead Arsenate and Paris Green. Street J.P.; Britton, W.E.
- B158 (1907) The Relation of Certain Biological Principles to Plant Breeding. East, E.M.
- B159 (1908) Spray Calendar. Britton, W.E.; Clinton, G.P.
- B160 (1908) Clover Seed in the Connecticut Market. Jenkins, E.H.; Jagger, M.H.
- B161 (1909) Feed, Seeds, and Weeds. Jenkins, E.H.
- B162 (1909) Forest Survey of Litchfield and New Haven Counties, Connecticut. Hawes, A.F.
- B163 (1909) Agricultural Lime: Its Sources, Composition and Prices. Jenkins, E.H.; East, E.M.
- B164 (1909) Garden and Field Seeds Sold in Connecticut in 1908-1909. Jenkins, E.H.; Jagger, M.H.
- B165 (1909) The San Jose Scale and Methods of Controlling It. Britton, W.E.
- B166 (1910) The Management of Tobacco Seed Beds. Hinson, W.M.; Jenkins, E.H.
- B167 (1911) Inheritance in Maize. East, E.M.; Hayes, H.K.
- B168 (1911) Improvement in Corn. Hayes, H.K.; East E.M.
- B169 (1911) The Leopard Moth. Britton, W.E.; Cromie, G.A.
- B170 (1912) The Trade in Cotton Seed. Jenkins, E.H.
- B171 (1912) Correlation and Inheritance in Nicotiana tabacum. Hayes, H.K.
- B172 (1912) The Net Weight or Volume of Food Products which are Sold in packages. Street J.P.
- B173 (1912) The Mosquito Plague of the Connecticut Cost Region and How to Control it. Britton, W.E.
- B174 (1913) Wood-using Industries of Connecticut. Pierson, A.H.
- B175 (1913) The Cost of Agricultural Lime in Connecticut. Jenkins, E.H.; Street, J.P.
- B176 (1913) Tobacco Breeding in Connecticut. Hayes, H.K.; East, E.M.
- B177 (1913) The Apple Tree Tent-Caterpillar. Britton, W.E.
- B178 (1913) The Chestnut Bark Disease. Stoddard, E.M.; Moss, A.E.
- B179 (1913) Soybeans. Jenkins, E.H.
- B180 (1914) Studies on the Tobacco Crop of Connecticut. Jenkins, E.H.
- B181 (1914) Some Common Lady Beetles of Connecticut. Britton, W.E.
- B182 (1914) The Brown-Tail Moth. Britton, W.E.
- B183 (1914) Spray Calendar. Britton, W.E.; Clinton, G.P.
- B184 (1914) Spray Treatment. Britton, W.E.; Clinton, G.P.
- B185 (1914) Test of Soy Beans. Jenkins, E.H.; Hayes, H.K.; Hubbell, C.D.; Street, J.P.
- B186 (1915) The Gypsy Moth. Britton, W.E.
- B187 (1915) Index to Reports on Food Products and Drugs of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, 1896-1914. Street, J.P.
- B188 (1915) Further Experiments on Inheritance in Maize. Hayes, H.K.; East E.M.
- B189 (1915) A Mosquito Survey at the Mouth of the Connecticut River. Buttrick, P.L.; Britton, W.E.
- B190 (1916) Insects Attacking Cabbage and Allied Crops in Connecticut. Britton, W.E.; Lowry, Q.S.
- B191 (1916) Tests of Soy Beans. Jenkins, E.H.; Street, J.P.; Hubbell, C.D.
- B192 (1917) Observations on Alfalfa. Jenkins, E.H.
- B193 (1917) Tests of Soy Beans. Jenkins, E.H.; Street, J.P.; Hubbell, C.D.
- B194 (1917) Manure from the Sea. Jenkins, E.H.; Street, J.P.; Hubbell, C.D.
- B195 (1917) Insects Injuring Stored Food Products in Connecticut. Britton, W.E.
- B196 (1917) Economy in Feeding the Family I: Some Essential facts Regarding Nutrition. Street, J.P.; Jenkins, E.H.
- B197 (1917) Economy in Feeding the Family II: The Cereal Breakfast Foods. Street, J.P.
- B198 (1917) Domestic Supplies of Potash. Jenkins, E.H.
- B199 (1917) Spray Calendar. Jenkins, E.H.
- B200 (1917) Twenty-Second Report on Food Products and Tenth Report on Drug Products. Street, J.P.
- B201 (1918) Economy in Feeding the Family III: Food Oils and Fats. Bailey, E.M.
- B202 (1918) Economy in Feeding the Family IV: An Experience in Keeping Poultry in the City. Anonymous.
- B203 (1918) Seventeenth Report of the State Entomologist of Connecticut for the year 1917. Britton, W.E.
- B204 (1918) Fertilizer Report for 1917. Jenkins, E.H.
- B205 (1918) Beekeeping for Connecticut. Yates, A.W.
- B206 (1918) Report on Commercial Feeding Stuffs 1917: Index and Reports of Board of Control and Treasurer. Bailey, E.M.
- B207 (1918) The Effects of Inbreeding and Crossbreeding upon Development. Jones, D.F.
- B208 (1918) Insects Attacking the Potato Crop in Connecticut. Britton, W.E.
- B209 (1918) Fertilizer Report for 1918. Jenkins, E.H.; Bailey, E.M.
- B210 (1919) Twenty-Third Report on Food Products and Eleventh Report on Drug Products. Bailey, E.M.
- B211 (1919) Eighteenth Report of the State Entomologist of Connecticut for the Year 1918. Britton, W.E.
- B212 (1919) Being the Report on Commercial Feeding Stuffs 1918. Bailey, E.M.
- B213 (1919) Economy in Feeding the Family V: Condensed Milk, Malted Milk, Milk Powder. Street, J.P.
- B214 (1919) Report of the Botanist for Years 1917-18. Clinton, G.P.
- B215 (1919) The Food Value of Milk. Ferry, E.L.
- B216 (1919) Insects Attacking Squash, Cucumber, and Allied Plants in Connecticut. Britton, W.E.
- B217 (1919) Fertilizer Report for 1919. Jenkins, E.H.
- B218 (1920) Nineteenth Report for the State Entomologist of Connecticut for the Year 1919. Britton, W.E.
- B219 (1919) Twenty-Fourth Report on Food Products and Twelfth Report on Drug Products Part I. Bailey, E.M.
- B220 (1920) Twenty-Fourth Report on Food Products and Twelfth Report on Drug Products Part II. Bailey, E.M.
- B221 (1920) Report on Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Bailey, E.M.
- B222 (1920) New or Unusual Plant Injuries and Diseases Found in Connecticut, 1916-1919. Clinton, J.P.
- B223 (1920) Fertilizer Report for 1920. Jenkins, E.H.
- B224 (1920) Spray Calendar. Jenkins, E.H.
- B225 (1921) A Study of the Bulb Mite. Garman, P.
- B226 (1921) Twentieth Report of the State Entomologist of Connecticut for the Year 1920. Britton, W.E.
- B227 (1921) Twenty-Fifth Report on Food Products and Thirteenth Report on Drug Products. Bailey, E.M.
- B228 (1921) Connecticut Round Tip Tobacco: A New Type of Wrapper Leaf. Jones, D.F.
- B229 (1921) Report on Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Bailey, E.M.
- B230 (1921) The Grass-Feeding Frog -Hopper or Spittle Bug. Garman, P.
- B231 (1921) Report of the Tree Protection Examining Board. Britton, W.E.; Jenkins, E.H.
- B232 (1921) Report of the Director for the Year Ending October 31, 1921. Jenkins, E.H.
- B233 (1921) Fertilizer Report for 1921. Jenkins, E.H.
- B234 (1922) Twenty-First Report of the State Entomologist of Connecticut for the Year 1921. Britton, W.E.
- B235 (1922) Experiments In Dusting Versus Spraying on Apples and Peaches in Connecticut in 1921. Britton, W.E.; Zappe, M.P.; Stoddard, E.M.
- B236 (1922) Twenty-Sixth Report on Food Products and Fourteenth Report on Drug Products. Bailey, E.M.
- B237 (1922) Control of White Pine and Blister Rust In Connecticut, 1909-1921. Filley, W.O.; Hicock, H.W.
- B238 (1922) Report on Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Bailey, E.M.
- B239 (1922) Wildfire of Tobacco in Connecticut. Clinton, J.P.; McCkormick, F.A.
- B240 (1922) Twenty-Seventh Report on Food Products and Fifteenth Report on Drug Products. Bailey, E.M.
- B241 (1922) Fertilizer Report for 1922. Jenkins, E.H.
- B242 (1922) Report on Commercial Insecticides and Fungicides. I. The Examination of Some Materials Sold As Insecticides and Fungicides. II. Recent Developments in the use of Insecticides. Bailey, E.M.; Andrew, R.E.; Britton, W.E.
- B243 (1922) Report of the Director for the Year Ending October 31, 1922. Jenkins, E.H.
- B244 (1923) Spray Calendar. Britton, W.E.; Clinton, G.P.
- B245 (1923) Results of Dusting Versus Spraying In Connecticut Apple and Orchards in 1922. Zappe, M.P.; Stoddard, E.M.
- B246 (1923) The Apple and Thorn Skeletonizer. Porter, B.A.
- B247 (1923) Twenty-Second Report of the State Entomologist of Connecticut for the Year 1922. Britton, W.E.
- B248 (1923) Twenty-Seventh Report on Food Products and Fifteenth Report on Drug Products. Bailey, E.M.
- B249 (1923) Report on Commercial Feeding Stuffs in 1922. Bailey, E.M.
- B250 (1923) Fertilizer Report for 1923. Bailey, E.M.
- B251 (1923) The Raspberry Fruit Worm. Walden, B.H.
- B252 (1923) The European Red Mite. Garman, P.
- B253 (1924) Better Forests for Connecticut. Hicock, H.W.
- B254 (1924) Report of the Director for the Year Ending October 31, 1923. Slate, W.L.
- B255 (1924) The Twenty-Eight Report on Food Products and the Sixteenth Report on Drug Products 1923. Bailey, E.M.
- B256 (1924) Twenty-Third Report of the State Entomologist of Connecticut 1923. Britton, W.E.
- B257 (1924) Report on Inspection of Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Bailey, E.M.
- B258 (1924) Report on Commercial Insecticides and Fungicides. I. Text of the Insecticide Law of CT and Regulations for its Enforcement. II. Examination of Insecticides, Fungicides, etc. Slate, W.L.
- B259 (1924) Corn in Connecticut. Jones, D.F.
- B260 (1924) Rust Infection of Leaves in Petri Dishes. Clinton, G.P.; McCkormick, F.A.
- B261 (1924) Fertilizer Report for 1924. Bailey, E.M.
- B262 (1924) The Rainbow Forest Plantations. Guide to Experimental Plots and Report of Progress in 1924. Hicock, H.W.
- B263 (1924) Tree Protection Examining Board. Britton, W.E.; Clinton, G.P.; Filley, W.O.
- B264 (1925) Report of the Director for the Year Ending October 31, 1924. Slate, W.L.
- B265 (1925) Twenty-Fourth Report of the State Entomologist of Connecticut 1924. Britton, W.E.
- B266 (1925) The Improvement of Naturally Cross Pollinated Plants by Selection in Self Fertilized Lines. I. The Production Of Inbred Strains of Corn. Jones, D.F.
- B267 (1925) The Twenty-Ninth Report on Food Products and the Seventeenth Report on Drug Products for 1924. Bailey, E.M.
- B268 (1925) Report on Inspection of Commercial Feeding Stuffs 1924. Bailey, E.M.
- B269 (1925) Perithecia of Theilavia Basicola in Culture and the Stimulation of Their Production by Extracts from Other Fungi. McCormick, F.A.
- B270 (1925) Report on Inspection of Commercial Fertilizers for 1925. Bailey, E.M.
- B271 (1926) Spray Bulletin. Britton, W.E.
- B272 (1925) Report on Commercial Insecticides and Fungicides 1925. Bailey, E.M.
- B273 (1926) Crossed Corn. Jones, D.F.
- B274 (1926) Report of the Director for the Year Ending October 31, 1925. Slate, W.L.
- B275 (1926) Twenty-Fifth Report of the State Entomologist of Connecticut 1925. Britton, W.E.
- B276 (1926) The Thirtieth Report on Food Products and the Eighteenth Report on Drug Products 1925. Bailey, E.M.
- B277 (1926) Report on Inspection of Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Bailey, E.M.
- B278 (1926) A Chemical Investigation of Some Standard Spray Mixtures. Andrew, R.E.
- B279 (1926) The Genetics and Morphology of Some Endosperm Characters in Maize. Mangelsdorf, P.C.
- B280 (1926) 1875-1925 Semi-Centennial of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Anonymous.
- B281 (1926) General Index to Reports of the State Entomologist of CT 1901-1925. Britton, W.E.
- B282 (1926) Report on Inspection of Commercial Fertilizers for 1926. Bailey, E.M.
- B283 (1927) The Quality of Vegetable Seed Sold in Packets in Connecticut. Stoddard, E.M.
- B284 (1927) Index to Reports on Food Products and Drugs 1915-1925. Bailey, E.M.
- B285 (1927) Twenty-Sixth Report of the State Entomologist of Connecticut 1926. Britton, W.E.
- B286 (1927) The Thirty-First Report on Food Products and the Nineteenth Report on Drug Products 1926. Part I. Tables of Analyses of Foods. Bailey, E.M.
- B287 (1927) The Thirty-First Report on Food Products and the Nineteenth Report on Drug Products 1926. Part II. Food and Drug Inspection. Bailey, E.M.
- B288 (1927) The Biology of The Birch Leaf Skeletonizer, Bucculatrix canadaensisella, Chambers. Friend, R.B.
- B289 (1927) Report on Inspection of Commercial Feeding Stuffs 1926-1927. Bailey, E.M.
- B290 (1927) Report on the Inspection of Commercial Fertilizers for 1927. Bailey, E.M.
- B291 (1927) Report of the Director for the Year Ending October 31, 1927. Slate, W.L.
- B292 (1927) Some Insect Pests of Nursery Stock in Connecticut. Britton, W.E.; Zappe, M.P.
- B293 (1928) The Quality of Vegetable Seed Bought by Market Gardeners in Connecticut in 1927. Stoddard, E.M.; McDonnell, A.D.
- B294 (1928) Twenty-Seventh Report of the State Entomologist of Connecticut 1927. Britton, W.E. (PDF Format)
- B295 (1928) The Thirty-Second Report on Food Products and the Twentieth Report on Drug Products 1927. Bailey, E.M.
- B296 (1928) Report on Inspection of Commercial Fertilizers for 1928. Bailey, E.M.
- B297 (1928) Topping and Suckering Practices as Related to the Yield and Quality of Havana Seed Tobacco. Nelson, N.T.
- B298 (1928) Report of the Director for the Year Ending October 31, 1928. Slate, W.L.
- B299 (1929) Report of the Tobacco Substation at Windsor fro 1928. Anderson, P.J.
- B300 (1929) The Composition of Some Commercial Insecticides, Fungicides, Bactericides, Rodenticides and Weed Killers. Fisher, H.J.
- B301 (1929) Control Studies of the Plum Curculio in Connecticut Apple Orchards. Garman, P.; Zappe, M.P.
- B302 (1929) The Willow Scab Fungus, Fusicladuim saliciperdum. Clinton, G.P.
- B303 (1929) Report on Inspection of Commercial Feeding Stuffs 1928. Bailey, E.M.
- B304 (1929) The Asiatic Beetle in Connecticut. Friend, R.B.
- B305 (1929) Twenty-Eight Report of the State Entomologist of Connecticut 1928. Britton, W.E.
- B306 (1929) Soil Reaction and Liming As Factors in Tobacco Production in Connecticut. Morgan, M.F.
- B307 (1929) The Thirty-Third Report on Food Products and the Twenty-First Report on Drug Products 1928. Bailey, E.M.
- B308 (1929) Report on Inspection of Commercial Fertilizers for 1929. Bailey, E.M.
- B309 (1929) Fifty Years Index 1877-1927. Jenkins, E.H.
- B310 (1930) Canada-Leaming Corn. Jones, D.F.; Singleton, W.R.
- B311 (1930) Tobacco Substation at Windsor. Report for 1929. Anderson, P.J.; Swanback, T.R.
- B312 (1930) Thomas B. Osborne: A Memorial. Slate, W.L.; Jenkins, E.H.; Bailey, E.M.; Vickery, H.B.
- B313 (1930) The Oriental Peach Moth In Connecticut. Garman, P.
- B314 (1930) White Pine Blister Rust Control in Connecticut. Riley, J.E.
- B315 (1930) Connecticut State Entomologist 1929. Britton, W.E.
- B316 (1930) A Maple Leaf Disease Caused By Cristulariella Depraedans. Bowen, P.R.
- B317 (1930) Report on Inspection. Commercial Feeding Stuffs 1929. Bailey, E.M.
- B318 (1930) Report of the Director for the Year Ending October 31, 1929. Slate, W.L.
- B319 (1930) The Thirty-fourth report on food products and the Twenty-Second Report on Drug Products, 1929. Bailey, E.M.
- B320 (1930) The Soils of Connecticut. Progress Report of Investigations, 1924-1930. Morgan, M.F.
- B321 (1930) Commercial Fertilizers: Report for 1930. Bailey, E.M.
- B322 (1931) Report of the Director for the Year Ending October 31, 1930. Slate, W.L.
- B323 (1931) Chemical Investigations of the Tobacco Plant: I. A Preliminary Study of the non-Volatile Organic Acids of Tobacco Leaves. Vickery, H.B.; Pucher, G.W.
- B324 (1931) Chemical Investigations of the Tobacco Plant: II. The Chemical Changes that Occur During the Curing of Connecticut Shade-Grown Tobacco. Vickery, H.B.; Pucher, G.W.
- B325 (1931) Commercial Feeding Stuffs: Report on Inspection 1930. Bailey. E.M.
- B326 (1931) Tobacco Substation at Windsor. Report for 1930. Anderson, P.J.; Swanback, T.R.; Street, O.E.
- B327 (1931) Connecticut State Entomologist. Thirtieth Report 1930. Britton, W.E.
- B328 (1931) The Squash Vine Borer, Mellittia Satyriniformis Hubner. Friend, R.B.
- B329 (1931) The Thirty-fifth Report on Food Products and the Twenty-Third Report on Drug Products 1930. Bailey, E.M.
- B330 (1931) The Relation of Forest Composition and Rate of Growth to a Certain Soil Characters. Hicock, H.W.; Morgan M.F.; Lutz, H.J.; Bull, H.; Lunt, H.A.
- B331 (1931) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1931. Bailey, E.M.
- B332 (1931) The Mexican Bean Beetle in Connecticut. Friend, R.B.; Turner, N.
- B333 (1932) Microchemical Soil Tests. Morgan, M.F.
- B334 (1932) Potash Requirements of the Tobacco Crop. Anderson, P.J.; Swanback, T.R.; Street, O.E.
- B335 (1932) Tobacco Substation at Windsor. Report for 1931. Anderson, P.J.; Swanback, T.R.; Street, O.E.
- B336 (1932) Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Report on Inspection 1931. Bailey, E.N.
- B337 (1932) Report of the Director for the Year Ending Oct. 31, 1931. Slate, W.L.
- B338 (1932) Connecticut State Entomologist. Thirty-first report. 1931. Britton, W.E.
- B339 (1932) Chemical Investigations of the Tobacco Plant. III. Tobacco Seed. Mendel, L.B.; Vichery, H.B.; Wakeman. A.J.; Leabenworth, C.S.; McCormick, F.A.
- B340 (1932) The Food Value Of Milk. A revision of Bulletin 215, 1919. Anonymous.
- B341 (1932) The Thirty-Sixth Report on Food Products and the Twenty-Fourth Report on Drug Products 1931. Bailey, E.M.
- B342 (1932) Profile Characteristics Of New England Forest Soils. Lunt, H.A.
- B343 (1932) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1932. Bailey, E.M.
- B344 (1933) Plant Pest Handbook for Connecticut. I. Insects. Britton, W.E.
- B345 (1933) Dedication of Jenkins Laboratory, Oct.11, 1931. Anonymous.
- B346 (1933) The Composition of Some Commercial Insecticides, Fungicides, Bactericides, Rodenticides and Weed Killers. Fisher, H.J.; Bailey. E.M.
- B347 (1933) Report of the Director for the Year Ending Oct. 31, 1932. Slate, W.L.
- B348 (1933) The Birch Leaf-Mining Sawfly Fenusa Pumila klug. Friend, R.B.
- B349 (1933) Connecticut State Entomologist. Thirty Second Report 1932. Britton, W.E.
- B350 (1933) Tobacco Substation at Windsor. Report for 1932. Swanback, T. R.; Street, O.E.; Anderson, P.J.
- B351 (1933) Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Report on Inspection 1932. Bailey, E.M.
- B352 (1933) Chemical Investigations of the Tobacco Plant. IV. The Effect of the Curling Process on the Organic Acids of Tobacco Leaves. Vickery, H.B.; Pucher, G.W.
- B353 (1933) Studies on parasites of the Oriental Fruit Moth. I. Trichogramma. Schread, J.C.; Garman, P.
- B354 (1933) The Thirty-Seventh Report on Food Products and the Twenty-Fifth report on Drug Products, 1932. Bailey, E.M.
- B355 (1933) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1933. Bailey, E.M.
- B356 (1933) Studies on parasites of the Oriental Fruit Moth. II. Macrocentrus. Garman, P.; Brigham, W.T.
- B357 (1934) Report of the Director for the Year Ending Oct. 31, 1933. Slate, W.L.
- B358 (1934) Plant Pest Handbook For Connecticut. II. Diseases and Injuries. Clinton, G.P.
- B359 (1934) Tobacco Substation at Windsor. Report for 1933. Anderson, P.J.; Swanback, T.R.; Street, O.E.
- B360 (1934) Connecticut State Entomologist. Thirty-Third Report 1933. Britton, W.E.
- B361 (1934) Crossed Sweet Corn. Jones, D.F.; Singleton, W.R.
- B362 (1934) Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Report on Inspection 1933. Bailey, E.M.
- B363 (1934) The Thirty-Eighth Report on Food Products and the Twenty-Sixth Report on Drugs. Bailey, E.M.
- B364 (1934) Tobacco Culture In Connecticut. Anderson, P.J.
- B365 (1934) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1934. Bailey, E.M.
- B366 (1935) Report of the Director for the Year Ending Oct. 31, 1934. Slate, W.L.
- B367 (1935) Tobacco Substation at Windsor. Report for 1934. Anderson, P.J.; Swanback, T.R. ; Street, O.E.
- B368 (1935) Connecticut State Entomologist. Thirty-Fourth Report 1934. Britton, W.E.
- B369 (1935) Insect Pests of Elms in Connecticut. Britton, W.E.; Friend, R.B.
- B370 (1935) Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Report on Inspection 1934. Bailey, E.M.
- B371 (1935) Further Experiments on Mexican Bean Beetle Control. Turner, N.; Friend, R.B.
- B372 (1935) The Universal Soil Testing System. Morgan, M.F.
- B373 (1935) The Thirty-Ninth Report on Food Products and the Twenty-seventh Report on Drug Products 1934. Bailey, E.M.
- B374 (1935) Chemical Investigations of the Tobacco Plant. V. Chemical Changes that occur During Growth. Vickery, H.B.; Pucher, G.W.; Leavenworth, C.S.; Wakeman, A.J. (8.46mb, 36 pages)
- B375 (1935) The Gypsy Moth. Britton, W.E.
- B376 (1935) The Improvement of Naturally Cross-Pollinated Plants by Selection in Self-Fertilized Lines. II.The testing and Utilization of Inbred Strains of Corn. Jones, D.F.; Singleton, W.R.
- B377 (1935) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1935. Bailey, E.M.
- B378 (1935) The Eastern Tent Caterpillar. Britton, W.E.
- B379 (1935) Insect Pests of Growing Tobacco in Connecticut. LaCroix, D.S.
- B380 (1936) Sand Culture of Seedlings. Dunlap, A.A.
- B381 (1936) Report of the Director for the Year Ending October 31, 1935. Slate, W.L.
- B382 (1936) Termite Control in Buildings in Connecticut. Turner, N.; Townsend, J.F.
- B383 (1936) Connecticut State Entomologist. Thirty-Fifth Report 1935. Britton, W.E.
- B384 (1936) Soil Changes Resulting from Nitrogenous Fertilization. A Lysimeter Study. Morgan, M.F.
- B385 (1936) Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Report on Inspection 1935. Bailey, E.M.
- B386 (1936) Tobacco Substation at Windsor. Report for 1935. Anderson, P.J.; Swaneback, T.R.; Street, O.E.
- B387 (1936) The Morphology of the Elm bark Beetle Hylurgopinus Rufipes(Eichhoff). Kaston, B.J.
- B388 (1936) The Fortieth Report on Food Products and the Twenty-Eighth report on Drug Products 1935. Bailey, E.M.
- B389 (1936) Dutch Elm Disease, Graphium Ulmi. Clinton, G.P.; McCormick, F.A.
- B390 (1936) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1936. Bailey, E.M.
- B391 (1936) Tobacco Substation at Windsor. Report for 1936. Anderson, P.J.; Swaneback, T.R.; Street, O.E.
- B392 (1937) The Universal Soil Testing System. (A revision of bulletin 372) Morgan, M.F.
- B393 (1937) Report of the Director for the Year Ending October 31, 1936. Slate, W.L.
- B394 (1937) Forest Lysimeter Studies Under Red Pine. Lunt, H.A.
- B395 (1937) European Corn Borer Investigations: Experiments with Insecticides on Early Sweet Corn. Batchelder, C.H.; Questel, D.D.; Turner, N.
- B396 (1937) Connecticut State Entomologist. Thirty-Sixth Report 1936. Britton, W.E.
- B397 (1937) Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Report on Inspection 1936. Bailey, E.M.
- B398 (1937) The Composition of Some Commercial Insecticides, Fungicides, Bactericides, Rodenticides and Weed Killers. Fisher, H.J.; Bailey, E.M.
- B399 (1937) Chemical Investigations of the Tobacco Plant. VI. Chemical Changes that Occur in leaves During Culture in Light and Darkness. Vickery, H.B.; Pucher, G.W.; Wakeman, A.J.; Leavenworth, C.S.
- B400 (1937) Some Common Household Insects and Their Control. Turner, N. ; Walden, B.H.
- B401 (1937) The Forty-First Report on Drug Products 1936. Bailey, E.M.
- B402 (1937) A Study of the Bulb Mite. (Rhizoglyphus hyacinthi Banks) Garman, P.
- B403 (1937) The Control of Carpenter Ants in Telephone Poles. Friend, R.B.
- B404 (1937) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1937. Anonymous.
- B405 (1937) Downy Mildew of Tobacco. Anderson, P.J.
- B406 (1938) A Study of the Influence of the Interval Between Matings Upon The Reproductive Performance of the Albino Rat. Smith, A.H.
- B407 (1938) Chemical Investigations of the Tobacco Plant. VII. Chemical Changes that Occur in Stalks During Culture in Light and Darkness. Vickery, H.B.; Pucher, G.W
- B408 (1938) Connecticut State Entomologist . Thirty Seventh Report 1937. Britton, W.E
- B409 (1938) Report of the Director for the Year Ending October 31, 1937. Slate, W.L
- B410 (1938) Tobacco Substation at Windsor. Report for 1937. Anderson, P.J.; Swanback, T.R.; Street, O.E.
- B411 (1938) The Japanese Beetle in Connecticut. Britton, W.E.; Johnson, J.P
- B412 (1938) A Survey of Diseases and Defects in Connecticut Forests. Kienholz, R.; Bidwell, C.B.
- B413 (1938) Red Pine in Connecticut Forest Plantations. Part I. Volume Tables for red Pine, Pinus resinosa , Solander. Hicock, H.W.; Keinholz, R.
- B414 (1938) Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Report on Inspection 1937. Bailey, E.M
- B415 (1938) The Forty-Second Report on Food Products and The Thirtieth Report on Drug Products 1937. Bailey, E.M.
- B416 (1938) The Use of Fertilizer in the Coniferous Nursery With Special Reference to Pinus resinosa. Lunt, H.A.
- B417 (1938) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1938. Bailey, E.M.
- B418 (1938) The European Red Mite and Its Control. Garman, P.; Townsend, J.F.
- B419 (1939) Hibernation of the Corn Ear Worm in Southern Connecticut. Barber, G.W.
- B420 (1939) The Native Elm Bark Beetle, Hylurgopinus rufipes (Eichhoff) in Connecticut. Kaston, B.J.
- B421 (1939) Annual Report for the Year Ending October 31, 1938. Slate, W.L.
- B422 (1939) Tobacco Substation at Windsor. Report for 1938. Anderson, P.J.; Swanback, T.R.; Street, O.E.
- B423 (1939) The Soil Characteristics of Connecticut Land Types. Morgan, M.F.
- B424 (1939) Chemical Investigations of the Rhubarb Plant. Vickery, H.B.; Pucher, G.W.; Wakeman, A.J.
- B425 (1939) Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Report on Inspection 1938. Bailey, E.M.
- B426 (1939) The Forty-Third Report on Food Products 1938 and the Thirty-First report on Drug Products. Bailey, E.M.
- B427 (1939) Volume tables: Plantation Grown White Pine, Pinus strobus, L. In Connecticut. Hicock, H.W.; Rhodes, A.D.; Olson, A.R.
- B428 (1939) Connecticut State Entomologist. Thirty-eighth Report 1938. Britton, W.E.
- B429 (1939) Seasonal Water and Nitrate Leachings in Relation to Soil and Source of Fertilizer Nitrogen. ( A second report on Windsor Lysimeter Series"A") Morgan, M.F.; Street, O.E.
- B430 (1939) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1939. Bailey, E.M.
- B431 (1940) Tetranychidae of Connecticut. Garman, P.
- B432 (1940) Diseases and Decays of Connecticut Tobacco. Anderson, P.J.
- B433 (1940) Tobacco Substation at Windsor. Report for 1939. Anderson, P.J.; Swanback, T.R.; Street, O.E.
- B434 (1940) Connecticut State Entomologist . Thirty Ninth Report for 1939. Friend, R.B.
- B435 (1940) The Improvement of Naturally Cross-Pollinated Plants by Selection in Self-Fertilized Lines. III.The Investigations with Vegetatively Propagated Fruits. Jones, D.F.
- B436 (1940) Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Report on Inspection 1939. Bailey, E.M.
- B437 (1940) The Forty-Fourth Report on Food Products and the Thirty-Second Report on Drug Products 1939. Bailey, E.M
- B438 (1940) Annual Report for the Year Ending October 31, 1939. Slate, W.L.
- B439 (1940) Soil Management for Intensive Vegetable Production on Sandy Connecticut Valley Land. Morgan, M.F. and H.G.M. Jacobson
- B440 (1940) The Biology of Anasa tristids DeGeer, With Particular Reference to the Tachinid Parasite, Trichopoda pennipes Fabr. Beard, R.L.
- B441 (1940) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1940. Bailey, E.M.
- B442 (1940) Chemical Investigations of the Tobacco Plant. VIII. The Effect Upon the Composition of the Tobacco Plant of the Form Which Nitrogen is Supplied. Vickery, H.B.; Pucher, G.W.; Wakeman, A.J.; Leavenworth, C.S.
- B443 (1940) Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Bailey, E.M.
- B444 (1941) Tobacco Substation at Windsor. Report for 1940. Anderson, P.J.; Swanback, T.R.; LeCompte, S.B. Jr.
- B445 (1941) Connecticut State Entomologist. Fortieth Report 1940. Friend, R.B.
- B446 (1941) Annual Report for the Year Ending October 31, 1940. Anonymous.
- B447 (1941) The Forty-Fifth Report on Food Products and the Thirty-Third Report on Drug Products 1940. Bailey, E.M.
- B448 (1941) A Portable Charcoal Kiln Using the Chimney Principle. Olson, A.R.
- B449 (1941) Forest Lysimeter Studies Under Hardwoods. Lunt, H.A.
- B450 (1941) Chemical Soil Diagnosis by the Universal Soil Testing System. (a revision of Bulletin 392) Morgan, M.F.
- B451 (1941) Role of the Dosage-Response Curve in the Evaluation of Fungicides. Dimond, A.E.; Horsfall, J.G.; Heuberger, J.W.; Stoddard, E.M.
- B452 (1941) Annual Report for the Year Ending October 31, 1941. Anonymous.
- B453 (1941) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1941. Bailey, E.M.
- B454 (1942) Distribution of Roots of Certain Tree Species in Two Connecticut Soils. Garin, G.I.
- B455 (1942) Meeting the Spray Material Shortage. Turner, N.; Horsfall, J.G.
- B456 (1942) Causes, Effects and Control of Defoliation on Tomatoes. Horsfall, J.G.; Heuberger, J.W.
- B457 (1942) Tobacco Substation at Windsor. Report for 1941. Anderson, P.J.; Swanback, T.R.
- B458 (1942) Soil and Crop Interrelations of Various Nitrogenous Fertilizers. Morgan, M.F.; Jacobson, H.G.M.
- B459 (1942) Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Report on Inspection. Bailey, E.M.
- B460 (1942) The Forty-Sixth Report on Food Products and the Thirty-Fourth Report on Drug Products 1941. Bailey, E.M.
- B461 (1942) Connecticut State Entomologist. Fourty-First Report 1941. Friend, R.B.
- B462 (1942) Investigations on the Control of the European Corn Borer. Beard, R.L.; Turner, N.
- B463 (1942) A Wood-Burning Conversion Unit for Household Furnaces. Hicock, H.W.; Olson, A.R.; Seeley, L.E.
- B464 (1942) The Rainbow Forest Plantations. Report of Progress, 1942. Hicock, H.W.
- B465 (1942) Cytological and Genetic Studies of Sterility in Inbred and Hybrid Maize. Clark, F.J.
- B466 (1942) Drainage Water Losses from a Sandy Soil as Affected by Cropping and Cover Crops. Windsor Lysimeter Series C. Morgan, M.F.; Jacobson, H.G.M.; LeCompte, S.B.Jr.
- B467 (1942) Commercial Fertilizers, Report for 1942. Bailey, E.M.
- B468 (1943) Annual Report for the Year Ending October 31, 1942. Anonymous.
- B469 (1943) Tobacco Substation at Windsor. Report for 1942. Anderson, P.J.; Swanback, T.R.; LeCompte, S.B.Jr.
- B470 (1943) Notes on Livestock Poisoning in Connecticut. Shepard, C.E.; Bailey, E.M.; Walden, D.C.
- B471 (1943) The Significance of Growth Stages of Sweet Corn as Related to Infestation by the European Corn Borer. Beard, R.L. (4.87mb, 29 pages)
- B472 (1943) Connecticut State Entomologist. Forty-Second Report 1942. Friend, R.B.
- B473 (1943) Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Report on Inspection 1942. Bailey, E.M.
- B474 (1943) Control of the Apple Maggot with Rotenone Dusts. Garman, P.
- B475 (1943) The Forty-Seventh Report on Food Products and the Thirty-Fifth Report on Drug Products 1942. Bailey, E.M.
- B476 (1943) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1943. Bailey, E.M.
- B477 (1944) Report of the Director for the Year Ending October 31, 1943. Slate, W.L.
- B478 (1944) Tobacco Substation at Windsor. Report for 1943. Anderson, P.J.; Swanback, T.R.; LeCompte, S.B.Jr.
- B479 (1944) The Imported Long-Horned Weevil, Calomycterus setarius Roelofs. Johnson, J.P.
- B480 (1944) Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Report on Inspection 1943. Bailey, E.M.
- B481 (1944) Connecticut State Entomologist. Forty-Third Report 1943. Friend, R.B.
- B482 (1944) The Forty-Eighth Report on Food Products and the Thirty-Sixth Report on Drug Products 1942. Bailey, E.M.
- B483 (1944) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1944. Bailey, E.M.
- B484 (1945) Report of the Director for the Year Ending October 31, 1943. Slate, W.L.
- B485 (1945) A Study of Stickers for Lead Arsenate Sprays on Fruit Trees. Garman, P.
- B486 (1945) Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Report on Inspection 1944. Bailey, E.M.
- B487 (1945) Tobacco Substation at Windsor. Report for 1944. Anderson, P.J.; Swanback, T.R.
- B488 (1945) Connecticut State Entomologist. Forty-Fourth Report 1944. Friend, R.B.
- B489 (1945) The Forty-Ninth Report on Food Products and the Thirty-Seventh Report on Drug Products 1942. Bailey, E.M.
- B490 (1945) The Improvement of Naturally Cross-Pollinated Plants by Selection in Self-Fertilized Lines. IV. Combining Ability of Successive Generations of Inbred Sweet Corn. Singleton, W.R.; Nelson, O.E. Jr.
- B491 (1945) Studies of the Milky Disease of Japanese Beetle Larvae. Beard, R.L.
- B492 (1945) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1945. Bailey, E.M.
- B493 (1946) Tobacco Substation at Windsor. Report for 1945. Anderson, P.J.; Swanback, T.R.
- B494 (1946) A Charcoal Kiln Made of Cinder-Concrete Blocks. Olson, A.R.; Hicock, H.W.
- B495 (1945) Some Fundamental Aspects of Control of The European Corn Borer. Turner, N.
- B496 (1946) Chemical Investigations of the Metabolism of Plants. I. The Nitrogen Nutrition of Narcissus poeticus. Vickery, H.B.; Pucher, G.W.; Wakeman, A.J.; Leavenworth, C.S.
- B497 (1946) Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Report on Inspection 1945. Fisher, H.J.
- B498 (1946) Dutch Elm Disease and Its Chemotherapy. Zentmyer, G.A.; Horsfall, J.G.; Wallace, P.P.
- B499 (1946) The Fiftieth Report on Food Products and the Thirty-Eighth Report on Drug Products 1945. Fisher, J.J.
- B500 (1946) Physiology of Fusarium Foot Rot of Squash. Gries, G.A.
- B501 (1946) 45th Report, 1945. Connecticut State Entomologist. Friend, R.B.
- B502 (1946) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1946. Fisher, H.J.
- B503 (1947) Fertilizing Connecticut Tobacco. Swanback, T.R.; Anderson, P.J.
- B504 (1947) Report for 1946. Tobacco Substation at Windsor. Anderson, P.J.; Swanback, T.R.
- B505 (1947) Japanese Beetle--Life History and Control. Schread, J.C.
- B506 (1947) The X-Disease of Peach and Its Chemotherapy. Stoddard, E.M.
- B507 (1947) Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Report on Inspection 1946. Fisher, H.J.
- B508 (1947) Fungicidal Action of Metallic Alkyl Bisdithiocarbamates. Barratt, R.W.; Horsfall, J.G.
- B509 (1947) The Preservative Treatment of Fence Posts and other Structural Materials. Hicock, H.W.; Olson, A.R.
- B510 (1947) The 51st Report on Food Products and the 39th Report on Drug products 1946. Fisher, H.J.
- B511 (1947) Properties of Plantation-Grown Coniferous Woods. Olson, A.R.; Poletika, N.V.
- B512 (1946) 46th Report, 1946. Connecticut State Entomologist. Friend, R.B.
- B513 (1948) Estimation of the Mean and Its Error from Incomplete Poison Distributions. Bliss, C.I.
- B514 (1948) Connecticut Volume Tables for Plantation-Grown White Pine. Olson, A.R.; Chapman, G.; Hicock, H.W.
- B515 (1948) Control of Ants in Turf and Soil. Schread, J.C.; Chapman, G.
- B516 (1948) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1947. Fisher, H.J.
- B517 (1948) Pole Rot of Tobacco. Anderson, P.J.
- B518 (1948) Hybrid Sweet Corn. Singleton, W.R.
- B519 (1948) The Connecticut Charcoal Kiln. Hicock, H.W.; Olson, A.R.; Fenton, R.H.
- B520 (1948) Mite Species From Apple Trees in Connecticut. Garman, P.
- B521 (1948) Toxicity of Nicotine, Nicotinium Salts and Related Compounds by Injection. Turner, N.; Woodruff, N.; Saunders, D.H.; Eisner, A.
- B522 (1948) Commerial Feeding Stuffs 1947. Fisher, H.J.
- B523 (1948) The Forest Soils of Connecticut. Lunt, H.A.
- B524 (1948) Toxicity of DDT Residues: Effect of Time of Exposure of Insects, Coverage and Tenacity. Turner, N.; Woodruff, N.
- B525 (1948) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1948. Fisher, H.J.
- B526 (1949) Crop Residues as Causative Agents of Root Rots of Vegetables. Cochrane, V.W.
- B527 (1949) Controllling Diseases of Tobacco. Anderson, P.J.
- B528 (1949) The 52nd Report on Food Products and the 40th Report on Drug Products 1947. Fisher, H.J.
- B529 (1949) Connecticut Volume Tables for Plantation-Grown Red Pine, Pinus resinosa, Solander. Olson, A.R.; Hicock, H.W.; McKusick, H.A.
- B530 (1949) Spirally Arranged Plots in a Design for Field Assay of Fungicides. Horsfall, J.G.; Rich, S.
- B531 (1949) An Evaluation of Chemotherapy and Vector Control by Insecticides for Combating Dutch Elm Disease. Dimond, A.E.; Plumb, G.H.; Stoddard, E.M.; Horsfall, J.G.
- B532 (1949) Hybrid Field Corn. Jones, D.F.; Everett, H.L.
- B533 (1949) Report on Inspection. Commercial Feeding Stuffs 1948. Fisher, H.J.
- B534 (1949) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1949. Fisher, H.J.
- B535 (1950) Copper in Tobacco Production. Swanback, T.R.
- B536 (1950) Granite Stone Meal as a Source of Potash for Tobacco. Swanback, T.R.
- B537 (1950) Lamination of Connecticut Red Oak. Poletika, N.V.
- B538 (1950) The 53rd Report of Food Products and the 41st Report on Drug products 1948. Fisher, H.J.
- B539 (1950) Report on Inspection. Commercial Feeding Stuffs 1949. Fisher, H.J.
- B540 (1950) Further Study of Stickers and Reduced Apple Spray Programs. Garman, P.
- B541 (1950) The Morgan Soil Testing System. Lunt, H.A.; Swanson, C.L.W.; Jacobson, H.G.M.
- B541R (1958) The Morgan Soil Testing System. Lunt, H.A.; Jacobson, H.G.M.; Swanson, C.L.W.
- B542 (1951) Fumigation of Tobacco Soils in the Seedbed and in the Field. Anderson, P.J.; Swanback, T.R.
- B543 (1951) The Effect of Some Polyethyleneglycol Derivatives on the Toxicity of Nicotine to Insects. Turner, N.; Saunders, D.H.; Willaman, J.J.
- B544 (1950) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1950. Fisher, H.J.
- B545 (1951) The Influence of Seedbed Conditions on the Regeneration of Eastern White Pine. Smith, D.M.
- B546 (1951) Ammonium Nitrate and Poultry Manure in Fertilization of Tobacco. Swanback, T.R.
- B547 (1951) Report on Inspection. Commercial Feeding Stuffs 1950. Fisher, H.J.
- B548 (1951) Effect of Slash Mulch and Slash Burn on Pine and Spruce Plantings. Lunt, H.A.
- B549 (1951) The 54th Report on Food Products and the 42nd Report on Drug Products 1949. Fisher, H.J.
- B550 (1951) The Production of Hybrid Corn Seed Without Detasseling. Jones, D.F.; Mangelsdorf, P.C.
- B551 (1951) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1951. Fisher, H.J.
- B552 (1952) Control of Apple Insects. Garman, P.; Townsend, J.F.
- B553 (1952) The Formation of Asparagine in Etiolatd Seedling of Lupinus albus L. Meiss, A.N.
- B554 (1952) Chrysanthemum Gall Midge. Schread, J.C.
- B555 (1952) Report on Inspection. Commercial Feeding Stuffs 1951. Fisher, H.J.
- B556 (1952) Habits and Control of the Oriental Earthworm. Schread, J.C.
- B557 (1952) Plant Chemotherapy as Evaluated by the Fusarium Wilt Assay on Tomatoes. Dimond, A.E.; Davis, D.; Chapman, R.A.; Stoddard, E.M.
- B558 (1952) The 55th Report on Food Products and the 43rd Report on Drug Products 1950. Fisher, H.J.
- B559 (1952) The Nitrogen Fertilization of Connecticut Tobacco. Swanback, T.R.
- B560 (1952) Substitutes for Stable Manure in Commercial Vegetable Farming. Jacobson, H.G.M.
- B561 (1952) Fertilizer Placement for Connecticut Tobacco. Swanback, T.R.
- B562 (1952) The Toxicology of Habrobracon Venom: A Study of an Natural Insecticide. Beard, R.L.
- B563 (1952) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1952. Fisher, H.J.
- B564 (1953) Growing Tobacco in Connecticut. Anderson, P.J.
- B565 (1953) Boxwood Pests and Their Control. Schread, J.C.
- B566 (1953) The Formation and Development of the Norway Spruce Gall Caused by Adelges abietis L. Plumb, G.H.
- B567 (1953) A Study of Spray Machine in Connecticut Orchards. Garman, P.
- B568 (1953) Control of the Andromeda Lace bug and the Holly Leaf Miner. Schread, J.C.
- B569 (1953) Chemical Investigations of the Tobacco Plant. IX. The Effect of Curing and of Fermentation on the Composition of the Leaves. Vickery, H.B.; Meiss, A.N.
- B570 (1953) Methylenedioxyphenyl Synergists for Insecticides. Turner, N.
- B571 (1953) Report on Commercial Insecticides and Fungicides 1953. Fisher, H.J.
- B572 (1953) Tests of a Lightweight Mist Blower. Potts, S.F.; Spenceer, R.A.; Friend, R.B.
- B573 (1953) Report on Inspection. Commercial Feeding Stuffs 1952. Fisher, H.J.
- B574 (1953) The 56th Report on Food Products and the 44th Report on Drug Products 1951. Fisher, H.J.
- B575 (1953) Control of Peach Insects. Garman, P.; Brigham, W.T.; DeCaprio, A.
- B576 (1953) Quality of Apples as Affected by Sprays. Garman, P.; Keirstead, L.G.; Mathis, W.T.
- B577 (1953) Static and Dynamic variation in the Response of an Insect to Sublethal Doses of Two Gases. Bliss, C.I.; Beard, R.L.
- B578 (1954) Scale Insects and Their Control. Schread, J.C.
- B579 (1954) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1953. Fisher, H.J.
- B580 (1954) Signigicance of Sand and Gravel in the Classification, Mapping and management of Some Coarse-Textured Soils. Swanson, C.L.W.; Ritchie, A.
- B581 (1954) Preservation of Wood by Simple Methods. Hicock, H.W.; Olson, A.R.
- B582 (1954) Report on Inspection. Commercial Feeding Stuffs 1953. Fisher, H.J.
- B583 (1954) Studies of Soil Fauna with Special Reference to the Collembola. Bellinger, P.F.
- B584 (1954) The Morphology, Mineralogy, and Genesis of Two Southern New England Soils. Bourbeau, G.A.; Swanson, C.L.W.
- B585 (1954) The 57th Report on Food Products and the 45th Report on Drug Products 1952. Fisher, H.J.
- B586 (1954) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1954. Fisher, H.J.
- B587 (1955) Assaying Effect of Growth Regulators Upon Plant Tumors. Waggoner, P.E.; Dimond, A.E.
- B588 (1955) Aphids and Scale Insects on Ornamentals. Schread, J.C.
- B589 (1955) Chemical Investigations of the Tobacco Plant: X. Determination of Organic Acids by Ion Exchange Chromatography. Palmer, J.K.
- B590 (1955) Dust Insecticides for the Control of the Imported Cabbage Worm. Wheatley, G.A.
- B591 (1955) Mite Pests of Ornamentals and Their Control. Schread, J.C.
- B592 (1955) Report on Inspection. Commercial Feeding Stuffs 1954. Fisher, H.J.
- B593 (1955) The Use of Woodchips and Other Wood Fragments as Soil Amendments. Lunt, H.A.
- B594 (1955) Tests for Type of Action of Hydrocarbon Insecticides Applied Jointly. Turner, N.
- B595 (1955) Toxicity to Greenhouse Roses From Paints containing Mercury Fungicides. Dimond, A.E.; Stoddard, E.M.
- B596 (1955) The 58th Report on Food Products and the 46th Report on Drug Produts 1953. Fisher, H.J.
- B597 (1955) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1955. Fisher, H.J.
- B598 (1956) Report on Inspection. Commercial Feeding Stuffs 1955. Fisher, H.J.
- B599 (1956) Influence of Drying Rate During Curing on the Physical Properties and Quality of Shade-Grown Tobacco. Pack, A.B.
- B600 (1956) Plant Pest Handbook: A Compendium Based on Findings of Research in Plant Science for Three-Quarters of a Century. Anonymous.
- B601 (1956) Studies of Mineral Balance as Related to Occurrence of Baldwin Spot in Connecticut. Garman, P.; Mathis, W.T.
- B602 (1956) The 59th Report on Food Products and the 47th Report on Drug Products 1954. Fisher, H.J.
- B603 (1956) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1956. Fisher, H.J.
- B604 (1957) Apple Maggot Control Studies. Garman, P.
- B605 (1957) Report on Inspection. Commercial Feeding Stuffs 1956. Fisher, H.J.
- B606 (1957) Soils and Land Use: Hartford County, Connecticut, an area of Specialized Agriculture and Rapid Suburbanization. Ritchie, A.; Swanson, C.L.W.
- B607 (1957) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1957. Fisher, H.J.
- B608 (1957) Root Growth in Connecticut Tobacco Soils. De Roo, H.C.
- B609 (1957) The 60th Report on Food Products and the 48th Report on Drug Products 1955. Fisher, H.J.
- B610 (1957) Pollen Restoring Genes. Jones, D.F.; Stinson, H.T.Jr.; Khoo, U.
- B611 (1957) Selection of Physiologic Strains of Oncopeltus and Its Relation to Insecticide Resistance. Beard, R.L.
- B612 (1958) Influence of Wet-Bulb Temperature During Curing on Properties of Shade-Grown Tobacco. Pack, A.B.
- B613 (1958) Fertilizing Connecticut Tobacco: New Methods for New Needs. De Roo, H.C.
- B614 (1958) Protecting Plants from the Cold. Waggoner, P.E.
- B615 (1958) Periodic Regression in Biology and Climatology. Bliss, C.I.
- B616 (1958) Report on Inspection. Commercial Feeding Stuffs. 1957. Fisher, H.J.
- B617 (1958) The 61st Report on Food Products and the 49th Report on Drug Products 1956. Fisher, H.J.
- B618 (1958) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1958. Fisher, H.J.
- B619 (1958) Laboratory Studies on House Fly Populations. I. A Continuous Rearing System. II. Characteristics of Closed Populations. Beard, R.L.
- B620 (1959) Eastern Hemlock Seeds and Seedlings: Response to Photoperiod and Temperature. Olson, J.S.; Stearns, F.W.; Nienstaedt, H.
- B621 (1959) The Alfalfa Weevil. Quinton, R.J.
- B622 (1959) Digested Sewage Sludge for Soil Improvement. Lunt, H.A.
- B623 (1959) Nitrogen Sources for Connecticut Tobacco. A Report on the Cooperative Tests of 1958. De Roo, H.C.
- B624 (1959) Chemical Control of Weeds and Brush Along Roadsides. Ahrens, J.F.
- B625 (1959) Commercial Feeding Stuffs 1958. Report on Inspection. Fisher, H.J.
- B626 (1959) The Climate of Shade. A Tobacco Tent and a Forest Stand Compared to Open Fields. Waggoner, P.E.; Reifsnyder, W.E.
- B627 (1959) The Storage of Moisture in Connecticut Soils. Hill, D.E.
- B628 (1959) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1959. Fisher, H.J.
- B629 (1959) The 62nd Report on Food Products and the 50th Report on Drug Products 1957. Fisher, H.J.
- B630 (1960) The Pedigree of Connecticut 49 Shade Tobacco. Sands, S.A.
- B631 (1960) Laboratory Studies on House Fly Populations. III. The Influence of Insecticides on Population Trends. Beard, R.L.
- B632 (1960) Mosquitoes in Connecticut. Wallis, R.C.
- B633 (1960) Commercial Feeding Stuffs 1959. Report on Inspection. Fisher, H.J.
- B634 (1960) Plastic Mulching: Principles and benefits. Waggoner, P.E.; Miller, P.M.; De Roo, H.C.
- B635 (1960) The 63rd Report on Food Products and the 51st Report on Drug Products 1958. Fisher, H.J.
- B636 (1961) C2, A New Mosaic Resistant Connecticut Broadleaf Tobacco. Sand, S.A.; Taylor, G.S.
- B637 (1961) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1960. Fisher, H.J.
- B638 (1961) Chemical Control of Weeds in Nursery Plantings. Ahrens, J.F.
- B639 (1961) Fungitoxicity of Carbamic and Thiocarbamic Acid Esters. Rich, S.; Horsfall, J.G.
- B640 (1961) Chemical Investigations of the Tobacco Plant. Vickery, H.B.
- B641 (1961) Caterpillars on Oaks. Hitchcock, S.W.
- B642 (1961) Prevention and Control of Crabgrass in Lawns. Ahrens, J.F.; Olson, A.R.
- B643 (1961) Effect of Sprays on Mite and Insect Species of the Apple Orchard Floor. Garman, P.
- B644 (1961) Deep Tillage and Root Growth: A Study of Tobacco Growing in Sandy Loam Soil. De Roo, H.C.
- B645 (1961) Commercial Feeding Stuffs 1960. Report on Inspection. Fisher, H.J.
- B646 (1961) Population Ecology of the Gypsy Moth, Porthetria dispar L. (Lepidoptera: Lymantridae). Bess, H.A.
- B647 (1961) The 64th Report on Food Products and the 52nd Report on Drug Products 1959. Fisher, H.J.
- B648 (1962) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1961. Fisher, H.J.
- B649 (1962) Control of Crabgrass and Other Weeds in Turf. Ahrens, J.F.; Lukens, R.J.; Olson, A.R.
- B650 (1962) Common Connecticut Flies. Wallis, R.C.
- B651 (1962) Commercial Feeding Stuffs 1961. Report on Inspection. Fisher, H.J.
- B652 (1962) Proceedings of the Lockwood Conference on the Suburban Forest and Ecology. Waggoner, P.E.; Ovington, J.D. (18.96mb, 112 pages)
- B653 (1962) Three Decades of Change in an Unmanaged Connecticut Woodland. Collins, S.
- B654 (1963) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1962. Fisher, H.J.
- B655 (1963) The Gypsy Moth Problem. Fisher, H.J.
- B656 (1963) Plants, Shade, and Shelter. Waggoner, P.E.
- B657 (1963) Connecticut Hybrid Chestnuts and Their Culture. Jaynes, R.A.; Graves, A.H.
- B658 (1963) Effect of Defoliation by the Gypsy Moth. Turner, N.
- B659 (1963) Probabilities of Weekly Averages of the Daily Temperature Maximum, Minimum, and Range. Bingham, C.
- B660 (1963) The 65th Report on Food Products and the 53rd Report on Drug Products 1960 Fisher H.J.
- B661 (1963) Commercial Feeding Stuffs 1962. Fisher H.J.
- B662 (1963) The Paxton Soils. Hill, D.E.; Gonick W.N.
- B663 (1963) Perspectives of Biochemical Plant Pathology. Rich, S.
- B664 (1963) Stomata nd Water Relations in Plants. Zelitch, I.
- B665 (1964) Field Tests with An Aerial Application of Bacillus thuringiensis. Doane, C.C.; Hitchcock, S.W.
- B666 (1964) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1963. Fisher, H.J.
- B667 (1964) Commercial Feeding Stuffs 1963. Report on Inspection. Fisher, H.J.
- B668 (1965) Field Laboratory Studies of DDT and Aquatic Insects. Hitchcock, S.W.
- B669 (1965) Natural Changes in Some Connecticut Woodlands During 30 Years. Olson, A.R.
- B670 (1965) Apple Orchard Soil and Leaf Analysis. Frink, C.R.
- B671 (1965) Commercial Fertiliers. Report for 1964. Part II. List of Registrants, Tonnages Sol, and Analyses. Fisher, H.J.
- B672 (1965) DDT in Connecticut Wildlife. Turner, N.
- B673 (1965) Fungitoxicity of Dioxanes, Dioxolanes, and methylenedioxybenzenes. Horsfall, J.G.; Lukens, R.J.
- B674 (1965) Statistical Relations in Fertilizer Inspection. Bliss, C.I.
- B675 (1965) Commercial Feeding Stuffs 1964. Report on Inspection. Fisher, H.J.
- B676 (1966) Selectivity of Fungicides. Horsfall, J.G.; Lukens, R.J.
- B677 (1966) Biosystematics of the "Leucopterus Complex" of the Genus Blissus (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae). Leonard, D.E.
- B678 (1966) Percolation Testing for Septic Tank Drainage. Hill, D.E.
- B679 (1966) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1965. Part II. List of Registrants, Tonnages Sold, and Analyses. Fisher, H.J.
- B680 (1966) Differences in Development of Strains of the Gypsy Moth, Porthetria dispar (L.). Leonard, D.E.
- B681 (1967) Boxwood Pests and Their Control. Schread J.C.
- B682 (1967) Pesticides. Report of Inspections 1964, 1965, 1966. Hanna, J.G.
- B683 (1967) Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Report for 1965. Hanna, J.G.
- B684 (1968) Control of Lace Bugs on Broadleaf Evergreens. Schread, J.C.
- B685 (1968) Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Report for 1966. Hanna, J.G.
- B686 (unkn) Reserved for Food Report - never published. none
- B687 (unkn) Reserved for Food Report - never published. none
- B688 (1968) The 68th Report on Food Products 1963. Hanna, J.G.
- B689 (1968) The 69th Report on Food Products 1964. Hanna, J.G.
- B690 (1968) The 70th Report on Food Products 1965. Hanna, J.G.
- B691 (1968) The 71th Report on Food Products 1966. Hanna, J.G.
- B692 (1968) The 72th Report on Food Products 1967. Hanna, J.G.
- B693 (1971) Leaf Miners and Their Control. Schread, J.C.
- B693 (1971) (Revised 1971) Leaf Miners and Their Control. Schread, J.C.
- B694 (1968) Aldehyde traps as Antisporulants for fungi. Horsfall, J.G.; Lukens, R.J.
- B695 (1968) Termites in Buildings. Turner, N.
- B696 (1968) Experimental Errors in Derived Thermodynamic Constants. Frink, C.R.; Waggoner, P.E.
- B697 (1968) Chemical Control of Weeds in Connecticut Tobacco. Ahrens, J.F.
- B698 (1969) EPIDEM, A Simulator of Plant Disease Written for a Computer. Waggoner, P.E.; Horsfall, J.G.
- B699 (1969) Control of Mites in and on Bulbs. Schread, J.C.
- B700 (1969) Chemical Control of Weeds in Christmas Tree Plantings. Ahrens, J.F.; Flanagan, T.R.; McCormack, J.L.Jr.
- B701 (1969) Marigolds--A Biological Control of Meadow Nematodes in Gardens. Miller, P.M.; Ahrens, J.F.
- B702 (1969) The 73rd Report on Food Products 1968. Hanna, J.G.
- B703 (1969) Pesticides. Report of Inspections 1967, 1968. Hanna, J.G.
- B704 (1969) Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Report for 1967. Hanna, J.G.
- B705 (1969) Comercial Fertilizers. Report for 1967, 1968. Hanna, J.G.
- B706 (1969) The Charlton Soils. Hill, D.E.; Shearin, A.E.
- B707 (1970) The Forests Anticipated from 40 Years of Natural Transitions in Mixed Hardwoods. Stephens, G.R.; Waggoner, P.E.
- B708 (1969) How Crops Grow - A Century Later. Day, P.R.; editor.
- B709 (1970) Tidal Marshes of Connecticut and Rhode Island. Hill, D.E.; Shearin, A.E.
- B710 (1970) Control of Scale Insects and Mealy bugs on Ornamentals. Schread, J.C.
- B711 (1970) Inductin and Termination of Embryonic Diapause in the Salt Marsh Mosquito, Aedes sollicitans (Diptera: Culicidae). Anderson, J.F.
- B712 (1970) The 74th Report on Food Products 1969. Hanna, J.G.
- B713 (1970) Pesticides. Report of Inspections 1969. Hanna, J.G.
- B714 (1970) Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Report for 1968 and 1969. Hanna, J.G.
- B715 (1970) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1969. Hanna, J.G.
- B716 (1970) A Dipstick Test for the Mass Screening of Children for Lead Poisoning based on Urinary Delta-Aminolevulinic Acid (ALA) Hankin, L.; Hanson, K.R.; Kornfeld, J.M.; Ullmann, W.W.
- B717 (1971) Chemical Control of German Cockroaches in Urban Apartments. Moore, R.C.
- B718 (1971) Drainage, Drought, Defoliation, and Death in Unmanaged Connecticut Forests. Stephens, G.R.; Hill, D.E.
- B719 (1971) The 75th Report on Food Products 1970. Hanna, J.G.
- B720 (1971) Pesticides. Report of Inspections 1970. Hanna, J.G.
- B721 (1971) Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Report for 1970. Hanna, J.G.
- B722 (1971) Commercial Fertilizers. Report for 1970. Hanna, J.G.
- B723 (1971) Relation of Insect Defoliation to Mortality in Connecticut Forests. Stephens, G.R.
- B724 (1971) Aerial Application of Insecticides for Control of the Gypsy Moth, With Studies on Effects on Non Target Insects and Birds. Doane, C.C.; Schaefer, P.W.
- B725 (1971) Insecticidal Mycotoxins Produced by Aspergillus flavus Var. columnaris. Beard, R.L.; Walton, G.S.
- B726 (1971) Transpiration and Its Control by Stomata in a Pine Forest. Waggoner, P.E.; Turner, N.C.
- B727 (1972) The Biochemistry and Methodology of Composting. Poincelot.
- B728 (1972) 76th Report on Food from Connecticut Markets and Farms. Hanna, J.G.
- B729 (1972) Epimay, A Simulator of Southern Corn Leaf Blight. Waggoner, P.E.; Horsfall, J.G.; Lukens,R.L.
- B730 (1972) Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Inspection Report 1971. Hanna, J.G.
- B731 (1972) Commercial Fertilizers. Inspection Report 1971. Hanna, J.G.
- B732 (1972) Pesticides. Inspection Report 1972. Hanna, J.G.
- B733 (1972) Use of Natural Resource Data in Land and Water Planning. Hill, D.E.; Thomas, H.F.
- B734 (1972) Pesticides. Inspection Report. Hanna, J.G.
- B735 (1973) Aerial Applications of Bacillus thuringiensis Against Larvae of the Elm Spanworm and gypsy Moth and Effects on Parasitoids of the Gypsy Moth. Dunbar, D.M.; Kaya, H.K.; Doane, C.C.; Anderson, J.F.; Weseloh, R.M.
- B736 (1973) Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Inspection Report 1972. Hanna, J.G.
- B737 (1973) 77th Report on Food From connecticut Markets and Farms. Hanna, J.G.
- B738 (1973) Commercial Fertilizers. Inspection Report 1972. Hanna, J.G.
- B739 (1973) Comparative Efficiency of Energy Use in Crop Production. Heichel, G.H.
- B740 (1973) Cockroach Proofing. Preventative Treatments for Control of Cockroaches in Urban Housing and Food Service Carts. Moore, R.C.
- B741 (1974) Pesticides. Inspection Report 1973. Hanna, J.G.
- B742 (1974) Commercial Fertilizers. Inspection Report 1973. Hanna, J.G.
- B743 (1974) Commercial Feeding Stuffs. Inspection Report 1973. Hanna, J.G.
- B744 (1974) Aerial Tests with Bacillus thuringiensis and Pyrethroids. Kaya, H.K.; Dunbar, D.M.; Doane,C.C.; Weseloh, R.M.; Anderson, J.F.
- B745 (1974) 78th Report on Food from Connecticut Markets and Farms 1973. Hanna, J.G.
- B746 (1974) Commercial fertilizers. Special Inspeciton, February 1974. Hanna, J.G.
- B747 (1974) Longevity of Septic Systems in Connecticut Soil. Hill, D.E.; Frink, C.R.
- B748 (1974) Termite Biology & Bait-Block method of Control. Beard, R.L.
- B749 (1974) Defoliation in Connecticut 1969-1974. Anderson, J.F.; Gould, S.W.
- B750 (1975) Agricultural and Horticultural Utilization of Fermentation Residues. De Roo, H.C.
- B751 (1975) Chemical and Biological Control of Fruit Pests in Connecticut. Moore, R.C.
- B752 (1975) American and European Foulbrood in Colonies of Honey Bees in Connecticut. Anderson and Kaya.
- B753 (1975) Performance of Bluegrass Cultivars Under a Low Maintenance program. Lukens, R.J.; Walton,G.S.; Miller, P.M.
- B754 (1975) The Biochemistry and Methodology of Composting. Poincelot.
- B755 (1975) 1974 Inspection of Fertilizer, Pesticide and Feed Products. Hanna, J.G.
- B756 (1975) Report on the Quality of Food Sold in Connecticut 1974. Hanna, J.G.
- B757 (1975) Status of Control of Japanese and Oriental Beetles in Connecticut. Dunbar, D.M.; Beard, R.L. (1.38mb, 6 pages)
- B758 (1975) Science and the World Food Problem. Evenson, R.E.
- B759 (1975) Water Chemistry and Fertility of Twenty-Three Connecticut Lakes. Norvell, W.A.; Frink, C.R.
- B760 (1975) The Effects of Additives on Freshness and Flammability of Christmas Trees. Ahrens and Stephens.
- B761 (1976) Bird Damage to Connecticut Corn. Heichel, G.H.; Washko, W.W.
- B762 (1976) 1975 Inspections of Fertilizer, Pesticide and Feed Products. Hanna, J.G.
- B763 (1976) Agricultural Innovators and Innovations - Donald F. Jones and Hybrid Corn. Becker, S.L.
- B764 (1976) Reduced Spray Programs for Control of Fruit Pests in Connecticut. Moore, R.C.
- B765 (1976) The Red Pine Scale in North America. A Report to the 1975 Eastern Plant Board. Anderson, J.F.; Ford, R.P.; Kegg, J.D.'Risley, J.H.
- B766 (1976) Herbicides from Conifer Seedbeds. Ahrens, J.F.; Merrill, C.G.; Cubanski, M.
- B767 (1976) Butter Makes Them Grow - An Episode in the Discovery of Vitamins. Becker, S.L.
- B768 (1976) Nematodes in Connecticut Lawns and Gardens. Miller, P.M.
- B769 (1977) Land for Growing Food in Connecticut. A Report to the General Assembly. Waggoner, P.E.; Tuttle, D.A.; Hill, D.E.
- B770 (1977) 1976 Inspections of Fertilizer, Pesticide and Feed Products. Hanna, J.P.
- B771 (1978) Special Fertilizer Analysis. Hanna, J.P.
- B772 (1978) 1977 Inspections of Fertilizer, Pesticide and Feed Products. Hanna, J.P.
- B773 (1978) Black Shank of Tobacco in Connecticut Fields. Taylor, G.S.; McIntyre, J.L.; Waggoner, P.E.
- B774 (1978) Leaf-mold for Soil Improvement in Home Gardens. Hill, D.E.
- B775 (1979) Growing Tobacco Seedlings in Multipot Trays. De Roo, H.C.; Taylor, G.S.
- B776 (1979) Soil Interpretations for Waste Disposal. Hill, D.E.
- B777 (1978) The American Chestnut: New Hope for a Fallen Giant. Anagnostakis, S.
- B778 (1979) 1978 Inspections of Fertilizer, Pesticide, and Feed Products. Hanna, J.G.
- B779 (1979) Nitrate Nitrogen Fluctuations in Groundwater in the Connecticut River Valley. De Roo, H.C.
- B780 (1979) RVRFLO -- A Hydraulic Simulator of Water Quality in the Upper Housatonic River in Connecticut. Aylor, D.E.; Frink, C.R.
- B781 (1979) Split-night Temperatures in a Greenhouse: The Effects on the Physiology and Growth of Plants. Gent, M.P.N.; Thorne, J.H.; Aylor, D.E.
- B782 (1980) Quality of Milk and Patterns of Consumption by Children in Connecticut Schools and Camps. Hankin, L.; Stephens, G.R.; Shields, D.; Cushman, K.
- B783 (1980) A Half Century of Natural Transitions in Mixed Hardwood Forests. Stephens, G.R.; Waggoner, P.E.
- B784 (1980) 1979 Inspection of Fertilizer, pesticide and Feed Products. Hanna, J.G.
- B785 (1980) Quality of Yogurt. Hankin, L.; Shields, D.
- B786 (1980) Evaluation of Raw and Decomposed Leaves for Soil Improvement in Home Gardens. Hill, D.E.
- B787 (1980) Soils of Connecticut. Hill, D.E.
- B788 (1980) Sewage Sludge for Plant Growth: Benefits and Potential Hazards. Sawhney, B.L.; Norvell, W.A.
- B789 (1980) Bantam Lake Sediments: Physical and Chemical Properties Relevant to Dredging and Spoils Disposal. Norvell, W.A.
- B790 (1980) Quality of Juice Drinks. Hankin, L.; Shields, D.; Hanna, J.G.
- B791 (1980) Quality of Cottage Cheese and Ricotta Cheese. Hankin, L.; Shields, D.; Hanna, J.G.
- B792 (1980) Efficient Use of Nitrogen on Crop Land in the Northeast. Barker,G.W.; editor.
- B793 (1980) Quality of Egg Nog. Hankin, L.; Shields, D.; Hanna, J.G.
- B794 (1981) Quality of Chip Dips. Hankin, L.; Shields, D.; Hanna, J.G.
- B795 (1981) Quality of Sour Cream and Non-Butterfat Sour Dressing. Hankin, L.; Shields, D.; Hanna, J.G.
- B796 (1978) Defoliation and Mortality in Connecticut Forests. Stephens, G.R.
- B797 (1981) The Gypsy Moth in Connecticut: 1. Defoliation 1975-1980. 2. Review of Biological Control Studies. Anderson and Weseloh.
- B798 (1980) 1980 Inspections of Fertilizers, Pesticide and Fedd Products. Hanna, J.G.
- B799 (1982) Quality of Aspirin. Hankin, L.
- B800 (1982) Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Housatonic River Sediments in Massachusetts and Connecticut: Determination, Distribution, and Transport. Frink, C.R.; Sawhney, B.L.; Kulp, K.P.; Fredette, C.G.
- B801 (1963) Growing Degree Days. Dethier and Vittum.
- B802 (1982) Quality of Reconstituted Chilled Orange Juice. Squires, S.; Hanna, J.G.; Hankin, L.
- B803 (1982) Quality of Crackers. Hankin, L.; McLean, L.A.; Hanna, J.G.
- B804 (1982) Fruit Content of Breakfast Cereals. Hankin, L.; Hanna, J.G.
- B805 (1982) Mulches: Their Effect on Fruit Set, Timing, and Yields of Vegetables. Hill, D.E.; Hankins, L.; Stephens, G.R..
- B806 (1982) Feasibility of Inactivating Phosphorus With Aluminum Salts in Ball Pond, CT. Norvell, W.A.
- B807 (1982) Aerial Spray Test with Bacillus thuringiensis for Control of the Gypsy Moth in Connecticut. Andreadis,T.G.; Dubois,N.R.; Weseloh, R.M.; Moore, R.E.B.; Anderson, J.F.; Lewis, F.B.
- B808 (1982) 1982 Inspections of Fertilizer, Pesticide, and Feed Products. Hanna, J.G.
- B809 (1983) Acid Rain - Sources and Effects in CT Report of the Acid Rain Task Force. Report to the Governor and to the Assembly. Unknown
- B810 (1983) Quality of Tofu and other Soy Products. Hankin, L.; Hanna, J.G.
- B811 (1983) Effects of Acid Rain on Soil and Water. Krug,; Frink, C.R.
- B812 (1983) Quality of Potting Soils. Bugbee, G.J.; Frink, C.R.
- B813 (1983) Quality of Butter and Blends of Butter with Oleomargarine. Hankin, L.; Hanna, J.G.
- B814 (1983) Fertilizer, Pesticide, and Feed Products. Hanna, J.G.
- B815 (1983) Neutralizing Capacity of Antacid Products. Hankin, L.; Hanna, J.G.
- B816 (1983) Fat Content of Ground Beef. Hankin, L.; Hanna, J.G.
- B817 (1984) Chemical and Physical Properties of Connecticut Lakes. Frink, C.R.; Norvell, W.A.
- B818 (1984) Quality of Ice Cream and Ice Milk. Hankin, L.; Hanna, J.G.
- B819 (1984) Inspection of Commercial Fertilizers 1983. Hankin, L.
- B820 (1984) Inspection of Feed Products and Pet Foods 1983. Hankin, L.
- B821 (1984) Inspection of Pesticides, Pool Products, and Pet Preparations. 1983 Hankin, L.
- B822 (1984) Ticks: An Ever Increasing Public Health Menace. Burgdorfer, L.
- B823 (1984) Quality of Delicatessen Meats. Hankin, L.
- B824 (1984) Inspection of Commercial Fertilizers 1984. Hankin, L.
- B825 (1985) Inspection of Feed Products and Pet Foods. 1984. Hankin, L.
- B826 (1985) Inspection of Pesticides, Pool products and Pet Preparation 1984. Hankin, L.
- B827 (1986) Alum Sludge as a Soil Amendment: effects on Soil Properties and Plant Growth. Bugbee, G.J.; Frink, C.R.
- B828 (1986) Quality of Tomato Paste, Sauce, Puree, and Catsup 1986. Hankin, L.
- B829 (1986) Inspection of Commercial Fertilizers 1985. Hankin, L.
- B830 (1986) Broccoli Trials 1985. Hill, D.E.
- B831 (1986) Where is the Next Strategic Place to Decrease Pesticide Use? Waggoner, P.E.
- B832 (1986) Analysis of Gas Line Antifreeze, Windshield Washer Fluid, and Ethylene Glycol Antifreeze. Hankin, L.
- B833 (1986) Groundwater Contamination: Movement of Organic Pollutants in the Granby Landfill. Sawhney, B.L.; Raabe,
- B834 (1986) Inspection of Feeds Products and Pet Foods 1985. Hankin, L.
- B835 (1986) Wheat Performance in Connecticut. (1983-1984). Kiyomoto, R.K.
- B836 (1986) Quality and Quantity of Pesticides Sold in CT 1985. Hankin, L.; Waggoner, P.E.
- B837 (1986) Fat Content of Ground Beef and Sausage 1985. Hankin, L.
- B838 (1986) The Distribution of People and Crops Across the land of Connecticut. Waggoner, P.E.
- B839 (1986) Pesticides in Ground Water in Connecticut. Frink, C.R.; Hankin, L.
- B840 (1986) Analysis of Wine and Beer Coolers. Hankin, L.
- B841 (1986) Analysis of Products Containing Acetominophen. Hankin, L.
- B842 (1986) Inspection of Commercial Fertilizers 1986. Hankin, L.
- B843 (1987) Witloof Chicory (Belgian Endive) Trials - 1985. Hill, D.E.
- B844 (1987) Controlling Hemlock Scales with Least Environmental Impact. McClure, M.
- B845 (1987) Broccoli and Caulilflower Trials 1986. Hill, D.E.
- B846 (1987) Globe Artichokes in Connecticut. Hill, D.E.
- B847 (1988) Analysis of Honey. Hankin, L.
- B848 (1987) Uses of Pesticides in Connecticut. Frink, C.R.
- B849 (1987) Quality and Quantity of Pesticides Sold in CT 1986. Hankin, L.; Waggoner, P.E.
- B850 (1987) Feed Products and Pet Foods Inspected 1986. Hankin, L.
- B851 (1987) Biology and Control of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid. McClure, M.
- B852 (1988) Better Nutrition for Connecticut: Opportunities for Expanding Fresh Produce Production and Consumption. Stephens, G.R.; Fleming,J.G.; Gacoin,L.T.; Bravo-Ureta, B.E.
- B853 (1988) Inspection of Commerical Fertilizers 1987. Hankin, L.
- B854 (1988) New Integrated Approach for Controlling X-disease of Stone Fruits. Douglas, S.M.; McClure, M.S.
- B855 (1988) Strategies for Reducing Wildlife Damage in Orchards. Swihart,; Conover.
- B856 (1988) Caffeine and Theobromine in Beverages. Hankin, L.; McLean,
- B857 (1988) Cauliflower and Broccoli Trials 1987. Hill, D.E.
- B858 (1988) Fat Content of Ground Beef and Sausage 1987. Hankin, L.
- B859 (1988) The Chicories: Witloof (Belgian Endive) and Radicchio Trials -- 1986-1987. Hill, D.E.
- B860 (1988) Field Tests of Fenvalerate for Control of Black Vine Weevil. Hanula.
- B861 (1988) Feed Products and Pet Foods Inspected 1987. Hankin, L.
- B862 (1988) Quality and Quantity of Pesticides Sold in Connecticut 1987. Hankin, L.; Waggoner, P.E.
- B863 (1988) Pesticide Residues in produce Sold in CT. Hankin, L.
- B864 (1988) Cholesterol Content of Eggs produced in CT. Hankin, L.; McLean, L.; Veit, K.
- B865 (1988) Analysis of Beer. Hankin, L.
- B866 (1989) Floating Row Cover to Produce Early Ripening of Strawberry. Gent, M.P.N.
- B867 (1989) Globe Artichoke Trials-- 1987-1988. Hill, D.E.; Maynard, A.
- B868 (1989) Inspection of Commercial Fertilizers 1988. Hankin, L.
- B869 (1989) Cauliflower and Broccoli Trials - 1988. Hill, D.E.
- B870 (1989) Row Covers to Produce Red or Yellow Peppers. Gent, M.P.N.
- B871 (1989) Witloof Chicory (Belgian Endive) and Radicchio Trials -- 1987-1988. Hill, D.E.
- B872 (1988) Fat Content of Ground Beef and Sausage 1988. Hankin, L.
- B873 (1989) Pesticide Residues in Produce Sold in CT 1988. Hankin, L.; Pylypiw, H.M.Jr.
- B874 (1989) Feed Products and Pet Foods Inspected 1988. Hankin, L.
- B875 (1989) Quality and Quantity of Pesticides Sold in CT 1988. Hankin, L.; Waggoner, P.E.
- B876 (1989) Groundwater in the Northeast. Frink, C.R.; editor.
- B877 (1990) Seed Germination and Purity Analysis 1989. Douglas, S.M.
- B878 (1989) Inspection of Commercial Fertilizers 1989. Hankin, L.
- B879 (1990) Chinese Cabbage and Pak Choi Trials -- 1988-1989. Hill, D.E.
- B880 (1990) Feed Products and Pet Foods Inspected 1989. Hankin, L.
- B881 (1990) Pesticide Residues in Produce in CT 1989. Pylypiw, H.M.Jr.; Hankin, L.
- B882 (1990) Fat Content of Ground Beef and Sausage 1989. Hankin, L.; Agarwal, V.K.
- B883 (1990) Analysis of Nutrients in Canned Baked Beans and Chili. Hankin, L.; Agarwal, V.K.
- B884 (1991) Seed Germination and Purity Analysis 1990. Douglas, S.M.
- B885 (1991) Analysis of Beer and Wine Coolers for Alcohol. Hankin, L.; Agarwal, V.H.
- B886 (1991) Pesticide Residues in Produce Sold in CT 1990. Pylypiw, H.M.Jr.; Hankin, L.
- B887 (1991) Chinese Cabbage and Pak Choi Trials -- 1990. Hill, D.E.
- B888 (1991) Analysis of Sizes in Packaged Prunes. Hankin. L.
- B889 (1991) Inspection of Commercial Fertilizers 1990. Hankin, L.
- B890 (1991) Feed Products and Pet Foods Inspected 1990. Hankin, L.
- B891 (1991) New Fusarium Wilt-Resistant Connecticut Broadleaf Tobacco Varieties. LaMondia, J.; Taylor, G.S.
- B892 (1991) Fat Content of Ground Beef and Sausage 1990. Hankin, L.; Agarwal, V.K.
- B893 (1991) High Tunnels Extend Tomato and Pepper Production. Gent, M.P.N.
- B894 (1991) Intensive Vegetable Production Using Composted Animal Manures. Maynard, A.
- B895 (1991) Amount of Fish and Shrimp Found in Frozen Breaded Products. Hankin, L.
- B896 (1992) Lead Content of Paint in Connecticut Homes. Stilwell, D.E.
- B897 (1992) Nutrient Analysis of Frozen Yogurt and Other Frozen Desserts. Hankin L.; Agarwal. V.K.
- B898 (1992) Analysis of Soy Sauce. Hankin, L.; Agarwal, V.K.
- B899 (1991) Fat Content of Ground Beef and Sausage. Agarwal, V.K.; Hankin, L.
- B900 (1991) Pesticide Residues in Produce Sold in CT 1991. Pylypiw, H.M.Jr.; Hankin, L.
- B901 (1992) Inspection of Commercial Fertilizers 1991. Hankin, L.
- B902 (1992) Sixty Years of Natural Change in Unmanaged Mixed Hardwood Forests. Stephens, G.R.; Ward, J.
- B903 (1992) Feed Products and Pet Foods Inspected 1991. Hankin, L.
- B904 (1992) Fresh-cut Culinary Herb Trials -- 1989-1991. Hill, D.E.
- B905 (1992) Seed Germination and Purity Analysis 1992. Douglas, S.M.
- B906 (1992) Onion Trials -- 1990-1991. Hill, D.E.
- B907 (1992) Analysis of Sizes in Canned Ripe and Green Olives. Hankin, L.
- B908 (1993) Pesticide Residues in Produce Sold in Connecticut 1992. Pylypiw, H.M.Jr.; Mattina, M.J.I.
- B909 (1993) Feed Products and Pet Foods Inspected 1992. Mattina, M.J.I.
- B910 (1993) Inspection of Commercial Fertilizers 1992. Mattina, M.J.I.
- B911 (1993) Annual Culture of Globe Artichokes: Mulching and Planting Date Trials -- 1989-1992. Hill, D.E.
- B912 (1993) Crisphead Lettuce (Iceberg) Trials -- 1991-1992. Hill, D.E.
- B913 (1993) Raspberry Trials -- 1988-1992. Kiyomoto, R.K.
- B914 (1993) Seed Germination and Purity Analysis 1993. Douglas, Sharon M.
- B915 (1993) Spanish and Storage Onion Trials -- 1992. Hill, D.E.
- B916 (1994) Inspection of Commercial Fertilizers 1993. Mattina, M.J,I.
- B917 (1994) Pesticide Residues in Produce Sold in Connecticut 1993. Pylypiw, H.M.Jr.; Misenti, T.; Mattina, M.J.I.
- B918 (1994) Feed Products and Pet Foods Inspected 1993. Mattina, M.J,I.
- B919 (1994) Pumpkin Trials -- 1992-1993. Hill, D.E.
- B920 (1994) Wine Grape Trials -- 1990-1993. Kiyomoto, R.K.
- B921 (1994) Sodium Benzoate and Potassium Sorbate Preservatives in Juices and Fruits. Pylypiw, H.M.Jr.; Misenti, T.; Mattina, M.J.I.
- B922 (1995) Spanish and Storage Onion Trials 1993 and Four-year Compendium. Hill, D.E.
- B923 (1994) Leaching of Metals and Nitrate from Composted Sewage Sludge. Frink, C.R.; Sawhney, B.L.
- B924 (1994) Seed Germination and Purity Analysis 1994. Douglas, S.M.
- B925 (1995) Managing Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in Ornamental Landscapes. McClure, M.
- B926 (1995) Feed Products and Pet Foods Inspected 1994. Mattina, M.J.I.
- B927 (1995) Inspection of Commercial Fertilizers 1994. Mattina, M.J.I.
- B928 (1995) Pesticide Residues in Produce Sold in Connecticut 1994. Mattina, M.J.I.
- B929 (1995) Pumpkin Trials -- 1994 and Three-year Compendium. Hill, D.E.
- B930 (1995) Broccoli and Cauliflower Trials -- 1993-1994 and three Year Compendium. Hill, D.E.
- B931 (1995) Seed Germination and Purity Analysis 1995. Douglas, S.M.
- B932 (1996) Connecticut Fiber Flax Trials -- 1992-1992. Stephens, G.R.
- B933 (1996) Specialty Melon Trials -- 1994-1995. Hill, D.E.
- B934 (1996) Pesticide Residues in Produce Sold in Connecticut 1995. Mattina, M.J.I.
- B935 (1996) Analysis of Commercial Fertilizers 1995. Mattina, M.J.I.
- B936 (1996) Feed Products and Pet Foods Inspected 1995. Mattina, M.J.I.
- B937 (1996) Broccoli and Cauliflower Trials 1995 and three Year Compendium. Hill, D.E.
- B938 (1996) Predicting Defoliation by the Gypsy Moth in Connecticut. Weseloh, R.
- B939 (1996) Seed Germination and Purity Analysis 1996. Douglas, S.M.
- B940 (1997) Pesticide Residues in Produce Sold in Connecticut 1996. Pylypiw, H.M.Jr.; Arsenault, T.; Mattina, M.J.I.
- B941 (1997) Bicolor Supersweet Corn Trials -- 1995-1996. Hill, D.E.
- B942 (1997) Analysis of Fertilizers Sold in Connecticut 1996. Mattina, M.J.I.
- B943 (1997) Medicinal Herb Trial 1996. Butterfield, L.
- B944 (1997) Feed Products and Pet Foods Inspected 1996. Mattina, M.J.I.
- B945 (1997) Effects of Multiple Cropping and Row Covers on Specialty Melons. Hill, D.E.
- B946 (1997) Connecticut Fiber Flax Trials 1994-95. Stephens, G.R.
- B947 (1997) Seed Germination and Purity Analysis 1997. Douglas, S.M.; Inman, M.K.
- B948 (1998) Pesticide Residues in Produce Sold in Connecticut 1997. Pylypiw, H.M.Jr.; Arsenault, T.; Mattina, M-J.I.
- B949 (1998) Red Raspberry Trials -- 1994-1997. Kiyomoto, R.K.
- B950 (1998) Yellow and Bicolor Supersweet Corn Trials -- 1996-1997. Hill, D.E.
- B951 (1998) Analysis of Agricultural Feeds and Pet Foods 1997. Mattina, M.J.I.
- B952 (1997) Analysis of Fertilizers Sold in Connecticut 1997. Mattina, M.J.I.
- B953 (1998) Seed Germination and Purity Analysis 1998. Douglas, S.M., Inman, M.K.
- B954 (1999) Pesticide Residues in Produce Sold in Connecticut 1998. Walter J. Krol, Harry M. Pylypiw Jr., Terri Arsenault, and MaryJane Incorvia Mattina
- B955 (1999) Analysis of Fertilizers Sold in Connecticut 1998. MaryJane Incorvia Mattina
- B956 (1999) Analysis of Agricultural Feeds and Pet Foods 1998. MaryJane Incorvia Mattina
- B957 (1999) New Tobacco Cyst Nematode Resistant Shade Tobacco Varieties. James A. LaMondia
- B958 (1999) Romaine and Looseleaf Lettuce Trials 1996-1997. David E. Hill
- B959 (1999) Stand Dynamics in Connecticut Hardwood Forests The Old Series Plots (1927-1997). Jeffrey S. Ward, Sandra L. Anagnostakis, and Francis J. Ferrandino
- B960 (1999) Winter Squash Trials 1997-1998. David E. Hill
- B961 (1999) Seed Germination and Purity Analysis 1999. Sharon M. Douglas, and Mary K. Inman
- B962 (2000) Analysis of Agricultural Feeds and Pet Foods Sold in Connecticut 1999. Mary Jane Incorvia Mattina
- B963 (2000) Analysis of Fertilizers Sold in Connecticut 1999. MaryJane Incorvia Mattina
- B964 (2000) Pesticide Residues in Produce Sold in Connecticut 1999. Walter J. Krol, Terri L. Arsenault, and Mary Jane Incorvia Mattina
- B965 (2000) White Supersweet and Sweet Breed Corn Trials 1997-1998. David E. Hill
- B966 (2000) COMPOST: The Process and Research. Abigail A. Maynard
- B967 (2000) Yield and Quality of Witloof Chicory (Belgian Endive) Grown Using Weighted Insulation. David E. Hill
- B968 (2000) Limiting Deer Browse Damage to Landscape Plants. Jeffrey S. Ward
- B969 (2000) Analysis of Fertilizers Sold in Connecticut 2000. MaryJane Incorvia Mattina
- B970 (2000) Seed Germination and Purity Analysis 2000. Sharon M. Douglas and Mary K. Inman
- B971 (2001) Pesticide Residues in Produce Sold in Connecticut 2000. Walter J. Krol, Terri L. Arsenault, and Mary Jane Incorvia Mattina
- B972 (2001) Perennial Medicinal Herb Trials 1996-1999. Martin P.N. Gent
- B973 (2001) Analysis of Agricultural Feeds and Pet Foods Sold in Connecticut 2000. MaryJane Incorvia Mattina
- B974 (2001) Scantic, A New Fusarium-Wilt Resistant Broadleaf Tobacco Cultivar. James A. LaMondia
- B975 (2001) Globe Artichoke Trials 1998, 2000 Management of Yield Using Induced or Natural Vernalization. David E. Hill
- B976 (2001) Specialty Crops: Okra, Leek, Sweet Potato, and Jilo. David E. Hill
- B977 (2001) Seed Germination and Purity Analysis 2001. Sharon M. Douglas and Mary K. Inman
- B978 (2002) Grape Tomato Trials 2001. David E. Hill
- B979 (2002) Analysis of Animal Feed Products Sold in Connecticut 2001. MaryJane Incorvia Mattina
- B980 (2002) Analysis of Fertilizer Products Sold in Connecticut 2001. MaryJane Incorvia Mattina
- B981 (2001) Pesticide Residues in Produce Sold in Connecticut 2001. Walter J. Krol, Terri Arsenault, and Mary Jane Incorvia Mattina
- B982 (2002) Bicolor and Yellow Supersweet Corn Trials 1999-2001. David E. Hill
- B983 (2002) Seed Germination and Purity Analysis 2002. Sharon M. Douglas and Mark K. Inman
- B984 (2002) Tropical Pumpkin (Calabaza) Trials 2000-2002. David E. Hill
- B985 (2002) Analysis of Fertilizer Products Sold in Connecticut 2002. MaryJane Incorvia Mattina
- B986 (2002) Analysis of Animal Feed Products Sold in Connecticut 2002. MaryJane Incorvia Mattina
- B987 (2003) A Computer Model of the Gypsy Moth and its Fungal Pathogen. Ronald M. Weseloh
- B988 (2003) Management of Balsam Twig Aphids in Christmas Trees. Richard S. Cowles
- B989 (2003) Seed Germination and Purity Analysis 2003. Sharon M. Douglas and Mary K. Inman
- B990 (2003) Greenhouse Tomato Cultivar Trials in Connecticut 1999-2002. Martin P.N. Gent
- B991 (2003) Broccoli Trials 2000-2002. David E. Hill
- B992 (2003) TCN Tracker - A Decision-based Cyst Nematode Management Aid for Connecticut Wrapper Tobacco Types. James A. LaMondia and Jeffrey J. LaMondia
- B993 (2004) Radicchio Trials 2002-2003. David E. Hill
- B994 (2004) Seed Germination and Purity Analysis 2004. Sharon M. Douglas and Mary K. Inman
- B995 (2005) Stand Dynamics in Connecticut Forests: The New-Series Plots (1959-2000). Jeffrey S. Ward
- B996 (966) (2005) Identification Guide to the Mosquitoes of Connecticut. Theodore G. Andreadis, Michael C. Thomas, and John J. Shepard
- B997 (2005) A Guide to Invasive Aquatic Plants of Connecticut. Robert S. Capers, Gregory J. Bugbee, Roslyn Selsky, and Jason C. White
- B998 (2005) Control of Cabomba and Eurasian Milfoil in Lake Quonnipaug with Fluridone and 2,4-D--2001. Gregory J. Bugbee and Jason C. White
- B999 (2005) A Diagnostic Feasibility Study of Moodus Reservoir, East Haddam, CT: Water chemistry, aquatic vegetation survey and management options 2002. Gregory J. Bugbee and Jason C. White
- B1000 (2006) Pesticide Residues in Produce Sold in Connecticut 2002-2004. Walter J. Krol, Terri Arsenault, and MaryJane Incorvia Mattina
- B1001 (2005) Seed Germination and Purity Analysis--2005. Sharon M. Douglas and Mary K. Inman
- B1002 (2005) Control of Cabomba, Eurasian Milfoil and Water Lily in Lake Quonnipaug with Herbicides and Hydroraking 2002. Gregory J. Bugbee and Jason C. White
- B1003 (2006) Fungicide drift from aerial and ground spray application to Connecticut shade tobacco. James A. LaMondia, Francis J. Ferrandino, and MaryJane Incorvia Mattina
- B1004 (2006) Seed Germination and Purity--2006. Sharon M. Douglas and Mary K. Inman
- B1005 (2006) Deer Damage Management Options. Scott C. Williams, Jeffrey S. Ward, and Uma Ramakrishnan
- B1006 (2006) Pesticide Residues in Produce Sold in Connecticut 2005. Walter J. Krol, Terri Arsenault, and MaryJane Incorvia Mattina
- B1007 (2007) Grapevine Cultivation in Connecticut. William R. Nail
- B1008 (2007) Heirloom Tomato Trials--2004-2006. Abigail A. Maynard
- B1009 (2007) Seed Germination and Purity Analysis--2007. Sharon M. Douglas and Mary K. Inman
- B1010 (2005) Tick Management Handbook--revision 2007. Kirby C. Stafford, III.
- B1011 (2007) Quandaries of Forest Area, Volume, Biomass, and Carbon Explored with the Forest Indentity. Paul E. Waggoner and Jess H. Ausubel.
- B1012 (2007) Pesticide Residues in Produce Sold in Connecticut 2006 Including a Comparison of Two Sample Preparation Methods. Walter J. Krol, Brian Eitzer, Terri Arsenault, and MaryJane Incorvia Mattina.
- B1013 (2008) Fly Management Handbook A Guide to Biology, Dispersal, and Management of the House Fly and Related Flies for Farmers, Municipalities, and Public Health Officials. Kirby C. Stafford, III.
- B1014 (2008) Personal-Sized Watermelon Trials 2005-2007. Abigail A. Maynard.
- B1015 (2008) Winegrape Cultivar Trials in Connecticut 2004-2006. William R. Nail.
- B1016 (2008) Seed Germination and Purity Analysis 2008. Sharon M. Doulgas and Mary K. Inman.
- B1017 (2008) Invasive Aquatic Plants in Lakes Candlewood, Lillinonah, and Zoar Monitoring Report 2007. Gregory J. Bugbee, Roslyn Selsky, and Michelle Marko.
- B1018 (2008) Use of Phosphates to Immobilize Lead in Community Garden Soils. David E. Stilwell and John F. Ranciato.
- B1019 (2008) Lead and Other Heavy Metals in Community Garden Soils in Connecticut. David E. Stilwell, Thomas M. Rathier, Craig L. Musante, and John F. Ranciato.
- B1020 (2008) Comparison of Heavy Metals in Community Garden Produce versus Store-Bought Produce. David E. Stilwell, Thomas M. Rathier, and Craig L. Musante.
- B1021 (2008) (Web Only) Organic Vegetable Farms in New England: Three Case Studies. Kimberly A. Stoner.
B1022 (2009) Utilization of Leaf Compost as a Soil Amendment in Cut Flower Production. Abigail A. Maynard.
B1023 (2009) Analysis of Animal Feed Products Sold in Connecticut 2008. Craig L. Musante and MaryJane Incorvia Mattina.
B1024 (2010) Pesticide Residues in Produce Sold in Connecticut 2007. Walter J. Krol, Brian D. Eitzer, and MaryJane Incorvia Mattina.
B1025 (2010) Effects of Fruit Thinning on Yield, Fruit Quality, and Vine Performance of Red Bordeaux Winegrape Cultivars. William R. Nail.
B1026 (2009) Invasive Aquatic Plants, Lake Candlewood, Lake Zoar, Monitoring Report 2008. Gregory J. Bugbee and Rosyln Reeps.
B1027 (2010) Connecticut's Invasive Aquatic and Wetland Plants Indentification Guide. Gregory J. Bugbee and Martha E. Balfour.
B1028 (2009) Control of Potamogeton crispus and Myriophyllum spicatum in Crystal Lake, Middletown, CT. Gregory J. Bugbee.
B1029 (2010) Heirloom Tomato Trials 2007-2009. Abigail Maynard.
B1031 (2011) A New Connecticut Broadleaf Cigar Wrapper Tobacco with Resistance to Multiple Pathogens. James LaMondia.
B1032 (2011) Composition of Salad Greens: A Composition of Locally-Grown and Supermarket Produce. Martin Gent.
B1033 (2010) Personal-Sized Watermelon Trails 2008-2010. Abigail Maynard.
B1034 (2010) Invasive Aquatic Plants, Lake Candlewood, Lake Lillinonah, Lake Zoar, Monitoring Report 2010. Gregory Bugbee. (Web Only).
B1035 (2012) Connecticut's Aquatic and Wetland Invasive Plant Identification Guide. Gregory Bugbee, Martha E. Barton, and Jordan Gibbons.
B1036 (2010) Invasive Aquatic Plants, Lake Candlewood, Lake Lillinonah, Lake Zoar, Monitoring Report 2009. Gregory J. Bugbee and Martha E. Balfour. (Web Only).
B1037 (2012) Invasive Aquatic Plants, Lake Candlewood, Lake Lillinonah, Lake Zoar, Monitoring Report 2011. Gregory J. Bugbee, Jordan A. Gibbons, Mark June-Wells, and Michael Cavadini. (Web Only).
B1038 (2013) Vegetable Amaranth Trials 2008-2010. Abigail A. Maynard.
B1039 (2012) Invasive Aquatic Plants, Lake Candlewood, Lake Lillinoah, Lake Zoar, Monitoring Report 2012. Gregory J. Bugbee, Jordan A. Gibbons, Mark June-Wells, and Jennifer M. Fanzutti. (Web Only)
B1040 (2012) Moodus Reservoir Aquatic Vegetation Survey. Gregory J. Bugbee and Jordan A. Gibbons. (Web Only)
B1041 (2015) Monitoring Report: Invasive Aquatic Plants. Gregory J. Bugbee and Jordan A. Gibbons. (Web Only)
B1042 (2016) Wine Cultivar Trials in Connecticut: 2012-2015. Francis J. Ferrandino and Joan Bravo.
B1043 (2016) Specialty Eggplant Trials 2010-2012. Abigail A. Maynard.
B1044 (2016) Specialty Pumpkin Trials 2009-2011. Abigail A. Maynard.
B1045 (2015) Monitoring Report: Invasive Aquatic Plants, Candlewood Lake, Lake Lillinonah, Lake Zoar. Gregory J. Bugbee and Jennifer M. Fanzutti (Web Only)
B1046 (2016) Monitoring Report: Invasive Aquatic Plants, Candlewood Lake, Squantz Pond, Lake Lillinonah, Lake Zoar. Gregory J. Bugbee and Jennifer M. Fanzutti (Web Only)
B1047 (2016) Monitoring Report: Invasive Aquatic Plants, Candlewood Lake, Squantz Pond, Lake Lillinonah, Lake Zoar. Gregory J. Bugbee and Jennifer M. Fanzutti (Web Only)
B1048 (2016) Moodus Reservoir Aquatic Vegetation Survey. Gregory J. Bugbee and Jennifer M. Fanzutti (Web Only)
B1049 (2016) Mamanasco Lake Aquatic Vegetation Survey. Gregory J. Bugbee and Jennifer M. Fanzutti (Web Only)
B1050 (2017) Integrated Pest Management for Hops in Connecticut. Katja Maurer and James LaMondia (Web Only)
B1051 (2018) Specialty Pepper Trials 2011, 2012, 2014. Abigail A. Maynard
B1052 (2017) Monitoring Report, Invasive Aquatic Plants, Candlewood Lake, Lake Lillinonah, Lake Zoar 2017. Gregory J. Bugbee and Summer Stebbins (Web Only)
B1053 (2017) Aquatic Vegetation Survey, Water Chemistry, Aquatic Plant Management Options, Taunton Lake 2017. Gregory J. Bugbee, Summer Stebbins and Abigail C. Wiegand (Web Only)
B1054 (2017) Monitoring Report, Invasive Aquatic Plants, Lake Housatonic 2017. Gregory J. Bugbee and Abigail C. Wiegand (Web Only)
B1055 (2018) Vineyard Establishment for the Homeowner. Joan L. Bravo
B1056 (2018) Connecticut's Invasive Aquatic Plant, Clam, and Mussel Identification Guide. Gregory J. Bugbee, Martha E. Barton, Jordan A. Gibbons, and Summer E. Stebbins
B1057 (2019) Integrated Pest Management for Hops in Connecticut. Elisha Allan-Perkins, Katja Maurer and James LaMondia (Web Only)
B1058 (2019) Pesticide Guide Toward Integrated Insect Management for Connecticut Arborists. Rose Hiskes (Web Only)
B1059 (2019) Pesticide Guide Toward Integrated Insect Management for Connecticut Landscapers. Rose Hiskes (Web Only)
B1060 (2019) Pesticide Guide Toward Integrated Insect Management for Connecticut Nurseries. Rose Hiskes (Web Only)
B1061 (2019) Brassica Trials 2004-2012. Abigail A. Maynard and Jeffrey S. Ward (Web Only)
- Please see our Technical Bulletins list or recently published information on seed testing, pesticide residues in food, and fetilizer analysis.
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