Our customers can access benefit and application information, 24/7, at www.connect.ct.govand www.ct.gov/dss/apply;
or 1-855-6-CONNECT (except during system maintenance beginning on Friday, March 13, from 7:00 p.m. to Saturday, March 14, 7:00 p.m.).ADDING SOME TEXT.

What's Next

Once a hearing has been requested, you may still want to try and resolve the issue with a worker. If the issue is something that can be easily resolved or you are just looking for an explanation of what happened, you may wish to contact a  worker or a supervisor by calling the Benefit Center at 1-855-626-6632.

If the problem is resolved before the date of the hearing, please contact the hearing office at 1-800-462-0134 to withdraw your request for a hearing. We will also ask you to submit your withdrawal in writing. You may use form W-535 Letter of Resolution found here to withdraw your hearing request or you may simply submit a signed letter stating that you are withdrawing your request for a hearing. Our mailing address and fax number are at the bottom of this page.