Coronavirus Information
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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as Food Stamps, helps eligible individuals and families afford the cost of food at supermarkets, grocery stores and farmers’ markets.
Agency: Department of Social ServicesHow to Apply for Social Services
There are several ways to apply for DSS programs and services. You can apply online; download and mail in an application; or, for some health coverage, apply over the phone at Access Health CT. When possible, it is recommended online application as the quickest and most convenient.
Agency: Department of Social ServicesVerify licenses and certifications for most licensed health professionals.
Agency: Department of Public HealthChildren, parents, relative caregivers, elders, individuals with disabilities, adults without dependent children and pregnant women interested in HUSKY Health (Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program) can learn what the program covers and apply for services.
Agency: HUSKY HealthView information on the state's Medical Marijuana Program and sign up for alerts regarding new information on the program.
Agency: Department of Consumer Protection