Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation - 2019
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Nighttime Resurfacing along I-395 in Putnam
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a nighttime milling and resurfacing project will be performed on a 3.8-mile segment of I-395 northbound and southbound in Putnam, Monday, August 12, through Monday, September 30, 2019.
Lane Closures for Bridge Inspections, August 4 – 10, 2019
Lane closures will be required for bridge safety inspections and evaluations around Connecticut, August 4 – 10, 2019, weather permitting. View the complete list and plan ahead. (NB and SB mean northbound and southbound; EB and WB mean eastbound and westbound.)
Nighttime Tree and Vegetation Removal along I-95 in Clinton and Old Lyme
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that nighttime tree and vegetation removal will be performed on I-95 northbound from Exit 62 in Clinton to Exit 71 in Old Lyme, Tuesday, August 6, through Friday, September 27, 2019.
Resurfacing on Route 695 - Governor John Davis Lodge Turnpike - in Plainfield and Killingly
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a resurfacing project will be performed on Service Route 695 (Governor John Davis Lodge Turnpike) in Plainfield and Killingly, Thursday, August 1, through Tuesday, September 10, 2019.
Nighttime Resurfacing Project on Route 5 - Broad Street - in Meriden
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a nighttime milling and resurfacing project will continue on Route 5 in Meriden through Wednesday, August 21, 2019.
Nighttime Bridge Repairs on I-84 Eastbound in Hartford
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a nighttime bridge maintenance project will be performed on I-84 eastbound at the Exit 52 ramp to I-91 southbound in Hartford, overnight Wednesday-Thursday, July 31-August 1, 2019.
Construction of ADA-Compliant Sidewalk Ramps at I-91 Rest Area in Wallingford
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing the construction of ADA-compliant concrete sidewalk ramps at the I-91 Rest Area in Wallingford, Monday, August 5, through Friday, September 13, 2019.
Nighttime Resurfacing on I-395 Southbound in Griswold and Lisbon
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a nighttime milling and resurfacing project will be performed on I-395 Southbound in Griswold and Lisbon, Sunday, August 4, through Wednesday, August 28, 2019.
Nighttime Bridge Repairs on I-84 Eastbound in Hartford
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a nighttime bridge maintenance project will be performed on I-84 eastbound at the Exit 52 ramp to I-91 southbound in Hartford, overnight Wednesday-Thursday, July 31-August 1, 2019.
Bridge Maintenance on Interstate 95 North and South in Branford and Madison
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a bridge maintenance project will be performed on Interstate 95 northbound and southbound in Branford and Madison.
Nighttime Bridge Maintenance on I-84 in Danbury
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that nighttime bridge maintenance will be performed on I-84 eastbound and westbound in Danbury, Monday, August 5, through Friday, September 27, 2019. Work hours will be 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.
Saturday Mowing Operations on Various State Routes, Statewide
The Connecticut Department of Transportation (Department) is announcing the start of Saturday mowing operations on various state routes, statewide. The Saturday mowing schedule is necessary to contend with excessive vegetation growth in the state-owned rights of way which negatively impacts roadway shoulders and intersectional sightlines. The work is scheduled to begin on Saturday, August 3, 2019.
Herbicidal Spraying on Various Secondary Routes in Eastern Connecticut
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that an herbicidal spraying project will be performed under various guide rail locations on various secondary routes in various towns in Eastern Connecticut beginning Monday, August 5, 2019.
Nighttime Bridge Deck Repairs and Resurfacing on Route 34 in New Haven
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a nighttime milling, bridge deck repairs and resurfacing project will be performed on Route 34 in New Haven, Friday, August 2, through Friday, September 13, 2019.
Nighttime Bridge Deck Repairs and Resurfacing on Route 34 in New Haven
The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a nighttime milling, bridge deck repairs and resurfacing project will be performed on Route 34 in New Haven, Friday, August 9, through Friday, September 13, 2019.