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Many State of Connecticut phone numbers are currently down. The issue was first reported on Tuesday September 14 and the service provider is currently working to get all phone services restored.


Read time: 6 minutes

What is a Business Domestication?

If you're a domestic or foreign entity, and you decide to change your state of formation, it is called a domestication. Your business entity may domesticate out of or domesticate into other state jurisdictions.

When a Connecticut entity files a domestication, it is “domesticating out” to another jurisdiction.  The entity must also file an appropriate document in the jurisdiction it is domesticating into. 

A foreign entity that files a domestication would be “domesticating into” Connecticut. 

A domestication cannot be filed in Connecticut to reflect a foreign business changing its state of formation to another foreign state. 

No forms are available for these types of transactions.  You will instead need to manuscript a form according to the applicable Connecticut General Statute. 

Business Maintenance