
Module 5 of TEAM is aligned with domain 6 of the Common Core of Teaching (CCT) - Professional Responsibilities and Teacher Leadership.

Teachers maximize support for student learning by developing and demonstrating professionalism, collaboration with others, and leadership by:

  1. Continually engaging in reflection, self-evaluation and professional development to enhance their understandings of content, pedagogical skills, resources and the impact of their actions on student learning;
  2. Seeking professional development opportunities to enhance skills related to teaching and meeting the needs of all students;
  3. Collaborating with colleagues, administrators, students and their families to develop and sustain a positive school climate;
  4. Collaborating with colleagues and administrators to examine student learning data, instructional strategies, curricula, and organizational structures to support continuous school and district improvement;
  5. Guiding and coaching paraprofessionals and collaborating with colleagues, administrators, and special services staff to monitor the impact of instructional or behavioral support and interventions;
  6. Proactively communicating in culturally respectful and sensitive ways with families in order to ensure their ongoing awareness of student progress and encourage opportunities to support their child’s learning;
  7. Understanding the legal rights of students with disabilities and their families within the intervention, referral, and individualized education plan process;
  8. Understanding how one’s race, gender and culture affect professional interactions with students, families and colleagues;
  9. Using communication technology in a professional and ethical manner;
  10. Collaborating with colleagues, administrators, and families in the development of individualized student success plans to address goal setting, personal and academic development, post secondary and career exploration, and/or capstone projects; and
  11. Conducting themselves as professionals in accordance with the Connecticut’s Code of Professional Responsibility for Educators.

Introduction to Module 5

Module 5 Facilitator Guide

Module 5 Participant Handbook

Module 5 Supplemental Scenarios Facilitator's Guide

Module 5 Supplemental Scenarios Participant's Workbook