
Smarter Balanced Results Resources

NOTE: Due to school closures related to COVID-19, the USED waived summative testing and Next Generation Accountability reporting for the 2019-20 school year.  As a result, there are no results for the 2019-20 school year. 

Smarter Balanced Results Toolkit and Supports

Resource Description

PowerPoint Template for District or School Results

This slide deck provides a presentation template that can be edited to deliver district- and school-level assessment results.

Back to School Smarter Balanced Frequently Asked Questions

A FAQ to assist in explaining the Smarter Balanced assessments.

Connecticut Achievement Level Descriptions for the Smarter Balanced Assessments

This document provides Connecticut Achievement Level Descriptors for Smarter Balanced English language arts/literacy and mathematics assessments.

Smarter Balanced Scale Scores and Achievement Levels

This document provides the Scale Score Ranges for Smarter Balanced English language arts/literacy and mathematics assessments.

Smarter Balanced
Sample Individual Student Report
Grade 5 

Grade 8

Spanish Version - Grade 5 Example and Translated Achievement Level Descriptors

Sample Smarter Balanced Individual Student Reports that will be shipped to districts at the beginning of the school year.

Connecticut Smarter Balanced Interpretive Guide 2019

This guide is designed to help educators, parents, students, the public, and members of the media understand and explain the results of the Smarter Balanced summative assessments.

Parent Guides

Individual Student Report Video for Parents (Spanish)


The CSDE has developed Parent Guides to accompany the Individual Student Reports that schools send home. Tailored by grade (for example, third grade test takers entering fourth grade, fourth grade test takers entering fifth grade, etc.), each guide ties the previous year's standards with the upcoming year's standards and provides useful tools and strategies for parents to assist their child at home. Additionally, an Individual Student Report video for parents is available in English.  The video will be available in Spanish soon.  

Smarter Balanced Narrated Power Points

The CSDE has developed these PowerPoints to help users understand how claim-level performance categories are determined, and how Interim Assessment Block Performance Categories are determined.

Smarter Balanced Test Blueprints
Parent/Guardian Communication
  • A parent template letter (SPANISH) that provides information about the new Smarter Balanced assessments and explains that the results will be different.

Centralized Reporting System Video Series

This video series overviews keep components of the new Cambium Assessment Inc. reporting tool. 

1. How to Navigate the Dashboard and Access Your Summative Results (8:38)

2. How to Understand Measures for Standards, Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Levels, and Writing Dimensions (10:02)

3. How to Understand a Demographic Breakdown Report and a Student Portfolio Report (5:52)

4. How to Drill Down into Your Results by Selecting Specific Tests and Classes (8:19)

5. How to Drill Down into Your Results by Selecting Previous School Years and Previous Students (3:18)

6. How to Track Student Performance Over Time Using the Longitudinal Report (7:58)

7. How to Print Individual Student Reports (ISR) and Student Data Files (9:39)

8. How to Print and Export Data You Can See in Your Reports (6:02)

9. How to Use the Roster Manager to Add, Modify, and Upload Rosters (7:47)

10. How to Analyze Basic Interim Assessment Reports (10:36)

11. How to Use the Advanced Features of the Reporting System to View Your Interim Assessment Data (7:45)

12. How to Hand-Score Unscored Items and Modify Machine Scores (5:02)