K-12 Model Curricula Hub Resources

10 Things You Can Do to Renew District Curricula

CSDE Priority Standards for SY20-21

The CSDE Priority Standards for Essential Learning Handbook provides all Connecticut Educators with a guide for determining which standards to combine, limit, incorporate, emphasize and reduce for the 2020-2021 school year. The four resources below support educator’s ability to differentiate, personalize, scaffold for intentional, high impact planning and alignment to Smarter Balanced assessment targets.

Educational Standards for Curricula Alignment

Teachers and students will have the greatest success when learning plans build from the CSDE Educational Standards linked below. 

Additional curricula development resources are available on the K-12 Education and Academics webpages.


Career and Technical Education  

Computer Science

Early Childhood 

English Learners

English Language Arts 


Remote Learning


Social Studies 

CT Literacy Model Connecticut Partnership for Literacy Success (formerly CK3LI)

Why? Connecticut’s Partnership for Literacy Success (formerly known as CK3LI) directly addresses the reading opportunity gap in Connecticut and support literacy success for all students

Who? District Leaders, K-5 Teachers and Administrators

When? Districts and schools are welcome to initiate a conversation at any time to learn how the Partnership can support their literacy framework

How? Partnership’s team of expert reading coaches, trainers, and evaluators work directly with schools to implement Connecticut’s Literacy Model (CTLM) and actualize the State Board of Education’s goals, priorities, and vision for improving student reading achievement in our state.

Outcomes - Understanding of each component of the CT Literacy Model as a multi-tiered systems of support framework aligned with evidence-based literacy practices 

GoOpen Connecticut

GoOpen CT

GoOpen Connecticut is the State of Connecticut’s public digital library of open educational resources by and for teachers, professors, students, and education leaders.

Get started with model curricula on GoOpen Connecticut:

K-12 Curricula Design Principles

K-12 Universal Curricula Design Principles: A Handbook for Evaluation, Renewal, and Development of District Curricula