Remote Weather Data

This data was obtained as part of a Northeast Regional IPM grant.  The principal investigator on the grant is Dr. Francis J. Ferrandino ( of The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station and cooperators from CAES, UMASS, UCONN and URI are assisting.  The purpose of the project is to establish the Southern New England Grape Information Network (SNEGIN) and deliver on-site disease-risk information to winegrape growers in a timely fashion throughout the region. Cell-phone based weather stations have been deployed at vineyards located in Hamden CT, Windsor CT, Griswold CT, New Preston CT, Colchester CT, Newport RI, and Deerfield MA.  Graphs of the weather data are available on an hourly update for all seven locations throughout southern New England at the following link:

Weather data is collected at each of the three research farms of The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, located in Mt. Carmel, Hamden, CT; Windsor, CT; and Griswold, CT; since May 7, 2009.  These weather stations (Onset Computer Company) are accessed by cell phone and monitor soil (20 cm depth) and air (2 m height) temperature, rainfall, relative humidity (at 2 m), wind speed and direction (at 3 m), solar insolation, leaf wetness, and soil moisture.

2019 Data

Griswold, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2019-September 30, 2019)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2019-September 30, 2019)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2019-September 30, 2019)

Griswold, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2019-Aug 13, 2019)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2019-Aug 13, 2019)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2019-Aug 13, 2019)

Griswold, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2019-June 13, 2019)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2019-June 13, 2019)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2019-June 13, 2019)

2018 Data

Griswold, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2018-December 31, 2018)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2018-December 31, 2018)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2018-December 31, 2018)

2017 Data

GDD & Cumulative Rainfall (PDF Format) (March 1, 2017-December 31, 2017)
GDD Graph (PDF Format) (January 1, 2017-December 31, 2017)
Precipitation Graph (PDF Format) (January 1, 2017-December 31, 2017)
Griswold, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2017-December 31, 2017)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2017-December 31, 2017)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2017-December 31, 2017)
Climatography of the US, CT (PDF)

2016 Data

GDD Graph (PDF Format) (January 1, 2016-November 8, 2016)
Precipitation Graph (PDF Format) (January 1, 2016-November 8, 2016)
Griswold, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2016-November 8, 2016)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2016-November 8, 2016)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2016-November 8, 2016)
Gouveia, Wallingford, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2016-November 8, 2016)

GDD Graph (PDF Format) (March 1, 2016-October 4, 2106)
Griswold, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2016-September 19, 2016)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2016-September 15, 2016)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2016-September 18, 2016)
Gouveia, Wallingford, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2016-August 11, 2016)
Griswold, CT(PDF Format) (January 1, 2016-August 11, 2016)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2016- August 11, 2016)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2016- August 11, 2016)
Gouveia, Wallingford,CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2016- August 11, 2016)

Griswold, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2016-July 19, 2016)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2016- July 18, 2016)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2016- July 19, 2016)
Gouveia, Wallingford, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2016- July 19, 2016)

Griswold, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2016- May 18, 2016)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2016- May 18, 2016)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2016- May 18, 2016)
Gouveia, Wallingford,CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2016- May 18, 2016) 

Griswold, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2016- March 10, 2016)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format) (January 1, 2016- March 10, 2016)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)  (January 1, 2016- March 10, 2016)

2015 Data

Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)

2014 Data

Yearly Summaries, 2014
Griswold, Hamden and Windsor Daily Weather Summary and Growing Degree Day chart from 2014-01-01 to 2014-11-06  (PDF Format)

Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)

2012 Data
Yearly Summaries, 2012
Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)
Disease Risk, May 8, 2012
Deerfield, MA (PDF Format)
Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
Newport, RI (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)
Announcement, May 8, 2012
Budbreak and initial growth has been very irregular at the vineyards. However, some cultivators (Foch, St. Croix, Chardonnay) are already in the 5 leaf stage.
Disease Risk, May 16, 2012
Deerfield, MA (PDF Format)
Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
Newport, RI (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)
Announcement, May 16, 2012
The recent warm humid weather is enouraging for funal pathogens.
Disease Risk, May 24, 2012
Deerfield, MA (PDF Format)
Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
Newport, RI (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)
Announcement, May 24, 2012
Initial infections of Downy Mildew have been spotted on Chardonnay vines in Hamden, CT. The symptoms are yellow areas on top of leaves and tufty cream colored sporulation on the bottom of the leaf.
Disease Risk, June 4, 2012
Deerfield, MA (PDF Format)
Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
Newport, RI (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)
Annoucements, June 4, 2012
The frequent showers and warm temperatures favored the spread of all fungal pathogens. This is a matter of concern as most cultivars are in the process of fruit set.
Disease Risk, June 13, 2012
Deerfield, MA (PDF Format)
Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
Newport, RI (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)
Annoucements, June 13, 2012
There has only been a bit of Pomopsis observed in the unsprayed plots. The early symptoms of Downy Mildew only occured on water sprouts near the graft union and were pruned out.  So far there is no secondary spread.
Disease Risk, June 20, 2012
Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
Newport, RI (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)
Annoucements, June 20, 2012
The weather station at Deerfield, MA has been offline for the last week.

Downy mildew has been spotted on unsprayed 5 year old Chardonney vines located in Hamden, CT. Symptoms are yellow splotches on top of the leaves and tufty colored sporulation underneath. As the weather turns hot and humid Downy Mildew becomes an increasing threat. So far Powdery Mildew has not occured in the fields.

Disease Risk, June 29, 2012
Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
Newport, RI (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)
Announcements, June 29, 2012
Downy Mild is present at every vineyard that has been scouted in the last week.
Although weather conditions have been favorable for the spread of Powdery Mildew, it has not been spotted.
Annoucements, July 9, 2012
The recent HOT HUMID weather is very conducive for diseases despite lack of rain.

Scout for recent Downy and Powdery mildew spread.

Most berries are beyond danger but a foliar outbreak of either disease can seriously affect quality.
Disease Risk, July 18, 2012
Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
Newport, RI (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)
Announcements, July 18, 2012
The mildews (Powdery and Downy) continue to be major threats. Scouting for these pathogens frequently will avert future problems.
Disease Risk, August 15, 2012
Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
Newport, RI (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)
Announcements, August 15, 2012
Downy Mildew is a serious threat.
Botrytis is now being included, as many cultivars are well into ripening.
The Newport weather station has a had a sensor problem since August 11th.
Disease Risk, August 15, 2012-August 31, 2012
Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)
Announcements, August 31, 2012
Only the three CAES weather stations are fully functional.

Disease Risk, September 11, 2012 

Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)

Announcements, September 11, 2012
Hoping you have a great harvest!

Disease Risk, September 19, 2012

Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)

Announcements, September 19, 2012
Have Good Harvest!

2011 Data
Yearly Summaries, 2011 
Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)
Disease Risk, May 13, 2011
Colchester, CT (PDF Format)
Deerfield, MA ( PDF Format)
Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)
Announcement, May 13, 2011
Chardonnay at all my locations (Hamden, Windsor, and Griswold) are in 2-4 leaf stage.
Vidal is at 100% bud break with no extended leaves.
Disease Risk, May 19, 2011
Colchester, CT (PDF Format)
Deerfield, MA (PDF Format)
Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)
Disease Risk, May 27, 2011
Colchester, CT (PDF Format)
Deerfield, MA (PDF Format)
Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
New Preston, CT (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)
Announcement, May 27, 2011
I have not yet seen any symptoms of powdery mildew or downy mildew in any of my plots. Phomopsis is rampant after the rainy spell last week. Foch and Chardonnay are beginning to blossom at Hamden, CT.
Disease Risk, May 31, 2011
Newport, RI (PDF Format)
Disease Risk, June 6, 2011
Colchester, CT (PDF Format)
Deerfield, MA (PDF Format)
Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
Newport, RI (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)
Announcement, June 6, 2011
I have very low levels of powdery on Chardonnay and Pinot Noir at Hamden vineyard on unsprayed plants.  Between 10 percent and 20 percent of the Chardonnay flowers are open at Hamden.
Disease Risk, June 10, 2011
Colchester, CT (PDF Format)
Deerfield, MA (PDF Format)
Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
Newport, RI (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)
Announcement, June 10, 2011
Due to the warm wet weather in the last few weeks Disease Risks for downy mildew have been high. I have seen Downy mildew of grape at two different locations in CT yesterday (Thursday, June 9, 2011). It would be wise to scout your vineyards, especially, if you have had problems with this disease in the past.
The disease symptoms are yellow green blotches on the upper surface of leaves and a tufty cream colored growth with white fuzz below.
Lower Surface of Leaf
Upper Surface of Leaf
Upper Surface of Leaf
Lower Surface of Leaf
Disease Risk, June 17, 2011
Colchester, CT (PDF Format)
Deerfield, MA (PDF Format)
Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
Newport, RI (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)
Announcement, June 17, 2011
Note that the models (UC Davis) predict no conidial spread of powdery mildew (PM) for all locations, except Newport, RI, due to the fact that average temperature has remained below seventy-two degrees Fahrenheit (due to cool nights).
However, I have seen powdery mildew (PM) colonies in Hamden, CT and Griswold, CT on unsprayed Chardonnay, which are not, as yet, spreading. 
If the temperature at night begins to get warmer this may become a problem for young fruit and flowers.
Disease Risk, June 23, 2011
New Preston, CT (PDF Format)
Disease Risk, June 24, 2011
Belchertown, MA (PDF Format)
Colchester, CT (PDF Format)
Deerfield, MA ( PDF Format)
Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
Newport, RI (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)
Disease Risk, July 5, 2011
Belchertown, MA (PDF Format)
Colchester, CT (PDF Format)
Deerfield, MA (PDF Format)
Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)
Announcement, July 5, 2011
The warm wet weather favors black rot and Downy Mildew.
Even though the warmer weather is favorable for the spread of powdery mildew, powdery mildew incidence is very low (less than leaf out of two hundred) at my experimental plots in Windsor, Hamden, and Griswold as of last Friday (July 1, 2011). 
Disease Risk, July 15, 2011
Belchertown, MA (PDF Format)
Colchester, CT (PDF Format)
Deerfield, MA (PDF Format)
Griswold, CT (PDF Format)
Hamden, CT (PDF Format)
Windsor, CT (PDF Format)
Announcement, July 15, 2011
Downy mildew seems to be present at all sites I have visited in the last week. Although the risk for Powdery mildew is high, I have not seen much in my experimental plots.
Disease Risk, July 18, 2011
Disease Risk, July 19, 2011
Disease Risk, July 22, 2011
Announcement, July 22, 2011

Downy Mildew is present at all the vineyards I have scouted in the last few weeks.  Early symptoms are subtle …

And small yellow splotches on the upper surface are easily overlooked, however, sporulation on the bottom of the leaf is unmistakable!!!

Keep your eyes open especially if the weather turns wet.

Pictures below are from Chardonnay vines in eastern Massachusetts:

Chardonnay Vines in Eastern Mass. (Top of Leaf)
Upper Surface of Leaf
Chardonnay Vines in Eastern Mass. (Bottom of Leaf)
Lower Surface of Leaf
Disease Risk, July 31, 2011
Disease Risk, August 1, 2011
Colchester, CT
Griswold, CT 
Hamden, CT
Announcement, August 1, 2011
The lack of rainfall in most locations have stifled the spread of Downey mildew.  However, powdery mildew has spread at rapidly at all my experimental vineyards.  Although the fruit is no longer susceptible, a spray to limit the overwintering inoculum for powdery might be in order. My earliest cultivars are approaching veraison so I have include Botrytis risk in the mix.
Announcement, August 7, 2011
I will be off on vacation next week (8/8 - 8/14). My next disease risk alert will come the following week.  However, the weather today (Sunday, August 7, 2011) and the next few days will be highly favorable for bunch rot throughout the region. It will be relatively cool and wet with temperatures between 65F and 80F.  Most varieties are approaching veraison and bunch closure.

I have asked my farm managers to spray the berries this week for protection.  Also, if you have Downy mildew problems, the weather will be favorable for spread.

Disease Risk, August 14, 2011

New Preston, CT

Disease Risk, August 16, 2011

Colchester, CT 

Deerfield, MA 

Griswold, CT 

Hamden, CT 

Newport, RI 

Windsor, CT 

Announcement, August 16, 2011

The frequent rains in the last eight days have enhanced the danger from Downy Mildew and bunch rots.

Disease Risk, August 24, 2011

Colchester, CT

Deerfield, MA

Griswold, CT

Hamden, CT

Newport, RI

New Preston, CT

Windsor, CT

Announcement, August 24, 2011

The major problem in my fields is still Downy Mildew. I have considerable foliar damage (25-50%) on the vinefera (Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Cabernet Franc).

Disease Risk, August 29, 2011

Newport, RI

Disease Risk, August 31, 2011

Colchester, CT

Deerfield, MA

Griswold, CT

Hamden, CT

New Preston, CT

Windsor, CT

Disease Risk, September 8, 2011

Colchester, CT  

Deerfield, MA

Griswold, CT

Hamden, CT

New Preston, CT

Windsor, CT

Announcement, September 8, 2011

The frequent and heavy rains are favoring the development of Downy Mildew and Bunch rots.

Jim Preste, the farm manager of the Windsor Station, has noted an exceptional amount of yellow jacket damage to fruit. Has anyone else noticed this???

Disease Risk, September 13, 2011

Newport, RI

Announcement, September 13, 2011

I'm having some difficulty with the remote connection for this site and had to download the data manually.
Vinefera are ripening very unevenly in my experimental plots. This may be due to considerable defoliation (20-25%) from Downy Mildew (DM).

Chardonnay  10-18 Brix

Pinot Noir  8-20 Brix

Cabernet Franc  12-16 Brix

However the hybrids Chamborcin and Vidal, which have only minor DM damage (< 15%), are maturing more evenly:

Chamborcin  15-18 Brix

Vidal  12-14 Brix

Disease Risk, September 15, 2011

Colchester, CT

Deerfield, MA

Griswold, CT

Hamden, CT

New Preston, CT 

Windsor, CT

Disease Risk, September 21, 2011

Colchester, CT

Deerfield, MA

Griswold, CT

Hamden, CT

Newport, RI

New Preston, CT

Windsor, CT

Announcement, September 21, 2011

The cool dry weather in the last week or so has helped stifle the spread of Downy Mildew and Bunch rots.

However, this weather has also slowed down ripening. Of the cultivars in my plots only St. Croix and Foch are approaching 20 Brix.










2010 Data






Disease Risk, May 12, 2010
Deerfield, MA
Griswold, CT
Hamden, CT
Windsor, CT

Announcement, May 14, 2010
Frost damage in the early morning hours of May 11 was widespread.  I lost all my primary buds on Chardonnay at Hamden and Griswold.  Vidal, Cab Franc and Chambourcin faired better (<30% loss) at these locations.   Luckily, the Windsor plot had only minor damage although a nearby strawberry planting was hard hit.   If convenient would you please report to me on the extent of damage at your location.  Include cultivar and stage of growth (3 leaf stage or 5 leaf stage with expanded flower buds etc.).

Disease Risk, May 16, 2010
Belchertown, MA 

Disease Risk, May 25, 2010
Belchertown, MA
Deerfield, MA
Colchester, CT
Griswold, CT
Hamden, CT
Windsor, CT

Disease Risk, June 3, 2010
Belchertown, MA
Deerfield, MA
Colchester, CT 
Griswold, CT
Hamden, CT
Windsor, CT

Announcement, June 4, 2010--Powdery mildew colonies on Chardonnay in Hamden, CT
In checking my plots this afternoon I found new colonies of grape powdery mildew on my 3-year old Chardonnay grape vines.  These grapes were last checked on Wednesday (2 June) and no colonies were spotted on the 20 stems (~160 leaves).  This afternoon (4 June) 7 of the 20 stems were infected and most of these had 2 or 3 infected leaves with between 5 and 10 colonies about a cm in diameter.  Infected leaves tended to be the third fourth or fifth leaf on the stem.

Announcement, June 10, 2010--Powdery mildew colonies in Windsor, CT
I found some powdery mildew infected leaves on unsprayed 3-year old Chardonnay vines at Windsor, CT.  6 out of 100 assayed leaves were colonized.  Leaves had 2-4 colonies < ½ inch in diameter.  No colonies were found on 100 Chardonnay leaves on 2-year old vines planted in Griswold CT.  These vines were heavily frost damaged 11 May but are recovering nicely.

Disease Risk, June 10, 2010
Colchester, CT
Griswold, CT
Hamden, CT
Windsor, CT

Belchertown, MA
Deerfield, MA  

Disease Risk, June 17, 2010
Colchester, CT
Griswold, CT
Hamden, CT
Windsor, CT
Belchertown, MA
Deerfield, MA

Announcement, June 24, 2010
Interesting note: I have found heavy infections of Anthracnose (Elsinoe ampelina) on berries, leaves, petioles, and stems of Vidal and Chambourcin at many sites due to the hot humid weather.

Due to the hot humid weather anthracnose has spread rapidly in my Windsor plots.  The cultivar “Vidal” is especially susceptible.  
Anthracnose (leaf)
nthracnose (leaf)

Anthracnose (fruit)
Anthracnose (fruit)

Anthracnose (leaf, front)
Anthracnose (leaf, front)

Anthracnose (stem)
Anthracnose (stem)

Disease Risk, June 24, 2010
Colchester, CT 
Griswold, CT 
Hamden, CT 
Windsor, CT 

Disease Risk, June 30, 2010
Colchester, CT
Griswold, CT 
Hamden, CT 
Windsor, CT 

2010 Growing Degree Days, January 1 - July 7 (Windsor, CT; Hamden, CT; Griswold, CT)

Disease Risk, July 8, 2010
Colchester, CT 
Griswold, CT 
Hamden, CT 
Windsor, CT 

Disease Risk, July 14, 2010
Newport, RI

Disease Risk, July 15, 2010
Griswold, CT 
Hamden, CT 
Windsor, CT 

Powdery Mildew is highly favored by the warm humid weather!!! Keep on lookout for Downy Mildew with the recent rains.

Disease Risk, July 16, 2010
Deerfield, MA 

Disease Risk, July 21, 2010
Hamden, CT 
Newport, RI 

Disease Risk, July 22, 2010
We have 50% veraison for Vanessa in Hamden.
Colchester, CT 
Griswold, CT 
Windsor, CT 

2010 Growing Degree Days, January 1 - July 22 (Windsor, CT; Hamden, CT; Griswold, CT; Colchester, CT; Deerfield, MA; Belchertown, MA)

Disease Risk, July 23, 2010
New Preston, CT 

Disease Risk, July 28, 2010
Colchester, CT 
New Preston, CT 
Windsor, CT 

Disease Risk, July 29, 2010
Griswold, CT 
Newport, RI 

At Windsor, CT, "Marachande Foch" and "Saint Croix" are between 70% and 100% veraison. (2-3 wks ahead of normal!!!).

Also at Windsor, CT, "Seyval Blanc" is about 60% veraison and we have seen some fruit rot in this tight clustered cultivar, which appears to be Botrytis.

Disease Risk, August 4, 2010
Newport, RI 

Disease Risk, August 5, 2010
Colchester, CT 
Griswold, CT 
Hamden, CT 
New Preston, CT 
Windsor, CT 

Disease Risk, August 10, 2010
Colchester, CT 
Griswold, CT 

Comparison of Growing Degree Days 2009 vs. 2010 at the three Connecticut Experimental Farms (Windsor, CT; Hamden, CT; Griswold, CT)
Comparison GDD 2009 vs. 2010 

Disease Risk, August 11, 2010
Hamden, CT 
Newport, RI 
Windsor, CT 

Grape Disease Risk, August 15, 2010
Belchertown, MA
Deerfield, MA

Disease Risk, August 16, 2010
New Preston, CT

Disease Risk, August 19, 2010
Colchester, CT 
Griswold, CT 
Hamden, CT 
Newport, RI 
Windsor, CT 

Powdery Mildew is the major problem for the last month.
We have seen a good hit of Downy Mildew in Windsor, CT on unprotected Chardonnay.

We are at least 4 weeks ahead of last year's GDD and 2+ weeks ahead of average. Early harvest dates are probable.
Due to the early ripening of the berries tempurature and humidity are higher than usual and fruit rots may be a problem.
This rain has caused all models to predict high infection risk for the past few days.
Beware fruit rots!!!
Growing degree days are 2-3 weeks ahead of average and fruit is ripening very early.
Yesterday, August 24 at Windsor: St. Croix 20.1 Brix, Foch 22.1 Brix, Chardonnay 19.6 Brix, Chambourcin 17.8 Brix, Vidal 17.2 Brix, Seyval 19.4 Brix, Riesling 17.5 Brix.
Grape Disease Risk, August 26, 2010
Deerfield, MA

Disease Risk, September 1, 2010
Colchester, CT 
Griswold, CT  
Hamden, CT 
Newport, RI 
Windsor, CT 

I have tested all grape cultivars for sugar content at Windsor and Hamden and Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Franc, Seyval, Chambourcin, and Riesling are all at or above 20 Brix. Vidal is at 19 Brix and the Villard (Blanc and Noir) cultivars are between 18 and 19 Brix.

This is an amazing year.
Disease Risk, September 2, 2010
Disease Risk, September 4, 2010
New Preston, CT
Disease Risk, September 8, 2010
Disease Risk, September 15, 2010
Colchester, CT 
Griswold, CT 
Hamden, CT 
Newport, RI 
New Preston, CT 
Windsor, CT 

Disease Risk, September 22, 2010
Colchester, CT
Disease Risk, September 29, 2010
Belchertown, MA
Colchester, CT
Deerfield, MA
Griswold, CT
Hamden, CT
Newport, RI
Windsor, CT

Disease Risk, October 5, 2010
New Preston, CT

Disease Risk, October 6, 2010
Belchertown, MA 
Colchester, CT 
Deerfield, MA 
Griswold, CT 
Hamden, CT 
Newport, RI 
2009 Data
Weather Data, February-April 2009
Windsor, CT 

Weather Data, March-April 2009
Griswold, CT 

Disease Risk, May 7, 2009
Disease Risk ...Phomopsis threat is high throughout our area.  Although, weather is right for ascospore release, I have not seen any mature Chasmothecia as of 7 May 2009 PM.

Disease Risk, May 15, 2009
Colchester, CT 
New Preston, CT

Disease Risk, May 21, 2009
Belchertown, MA
Colchester, CT
New Preston, CT

Announcement, May 29, 2009
As of noon 29, May mature ascospores of powdery mildew have only been observed from material overwintered in Wareham, MA (The UMASS Cranberry Station). Isolations from all other sites (Windsor, CT; Hamden, CT; Griswold, CT) are not yet mature.

Disease Risk, May 29, 2009
Belchertown, MA
Colchester, CT
Deerfield, MA
New Preston, CT 
Newport, RI

Disease Risk, June 5, 2009
Belchertown, MA
Colchester, CT
Deerfield, MA
New Preston, CT
Newport, RI

Alert, June 12, 2009
Connecticut Wine Grape Grower Alert June 12, 2009 

Disease Risk, June 11, 2009
Colchester, CT
Deerfield, MA
Newport, RI

Announcement of First Disease, June 16, 2009
On the morning of June 16 (Tuesday), I found 2 Chardonnay leaves infected with powdery mildew out of a sample of 50 leaves in the Windsor, CT vineyard.  Each leaf had 4 to 6 colonies somewhat less than 1 cm in diameter.  Microscopic examination revealed that the largest colonies were starting to produce conidia.  Note these were very sparse and hard to see except with glancing light.  When I found these leaves, I immediately examined a Cabernet Franc vine which I knew was heavily infected last fall.  This plant yielded 3 more infected leaves in similar states of development. It is hard to judge how old these colonies are due to the recent cold wet weather.  However, I will venture a guess of between 7 and 14 days ago (June 2-9).  An examination of the trap plants exposed during this and earlier time periods revealed no PM colonies. At that time, Chardonnay at Windsor was at 50-60% bloom stage.  Shoots had 15-21 leaves and were between 27" and 40" long.

Disease Risk, May 1-June 19, 2009
Hamden, CT 
Griswold, CT 
Windsor, CT

Weather Data, March 1-June 19, 2009
Griswold, CT 
Windsor, CT 

Disease Risk, June 11-June 19, 2009
Deerfield, MA; Newport, RI; Colchester, CT; and New Preston, CT

Announcement of Powdery Mildew Alert, June 23, 2009
Serious outbreak of Powdery Mildew on Chardonnay in WINDSOR, CT.

336 of 842 (~40%) leaves on 50 sampled stems from 10 Chardonnay grape vines were observed to be infected by powdery mildew. The median infected leaf had 4-5 colonies of the fungus covering 8-12% of the leaf surface.

Due to the recent cold wet weather, 95% of the colonies were on the underside of leaves and had a dusky, light brown appearance. Often, theses colonies were associated with discoloration of vascular tissue (leaf veins) and yellow patches on the opposite, upper surface of the infected leaf. Thus, scouting for this disease is difficult ... each leaf must be turned over and examined closely.

Disease Risk, June 1-June 26, 2009
Belchertown, MA
Colchester, CT
Deerfield, MA
Griswold, CT
Hamden, CT
New Preston, CT
Newport, RI
Windsor, CT

2009 Growing Degree Days, March 1-June 30 (Windsor, CT; Hamden, CT; Griswold, CT; Colchester, CT; New Preston, CT)

Disease Risk, June 21, 2009-July 1, 2009
Belchertown, MA
Colchester, CT
Deerfield, MA
Griswold, CT
Hamden, CT
New Preston, CT
Newport, RI
Windsor, CT

Disease Risk, June 28, 2009-July 10, 2009
New Preston, CT (no data due to leaf wetness sensor malfunction); Colchester, CT; Windsor, CT; Griswold, CT; Clarkdale, MA; Belchertown, MA; Newport, RI; and Hamden, CT

Disease Risk, July 16, 2009
New Preston, CT (no data); Newport, RI (no data); Hamden, CT; Colchester, CT; Griswold, CT; Windsor, CT; Deerfield, MA; Belchertown, MA 

Disease Risk, Newport, RI, July 15, 2009-August 6, 2009
Newport, RI

Disease Risk, July 17, 2009-July 24, 2009
New Preston, CT (No data on 7/24/2009 sensor malfunction); Hamden, CT; Windsor, CT; Griswold, CT; Colchester, CT; New Preston, CT; Newport, RI; Deerfield, MA; Belchertown, MA

Disease Risk, July 31, 2009-August 6, 2009
Belchertown, MA (no data); New Preston, CT (no data); Newport, RI (no data); Hamden, CT; Windsor, CT; Griswold, CT; Deerfield, CT; Colchester, CT

Disease Risk, August 4, 2009-August 12, 2009
New Preston, CT

Disease Risk, August 1, 2009-August 28, 2009
Newport, RI; Windsor, CT; Belchertown, MA; Colchester, CT; Deerfield, MA; Griswold, CT; Hamden, CT

Disease Risk, August 7, 2009-August 13, 2009
Belchertown, MA (no data); New Preston, CT (August 4-12); Hamden, CT; Windsor, CT; Griswold, CT; Colchester, CT; Deerfield, MA

Disease Risk, August 21, 2009-August 26, 2009
New Preston (no data); Hamden, CT; Windsor, CT; Griswold, CT; Newport, RI

Disease Risk, August 1, 2009-August 13, 2009
Newport, RI

2009 Growing Degree Days, March 4-August 25 (Griswold, CT)

2009 Growing Degree Days, March 1-August 25 (Hamden, CT)

2009 Growing Degree Days, March 1-August 25 (Windsor, CT)

Weather Data (Air and Soil Temperature, Precipitation) 2009 and 2010
Windsor and Hamden, CT

Weather Data (Graphical Comparison of GDD and Precipation, 09'-12')
Griswold, Hamden, and Windsor, CT