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All Plan Review Requirements and Documents for School Construction Projects
The Plan Review Department has developed a set of requirements for obtaining Plan Approval for School Construction Projects.
All Required Forms Regarding Plan Review and Approval
Find a List of Required Forms Regarding Plan Review and Approval
Certified “Alliance Grant” districts that meet the requirements as defined in FORM SCG-1001 General Improvements to Alliance Districts’ School Buildings Grant Program Application Package, are eligible to submit applications for Alliance Grant funding.
Apply for School Construction Grants
The Office of Grants Administration is responsible for the grant administration of all Connecticut public school construction projects seeking authorization for a State grant commitment. The Office actively serves the 169 Connecticut municipalities, 17 Regional School Districts and 6 Regional Educational Service Centers (RESCs) in the project application process.
File School Construction Change Orders
All school construction change orders or construction change directives must conform to the terms and conditions outlined in the Change Directives Bulletin dated 4/21/16, and the Bulletin of Common Change Order Ineligibilities dated 2/10/16.
Posting School Construction Project Bids to State Contracting Portal
Pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Sec. 4b-91(a), contracts for construction, reconstruction, alteration, remodeling, repair or demolition of any public building or public works by a public agency paid for in whole or in part with state funds and estimated to cost more than five hundred thousand dollars shall be awarded to a bidder that is prequalified pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. Sec. 4a-100 after the public agency has invited such bids by notice posted on the State Contracting Portal ("Portal").
Reports on the Condition of Connecticut's Public Schools
Pursuant to C.G.S. 10-220(a), local and regional boards of education are required to “…report to the Commissioner of Administrative Services on the condition of its facilities…” The Office of Grants Administration is responsible for the administration of the school facility survey, and the collection and reporting of the data.
School Construction Change Order Forms and Eligibility Information
Pursuant to the Office of Grants Administration policy every school construction project that files a construction Change Order must submit documentation to the Department of Administrative Services for review in order to establish a determination of eligibility.
School Construction Cost Estimate Filing Requirements and Procedures
All school construction project grant applications must include a competed Estimate of Probable Costs, known as the Public School Construction Cost Database (PSCCD) through the State BizNet website. Only one (1) Design Team member or Local Education Agency (LEA) representative on the proposed school project will be allowed access to the database.
School Construction Priority List Projects
The Office of Grants Administration annually submits a listing of school construction projects applying for grant commitments from the State.
School Construction Progress Payments
The Office of Grants Administration processes payment requests for eligible school districts with projects that have been approved for State grant commitments. Payments are batched monthly and are paid electronically.
School Construction Project Closure and Audit Procedures
Pursuant to C.G.S. 10-287i, every school construction project that has received State grant assistance is subject to an audit by the Department of Administrative Services (DAS). Please note that C.G.S. 10-287i references a holdback of each grant prior to DAS completing and authorizing the release of the retained grant.
There are numerous Environmental, Health and Safety requirements that will potentially affect a school construction project. Some of the more common and important of these requirements are listed below. Not every possible requirement is listed, and this information is only intended as a helpful summary.
School Construction Site Review and Approval
If a Local Education Agency (LEA) is seeking a school construction grant from the Office of Grants Administration, the LEA may be required to obtain Site Approval from DAS. To receive Site Approval, file FORM SCG-053 with attachments as required.
School Construction State Reimbursement Percentages
Reimbursement percentages are calculated annually. Each project receives a reimbursement percentage based on the date the town or district secured the local share of funding for the school construction project pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes. Current reimbursement rates subject to each town or district can be found on this page.