Related Resources

General Resources

U.S. Department of Education, The state of Racial Diversity in the Educator Workforce

Center for American Progress, The Student Debt Crisis

U.S. Department of Education, Advancing Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education: Key Data Highlights Focusing on Race and Ethnicity and Promising Practices

Journal of Multicultural Education, Unheard Voices of Minority Teacher Candidates in a Teacher Education Program

Newsweek, Why Minority Students Don’t Graduate from College

Resources for Student Mentorship Programs

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Minority Student Recruitment, Retention and Career Transition Practices: A Review of the Literature

U.S. Department of Education, Advancing Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education: Key Data Highlights Focusing on Race and Ethnicity and Promising Practices

Journal of Multicultural Education, Unheard Voices of Minority Teacher Candidates in a Teacher Education Program

College Student Journal, Promoting Diversity: Recommendations for Recruitment and Retention of Minorities in Higher Education

Resources for Middletown “Coming Home” Project (VT) Spotlight

Peabody Journal of Education, Coming Home: Mentoring New Teachers: A School-University Partnership to Support the Development of Teachers from Diverse Ethnic Backgrounds

Resources for Intervention technology

NPR, How One University Used Big Data To Boost Graduation Rates

Resources for Georgia State University (GA) Spotlight

NPR, How One University Used Big Data To Boost Graduation Rates

Resources for University of South Florida (FL)

USF News, Data and Case Management Drive Student Success at USF

The Education Trust, A Look at Black Student Success: Identifying Top- and Bottom-Performing Institutions

Tampa Bay Times, Editorial: USF uses big data well to help students succeed

Tampa Bay Times, Editorial: USF leads in closing achievement gap

Resources for Inclusive and culturally-sensitive EPP curricula

The Education Alliance at Brown University, Minority Teacher Recruitment, Development, and Retention

Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, Preparing Teachers for Urban Schools: A View from the Field

Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies, Embracing A Diverse Curriculum In University Teacher Preparation Programs

San Francisco State University, The Preparation of Inclusive Social Justice Education Leaders

Resources for CEEDAR grant recipients - Central and Southern Connecticut State Universities (CT) Spotlight

Connecticut CEEDAR Work Group, Developing Quality Fieldwork Experiences for Teacher Candidates A Planning Guide for Educator Preparation Programs and District Partners

CEEDAR, TeacherPrepReformCT PPT

Resources for Project ACCESS “Summer Community Immersion” course (MO) Spotlight

Issues in Teacher Education, Crossing Borders without Leaving Town: The Impact of Cultural Immersion on the Perceptions of Teacher Education Candidates

Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies, Embracing A Diverse Curriculum In University Teacher Preparation Programs

Resources for University of Oregon Institutional Plan (OR) Spotlight

University of Oregon College of Education, Educator Equity in Teacher Preparation: Institutional Plan A Plan to Recruit, Retain, and Graduate Minority Educators

Resources for Urban Teacher Education Programs (IL, NJ, AL) Spotlight

UAB School of Education, Urban Teacher Enhancement Program

The University of Chicago Urban Teacher Education Program, Alumni

The Washington Post, What keeps good teachers teaching?

Center for American Progress, Increasing Teacher Diversity Strategies to Improve the Teacher Workforce