Related Resources

To become better acquainted with the new Tools for Teachers web site, try these resources.

  • What is Tools for TeachersTools for Teachers, a brand new web site for instructional resources and professional development, is on its way! We are working with hundreds of educators to build something really great—an advanced toolkit for teachers that will help you do what you do best. Teach! 
  • How Tools for Teachers Supports Educators Tools for Teachers is an easy-to-search website featuring lessons and activities designed to save teachers time. Check out a few of the features. 
  • Learn how to use Smarter Balanced's new Website,Tools for Teachers The site is the home for instructional resources and professional development, all created in close collaboration with educators.
  • Understanding the Formative Assessment Process This handout contains a brief explanation of the formative assessment process. The Formative Assessment Process is a process used by teachers and students during instruction that provides actionable feedback that is used to adjust ongoing teaching and learning strategies to improve students’ attainment of curricular learning targets/goals.