Agricultural Science and Technology Education (ASTE)
ASTE programs prepare students for college and careers and incorporate a hands-on, active curriculum that integrates subject area skills and knowledge, applied skills in the core subjects of mathematics, science and English/language arts while incorporating leadership skills and work-based learning experiences through the National Future Farmers of America (FFA) Organization and supervised agriculture experiences. These ASTE programs serve Hartford resident students entering grade 9 in full time programs and are located at a comprehensive high school. Students living in Hartford and attending one of the three ASTE schools are eligible for RSCO Transportation.
Application for Student Admission
Application Deadline:
January 8, 2021
Bloomfield High School Harris Agriscience and Technology Center
5 Huckleberry Lane, Bloomfield, CT 06002
860-286-2630 ext. 1520
330 Hubbard Street, Glastonbury, CT 06033
860-652-7200 ext. 11101
Suffield High School Regional Agriculture Center
1060 Sheldon Street, West Suffield, CT 06093