Managing life-threatening food allergies in Connecticut schools


Gratitude is extended to the following individuals for reviewing all or sections of the 2012 revised Guidelines for Managing Life-Threatening Food Allergies in Connecticut Schools (Includes Guidelines for Managing Glycogen Storage Disease):

  • Batten, Janene, MLS, AHIP, Librarian, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale University 
  • Fiore, Susan, MS, RD, Nutrition Education Coordinator, Connecticut State Department of Education 
  • Foland, Joan, MHS, MPhil., Genomics Office, Connecticut Department of Public Health 
  • Stephanie Knutson, MSN, RN, project manager 
  • Resha, Cheryl, Ed.D, MSN, RN, FNASN, Associate Professor, Southern Connecticut State University

These guidelines were originally developed in 2006, through the cooperation of key organizations, the medical community and individuals committed to ensuring care for children with life-threatening food allergies in schools throughout Connecticut. Recognition is extended to the original contributors. These individuals and organizations are listed below (as in the original manual): 

  • Cheryl Resha, Ed.D, MSN, RN, Connecticut State Department
    of Education 
  • John D. Frassinelli, MS, RD, Nutrition Supervisor, DPH 
  • Pat Krin, MSN, APRN, BC FNP, ASNC 
  • Kathy Larew, MBA, Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network, Parent 
  • Louis Mendelson, MD, Connecticut Asthma and Allergy Center, Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, University of Connecticut School of Medicine 
  • Rob Nolfo MD, FAAP, Pediatrician, Guilford Pediatrics, Medical Advisor, Guilford Public Schools 
  • Nadine Schwab, BSN, MPH, PNP, Supervisor of Health Services, Westport Public Schools 
  • Martin W. Sklaire MD, FAAP Chairman, Committee on School Health, Connecticut Chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics, Clinical Professor of Pediatrics Yale University School of Medicine 
  • Rhonda Riggott Stevens, MA, Professional Educator and parent 
  • Nancy A. Wheeler, RS, Food Protection Program, DPH

Recognition is also extended those who reviewed the original manual and shared their expertise and resources. These individuals and organizations are listed below (as in the original manual):

  • Sharyn Beddington, Parent 
  • Dr. Louise Berry, Superintendent of Schools, Brooklyn, Connecticut,  Association of Public School Superintendents 
  • Jeffrey M. Factor, MD, Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Connecticut Asthma and Allergy Center 
  • Heidi Gianquinto, Parent Food & Latex Allergy Awareness Group 
  • James P. Rosen, MD, FAAAAI, FAAP Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics University of Connecticut School of Medicine Member of the Medical Advisory Board of the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network Connecticut Asthma and Allergy Center 
  • Rosemary Szot, Parent 
  • Lisa Waldron, Parent 

The following organizations are also acknowledged for graciously sharing their materials (as listed in the original manual): 

  • Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network 
  • Massachusetts Department of Education 

For more information on the CSDE’s 2012 Guidelines for Managing Life-Threatening Food Allergies in Connecticut Schools (Includes Guidelines for Managing Glycogen Storage Disease) contact:

Stephanie G. Knutson, MSN, RN
School Health Consultant
Connecticut State Department of Education
Bureau of Health/Nutrition, Family Services and Adult Education
450 Columbus Blvd., Suite 504
Hartford, CT 06103