Financial Aid Resources for Undocumented Students

Private Colleges:
  • CT Private College Guide - Information about admissions, financial aid, and people that you can contact at private colleges in Connecticut to get the information that you need!  
  • Boston School Counselors College List - Resources put together by Boston Public School Counselors that includes a list of private colleges around the country that give large scholarships to undocumented students.
College Planning Information for Undocumented Students & Families:
  • 10 Tips for Undocumented Students (also available in Spanish) - Basic information on applying to college for undocumented students put together by CT undocumented students. 
  • Common College Terms - Common terms used when talking about college admissions, financial aid, and the general college experience. 
  • Junior College Planning Calendar - College planning calendar with information specifically for undocumented juniors that goes over what you should be doing when to get prepared for college. 
  • Senior College Planning Calendar -  College planning calendar with information specifically for undocumented seniors that goes over what you should be doing when to get prepared for college
  • College Planning Parent Guide (in Spanish) - Guide developed by Educators for Fair Consideration that helps undocumented parents and parents of undocumented students better understand the college process and how they can support their students. 
C4D College Access Program
  • C4D College Access Program (also available in Spanish) - Brochure with information about CT Students for a Dream’s College Access Program and the support that we provide for you and how you can get in contact with us!
  • College Access Program Information for Educators - Brochure with information about the CT Students for a Dream’s College Access Program and the support we can provide students, educators, and schools.
Supporting Undocumented Students

Training Materials

  • C4D Professional Development Handout - Want a professional development session/training at your school or for your department? This handout will tell you more about what we offer in our trainings and how to set one up!
Resources for College Staff & Faculty 
  • College Educator Tips - Tips from the Department of Higher Education on how to make colleges and universities more welcoming spaces for undocumented students and what individual faculty and staff can do to create a welcoming environment.
  • Taking Action Guide - A United We Dream guide on different actions that educators can take to support students and make their campus more welcoming for undocumented students.
Other Educator Resources
  • Department of Education Guide - A guide created by the Department of Education in 2016 that includes tips for educators, scholarship lists, and other resources for undocumented students.