
School Nutrition Programs | SFSP | CACFP

School Nutrition Programs and Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) school nutrition programs include the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP) , Afterschool Snack Program (ASP) of the NSLP, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP)Special Milk Program (SMP), and Seamless Summer Option (SSO) of the NSLP. For more information, visit the CSDE's School Nutrition Programs webpage. For information on the SFSP, visit the CSDE’s SFSP webpage.

Connecticut General Statutes  |   Connecticut Governor's Executive Orders
Connecticut Regulations  |   USDA Legislation for School Meals
USDA Regulations  |   USDA Final Rules

Connecticut General Statutes

The state statutes apply to all public schools. For guidance on the statutory requirements related to competitive foods, visit the CSDE's Competitive Foods in Schools webpage.

Connecticut Governor's Executive Orders

  • Executive Order No 9K: Protection of Public Health and Safety during COVID-19 Pandemic – Increased Protective Measures in Response to COVID-19
    Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor's civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Repeal of municipal authority and return to statewide protective measures; Return to Phase 2 limits on certain gatherings; Reduced capacity at indoor graduation ceremonies; DECD authority to enact sector rules for youth sports; DECD authority to enact sector rules governing mandatory closing times for certain businesses and other establishments; Extension of expanded outdoor dining; Extension of prohibition on sale of alcohol by certain permittees without the sale of food; and Flexibility for school nutrition programs.
  • Governor Lamont's Executive Orders

Connecticut Regulations

The state competitive foods regulations apply to all public schools, private schools, and RCCIs that participate in the USDA's Child Nutrition Programs.

Finding State and Federal Legislation

USDA Legislation for School Meals

USDA Regulations for Child Nutrition Programs

USDA Final Rules for Child Nutrition Programs

CACFP  |   School Nutrition Programs  |   SFSP

Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Final Rules
  • Afterschool Snacks in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (Final Rule 72 FR 41591)
  • Disregard of Overpayments in the CACFP, NSLP and SBP (Final Rule 71 FR 30561)
  • Management of Donated Foods in Child Nutrition Programs, the Nutrition Services Incentive Program, and Charitable Institutions (Final Rule 73 FR 46169)
  • Meal Patterns for the CACFP
    • Amendments to the Child Nutrition Infant Meal Pattern (Final Rule 67 FR 36779)
    • CACFP Meal Pattern Revisions Related to the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (Final Rule 81 FR 24347)
      • Correction: CACFP Meal Pattern Revisions Related to the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (Final Rule 81 FR 75671)
    • Modification of the Vegetable Protein Products Requirements for the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Summer Food Service Program and Child and Adult Care Food Program (Final Rule 65 FR 12429)
  • Geographic Preference Option for the Procurement of Unprocessed Agricultural Products in Child Nutrition Programs (Final Rule 76 FR 22603)
  • Disclosure of Children's Free and Reduced Price Meals and Free Milk Eligibility Information in the Child Nutrition Programs (Final Rule 72 FR 10885
  • Management of Donated Foods in Child Nutrition Programs, the Nutrition Services Incentive Program, and Charitable Institutions (Final Rule 73 FR 46169)
  • Nondiscretionary Amendments Related to the HHFKA of 2010 (Final Rule 78 FR 13443)
School Nutrition Programs Final Rules
  • Administrative Reviews in the School Nutrition Programs (Final Rule Final Rule 81 FR 50170)
  • Disregard of Overpayments in the CACFP, NSLP and SBP (Final RuleFinal Rule 71 FR 30561)
  • Food Safety
  • Free and Reduced-price Meals
    • Applying for Free and Reduced Price Meals in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program and for Benefits in the Special Milk Program, and Technical Amendments (Final Rule 76 FR 66849)
      • Correction: Applying for Free and Reduced Price Meals in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program and for Benefits in the Special Milk Program, and Technical Amendments (Final Rule 76 FR 78095)
    • Determining Eligibility for Free and Reduced Price Meals in Schools-Verification Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements (Final RuleFinal Rule 68 FR 53483)
    • Direct Certification of Eligibility for Free and Reduced Price Meals and Free Milk in Schools (Final Rule Final Rule 64 FR 72466)
    • Disclosure of Children's Free and Reduced Price Meals and Free Milk Eligibility Information in the Child Nutrition Programs (Final Rule 72 FR 10885
    • National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program: Eliminating Applications through Community Eligibility as Required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (Final Rule 81 FR 50194)
    • NSLP and SBP Alternatives to Standard Application and Meal Counting Procedures (Final Rule 66 FR 48323)
    • NSLP Independent Review of Applications Required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (Final Rule 79 FR 7049)
  • Meal Patterns for School Nutrition Programs
    • Child Nutrition Program Flexibilities for Milk, Whole Grains, and Sodium Requirements (Final Rule 83 FR 63775)
    • Note: On August 21, 2020, the USDA released information about a decision in April 2020 by the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland that vacates (cancels) the USDA’s 2018 final rule, Child Nutrition Programs: Flexibilities for Milk, Whole Grains, and Sodium Requirements (83 FR 63775), and eliminates the previously approved meal pattern flexibility that allowed flavored low-fat milk. Therefore, for school year 2020-21, flavored milk must be fat-free. For more information, see question 7 in USDA Memo SP 24-2020, CACFP 13-2020 and SFSP 13-2020: Questions and Answers for the Child Nutrition Programs during School Year 2020-21 – #5.

    • Certification of Compliance With Meal Requirements for the National School Lunch Program Under the HHFKA of 2010 (Final Rule 79 FR 325)
      • Correction: Certification of Compliance With Meal Requirements for the National School Lunch Program Under the HHFKA of 2010 (Final Rule 79 FR 2761)
    • Fluid Milk Substitutions in the School Nutrition Programs (73 FR 52903)
    • Marketing and Sale of Fluid Milk in Schools (Final Rule 74 FR 38889)
    • Modification of the Vegetable Protein Products Requirements for the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Summer Food Service Program and Child and Adult Care Food Program (Final Rule 65 FR 12429)
    • Nutrition Standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs (Final Rule 77 FR 4087)
      • USDA Memo SP 38-2019: Meal Requirements under the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program: Questions and Answers for Program Operators
  • Professional Standards for School Nutrition Programs
    • Hiring Flexibility under Professional Standards (Final Rule 84 FR 6953)
    • Professional Standards for State and Local School Nutrition Programs Personnel as Required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (Final Rule 80 FR 11077)
      • Correction: Professional Standards for State and Local School Nutrition Programs Personnel as Required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (Final Rule 80 FR 26181)
  • Procurement
    • Geographic Preference Option for the Procurement of Unprocessed Agricultural Products in Child Nutrition Programs (Final Rule 76 FR 22603)
    • Procurement Requirements for the National School Lunch, School Breakfast and Special Milk Programs (Final Rule 72 FR 61479)
  • Nondiscretionary Amendments Related to the HHFKA of 2010 (Final Rule 78 FR 13443)
  • School Wellness Policy
  • Smart Snacks Nutrition Standards
    • National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program: Nutrition Standards for All Foods Sold in School as Required by the HHFKA of 2010 (Final Rule Final Rule 81 FR 50131)
Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) Final Rules
  • Disclosure of Children's Free and Reduced Price Meals and Free Milk Eligibility Information in the Child Nutrition Programs (Final Rule 72 FR 10885
  • Geographic Preference Option for the Procurement of Unprocessed Agricultural Products in Child Nutrition Programs (Final Rule 76 FR 22603)
  • Management of Donated Foods in Child Nutrition Programs, the Nutrition Services Incentive Program, and Charitable Institutions (Final Rule 73 FR 46169)
  • Modification of the Vegetable Protein Products Requirements for the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Summer Food Service Program and Child and Adult Care Food Program (Final Rule 65 FR 12429)
  • Nondiscretionary Amendments Related to the HHFKA of 2010 (Final Rule 78 FR 13443)
  • SFSP Implementation of Legislative Reforms (65 FR 82246)
  • Simplified Cost Accounting and Other Actions To Reduce Paperwork in the SFSP (Final Rule 83 FR 25349)
    • Correction: Simplified Cost Accounting and Other Actions To Reduce Paperwork in the Summer Food Service Program (Final Rule 84 FR 15501)