
Personalized learning. What is it?

Ask a dozen educators to define personalized learning and you’re bound to get 12 different answers about why this approach to learning has strong benefits and real risks for students. Watch the video.

Personalized Learning according to an elementary teacher

Two Years Closer to Scaling Personalized, Competency-Based Learning in North Dakota

Welcome from the Commissioner

Charlene M. Russell-TuckerWelcome to the Connecticut State Department of Education’s Mastery-Based Learning Resource Center. This website is designed to support local school districts that choose to implement Mastery-Based Learning as well as families and community partners who want to learn more about this model. Connecticut offers Mastery-Based Learning as one option that districts may use in awarding credit for graduation or promotion. Through a variety of articles, videos, and links, this site outlines issues that districts may face when planning to transition to a Mastery-Based Learning Environment. Additional resources around community engagement, policy and practice are included for districts who have already begun their implementation journey.

We are interested in your feedback about what is useful to your district as well as what should be added to the website to meet your district needs. The Connecticut State Department of Education is especially interested in artifacts that districts are willing to share for inclusion on the site. The exchange of materials on the web site provides recognition to the innovative practices in many districts and helps districts beginning the transition to Mastery-Based Learning systems.