• Why is the survey required?

    Section 10-145r of the Connecticut General Statutes, Survey on Reading Instruction, requires that commencing in the 2014-15 school year, and biennially thereafter, any teacher during the school year who holds an Elementary Education or Integrated Early Childhood N-3 endorsement teaching in Grades K, 1, 2, and 3 will be required to complete the survey.

  • Who must take it?

    Any teacher holding a certificate endorsed in one of the following areas and serving in a position requiring such an endorsement and teaching in Grades Kindergarten, 1, 2 or 3 must complete the survey during the 2020-21 school year.

    • Integrated Early Childhood/Elementary Education N-3 and Special Education N-K (#113)
    • Elementary education (#001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 008, 013, or 305)
    • Bilingual elementary education (#009, 902)

    Teachers who hold more than one certification endorsement in addition to the above and are not serving under the above endorsements will not be required to complete the survey.

    District liaisons will receive from the Connecticut Department of Education a list of teachers who are required to complete the survey based on holding the above certification endorsements and serving in an elementary K-3 teaching assignment and grade.

  • What is the purpose of the survey?
    • To identify the strengths and weaknesses in reading instruction practices and knowledge; and,
    • To improve reading instruction by developing student learning objectives and teacher practice goals that will be included in the professional development.

  • How will my results be used?

    The results of the survey are formative and shall be used to support the planning of professional development at the school level. The survey results shall not be included as part of any summative ratings for performance evaluations nor impact certification. Furthermore, the survey results are not subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act.

  • Do I have to pay for the survey?

    There is no cost to the teacher.

  • Who is my district liaison on the survey?
    Answer: School districts with teachers in grades K-3 holding the certification endorsements above were asked to appoint a district liaison. A list of district liaisons will be posted to this site soon.
  • When and where will the survey be administered?

    The survey will be delivered via internet-based website link. Teachers will need to use their school or district computer sites, or district issued computer to complete the survey.

  • When will teachers receive their results?

    Upon completion of the survey, teachers will immediately receive their results report and may print it. Results will be stored in the teacher’s user account, which each person must create to log into the internet survey system. Furthermore, results are to be distributed by each teacher to the supervisor of such certified teacher who is responsible for designing and facilitating a program of professional development in scientifically-based reading research and instruction.

  • What is on the survey?

    The survey includes 85 multiple choice questions addressing the following 3 subareas and 9 objectives:

    • Foundations of Reading Development
      • Understand phonological and phonemic awareness.
      • Understand concepts of print and the alphabetic principle.
      • Understand the role of phonics in promoting reading development.
      • Understand word analysis skills and strategies.
    • Development of Reading Comprehension
      • Understand vocabulary development.
      • Understand how to apply reading comprehension skills and strategies to imaginative/literary texts.
      • Understand how to apply reading comprehension skills and strategies to informational/expository texts.
    • Reading Assessment and Instruction
      • Understand formal and informal methods for assessing reading development.
      • Understand multiple approaches to reading instruction.
  • Are there support and preparation resources?

    Review the Survey Objectives http://www.ct.nesinc.com/Content/StudyGuide/CT_SG_OBJ_090.htm

    Use the practice test for the Foundations of Reading Test http://www.ct.nesinc.com/Content/Docs/CONN_FoundationsofReading_PracticeTest.pdf

    Review the Computer-based Testing Tutorial

    For District Liaisons:

    reading survey secure login button

    For Teachers Grades K-3:

    teacher reading survey login button