Curriculum Development Resources
- A Guide to Curriculum Development: Purposes, Practices, Procedures (CSDE)
- Addressing the Needs of the Whole Child: Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Physical Health, as well as Academic Achievement in Connecticut's SRBI Process (Topical Brief 3)
- Assess Curricula (CDC)
- Commissioner's Circular Letter C-12: Statutory Requirements in Health and Safety; Alcohol, Nicotine, Tobacco and Drugs and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (May 20, 2009)
- Guidelines for a Coordinated Approach to School Health (CSDE)
- Guidelines for the Sexual Health Education Component of Comprehensive Health Education (CSDE)
- Health Education Program Compliance Review Checklist
- Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework (CSDE, May 2022)
The Framework prescribes health education and physical education standards to help ensure that students acquire the skills and knowledge they need to achieve personal and academic success. The Framework is not a curriculum; it includes standards, essential questions, suggested learning goals, and additional information to assist in the development of high-quality curriculum and high-impact instruction. District leaders and teachers should use the Framework as the foundation for identifying key issues or trends to prioritize content and or topics based on the needs of students and norms of the school community for intentional planning. The choices made about the content and skills taught at each grade level should be developmentally and culturally appropriate; reflect district and student learning goals, strengths and needs; align with the required standards; and incorporate all state mandates related to school health education and physical education.
- Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework
- Memo to Superintendents (March 28, 2022): Health and Physical Education: Standards, Guidelines, and Statutory Requirements
- National Health Education Standards (Joint Committee on National Health Education Standards)
- Health Education Curriculum Tool (HECAT) (CDC)
- National Sexual Health Education Standards
- Preventing Teen Dating Violence & Promoting Healthy Relationships (CSDE)
- School Health Profiles Data (CDC)
- Statewide K-12 Sexual Assault & Abuse Prevention & Awareness Program Guidelines (CSDE)
- Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) (CDC)