Related Resources

Resources for Parents


  • Connecticut Association for the Gifted (CAG)
    CAG is a volunteer driven, non-profit organization whose membership of parents and educators work to promote the welfare and appropriate education for gifted and talented students. Links on the home page include, among others: events, advocacy, law and policy, hot topics, and frequently asked questions.

  • National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)
    This is a national-level advocacy group consisting of parents, professional educators and affiliate groups from many states that support gifted education. The home page provides links to enrichment/summer programs, parent association membership, parenting information, and publications and material. NAGC, 1707 L Street, Suite 550, Washington, DC 20036, (202) 785-4268, FAX (202) 785-4248.
  • National Society for the Gifted and Talented (NSGT)
    A not-for-profit organization created to honor and encourage, NSGT is committed to supporting and recognizing the needs of gifted and talented children and youth. They provide recognition to these children and youth for their significant academic and artistic accomplishments. Furthermore, they strive to increase access to educational resources and advanced learning opportunities relative to the child’s or youth’s interests and talent areas. They provide free consulting to parents who contact them, free workshops for parents and teachers, scholarships and information at
  • Parents for Able Learner Students (PALS)
    This organization is dedicated to informing, educating, and supporting schools, parents, and teachers of gifted and able learners, children and youth. Able learners include gifted and talented children and youth, as well as other high ability learners, who by virtue of their exceptional potential and/or demonstrated excellence require special education opportunities. PALS is an affiliate of the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC).

  • Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)
    The mission of SENG is to improve the quality of life for gifted individuals so that they might appreciate, understand, and enjoy fully the intellectual and emotional talents they possess. The home page provides browsers with articles, gifted related web sites, and electronic lists and discussion
  • The Association for the Gifted (TAG)
    This group is a special interest group of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). It is an advocacy group that focuses attention on the needs of the gifted within the broader needs of diverse and special needs children. A great link to the ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education is provided on this home page. CEC, 11920 Association Drive, Reston, VA 22091, (703) 620-3660, FAX (703) 264-9494.

  • World Council for Gifted and Talented Children
    This is an organization that works to network educators of gifted children around the world. They have member services as well as publications for teachers and parents. They publish a journal, Gifted and Talented International, twice a year that deals with current theory, research and practice. They also publish World Gifted that provides current information about the field and acts as a forum for dialogue about pertinent international issues.


  • Communicator
    This publication is the official publication of the Connecticut Association for the Gifted (CAG). It is published four times a year, and each issue is developed around a theme. The newsletter is a benefit of

  • Creative Kids
    Creative Kids is a popular magazine by a for students. The publication contains games, stories and opinions all by students ages eight to fourteen.

  • Gifted Child Quarterly
    Gifted Child Quarterly (GCQ) is one of the official publications of the National Association for the Gifted, 1717 L Street NW, Suite 550, Washington, DC 20036. GCQ is a scholarly publication with articles of interest to researchers, graduate students and practitioners. It is a benefit of membership.

  • Journal of Secondary Gifted Education
    The Journal of Secondary Gifted Education offers practitioners information needed to build an effective educational environment for gifted adolescents. It offers a mixture of theory and research focused on adolescents. Past issues have focused on the special needs of gifted females, effective acceleration options, gifted learners with disabilities, authentic assessment and post secondary options for high achieving young people.

  • Journal for the Education of the Gifted
    The Journal for the Education of the Gifted is an internationally distributed publication committed to the analysis and communication of knowledge and research about the gifted and talented. It is the official publication of The Association for the Gifted, a division of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC).

  • Parenting for High Potential
    Parenting for High Potential is the second publication of NAGC. It is specifically designed for parents and contains practical and timely articles about parenting gifted and talented children.

  • Gifted Child Today
    This journal is a bi-monthly publication that addresses all areas of gifted education. It is designed for parents and

  • Imagine: Opportunities and Resources for Academically Talented Students
    This newsletter is published five times a year by the Study of Exceptional Talent (SET), a project of the Center for Talented Youth (CTY), John Hopkins University Press. It is designed for talented students, grades 7-12, and their parents. The newsletter focuses on helping students identify options at home, in the school, and community that will satisfy their need for academic challenge. Topics include preparing for and entering academic competitions, writing for publication and finding appropriate college programs. The home page also has links to resources for g/t students.

  • Understanding Our Gifted
    This publication is a bi-monthly newsletter that addresses the intellectual, social and emotional needs of gifted youth. It includes practical advice, social and emotional concerns, strategies for parents to use at home and school, and educational options.
  • Academic Decathlon
    The Academic Decathlon is a ten-event scholastic competition for teams of high school students. Each high school enters a team of nine students: 3 “A” or Honor students, 3 “B” or Scholastic students, and 3 “C” or Varsity students. Each Decathlete competes in all ten events. In 1999-2000 the theme was “Looking Forward: Creating the Future” with special emphasis on the sustainable earth.

    Connecticut Association for Mathematically Precocious Youth (CAMPY) is a non-profit organization founded to provide educational opportunities for highly able mathematics students in Connecticut. Contact Judy St. Marie

  • College Board: News for Students and Parents
    Updated SAT/PSAT, Advanced Placement, scholarship and college search information.
  • College Crunch Financial Aid Resources
  • The biggest obstacle for college bound students is paying for college. Some of the ways students pay for college includes scholarships, college savings plans, student loans and parental assistance. To assist new college bound students find financial aid, College Crunch provides some helpful resources.
  • EPGY
    Provided by Stanford University, Education Program for Gifted Youth offers mathematics, physics and writing courses for gifted students though a distance learning program.
  • New: Excursions in Learning
    A summer enrichment program at Manchester Community College (MCC) for students completing grades K-8. In July, MCC offers Junior Culinary Camp (filled in 2010), Technology Camp I and II and Adventures in Leadership. In August, a two-week program for gifted and high-achieving students is offered with more than 31 different activity-oriented classes. Please visit our web site for program specifics:, or e-mail Susan Meisler, program coordinator, at 
  • Destination Imagination
    This is an international program for students, K-12. The program is dedicated to enhancing the learning, problem-solving skills and sportsmanship of participants.

  • Future Problem Solving Program
    Teams of students are presented real life problems to develop solutions for presentation at state- and national-level competitions.
  • Hoagies Gifted Education Page
    This web site is a gateway of information for parents about the education of gifted and talented children. It has links to education programs, organizations, special populations, resources, young children, and home schooling, among others.
  • Institute for the Academic Advancement of Youth (IAAY)
    Center for Talented Youth (CTY), John Hopkins University, 3400 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218. (410) 516-0337. IAAY is dedicated to identifying young people with exceptional abilities and involving them in programs specially suited to their own rate of learning.
  • National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented
    The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented (NRC G/T) is a collaborative effort of the University of Connecticut, City University of New York/City College, Stanford University, University of Virginia, and Yale University. The funding for the Research Center has been provided by the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, United States Department of Education, under the Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act of 1994. Newsletters are available at the web site, as are links to related areas. Information about NRC G/T publications is also listed on the web page.