
The State Board of Education acted on April 5, 2017, to adopt proposed recommendations from the Performance Evaluation Advisory Council (PEAC) on the appropriate uses/non-uses of the state mastery test (e.g. Smarter Balanced Assessment, SAT, CMT, and CAPT) within the educator evaluation and support system. Correspondence was sent to superintendents on April 12, 2017.

For 2020-21, each Local Education Agency (LEA) is required to complete and submit an online checklist to confirm continued use of the most recent Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE)-approved EESP, or to indicate an amendment request for one or more EESP components. The online checklist and amendment submission process will open late April and will close October 1, 2020.

As LEAs prepare to submit the 2020-21 EESP Checklist, LEA leaders and their Professional Development and Evaluation Committee (PDEC) should review their most recent CSDE-approved EESP to determine if there are areas for refinement or improvement. Proposed revisions to district plans must be submitted to and approved by the CSDE prior to implementation, as outlined in Section 1.3 of the Connecticut Guidelines for Educator Evaluation 2017: Evaluation Approval Process.

All SDE approved evaluation plans are listed on the following pages: