
Connecticut General Statutes

  • Section 10-198a: Policies and procedures concerning truants.
  • Section 10-198b: State Board of Education to define “excused absence”, “unexcused absence” and “disciplinary absence”.
  • Section 10-198d: Chronic absenteeism prevention and intervention plan.
  • Section 10-198e: Identification of truancy intervention models.
  • Section 10-220a: In-service training. Professional development and evaluation committees. Institutes for educators. Cooperating teacher program, regulations.
  • Section 10-222d: Safe school climate plans. Definitions. School climate assessments.
  • Section 10-222g: Prevention and intervention strategy re bullying and teen dating violence.
  • Section 10-222h: Analysis of school districts' efforts re prevention of and response to bullying in schools. School climate assessment instruments.
  • Section 10-222i: State-wide safe school climate resource network.
  • Section 10-222j: Training re prevention, identification and response to school bullying, teen dating violence and youth suicide.
  • Section 10-222k: District safe school climate coordinator. Safe school climate specialist. Safe school climate committee.
  • Section 10-222l: Immunity of school employees, students, parents or guardians, individuals and boards of education from liability for certain actions relating to reporting, investigating and responding to school bullying and teen dating violence.
  • Section 10-222n: School security and safety plan standards.
  • Section 10-222m: School security and safety plans. School security and safety committees.
  • Section 10-233 (a-n): Suspension of pupils.
  • Section 10-233m: Memorandum of understanding re school resource officers.
  • Section 10-236b: Physical restraint and seclusion of students by school employees.
  • Section 17a-22f: Behavioral health services. Contract with administrative services organizations. Clinical management.

Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies