Eligibility and Application Information

Program Eligibility, Submission Process, and Deadlines

The new BWC-DC Grant Program is prioritizing available funds to help reimburse the costs of municipalities that did not participate in the former Body-worn Recording Equipment Grant Program. In the future, subject to public acts and available funding, OPM may revise the specifications of the BWC/DC Grant Program, including developing additional phases.  Information on future phases and revised specifications of OPM's BWC/DC Grant Program will be posted.

Municipalities not granted reimbursement for body cameras, dash cameras, or both under OPM’s former program are eligible to receive reimbursement for new purchases of body cameras, dash cameras, or both under the new BWC-DC Grant Program. For example, if a municipality was not granted reimbursement for any equipment under the former program, it would be eligible for reimbursement for new purchases of body cameras and dash cameras. Moreover, if a municipality received reimbursement under the former program for only body cameras, it would be eligible under the new program to receive reimbursement for dash cameras but not body cameras. (The same logic applies to a municipality granted reimbursement for only dash cameras under the former program.) A reminder that municipalities are also able to receive one year of digital services if purchased in conjunction with new recording equipment

The BWC-DC Grant Program, like the prior program, will use a reimbursement process. For a municipality to be considered for reimbursement, required submissions must be received and approved by OPM. Application requests will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis subject to available funding. All activities and purchases, with checks dated by the assigned deadline, must be made prior to submission of an application to OPM under the grant program.

After all activities and purchases have been completed, eligible municipalities should submit the following to OPM:

1. The application signed by the signatory authority of the municipality
2. The Authorized Signature form (signed by the signatory authority of the municipality and attested to by the town clerk or legal office
3. Certification of Compliance with General Notice 20-08 to be signed by the Chief of Police
4. All copies of invoices and cancelled checks

Application Package

Reimbursement Grant

  • This is a reimbursement grant. This is NOT an advance payment grant.
  • Municipalities taking advantage of this program must procure the necessary body worn cameras and storage devices and/or contracts with locally budgeted operating funds and submit an application for reimbursement.

Federal Funds and Private Contributions

  • Any body worn cameras and storage devices and/or contracts procured with Federal Asset Forfeiture Funds, bond funds, Federal grant funds, private contribution or private foundation funds are NOT eligible for reimbursement under this program.