Data Collection


GHG and Water

(Navigate to Waste)


In order to make this process easier, we developed an EnergyCAP Data Collection Checklist with 3 levels of compliance to track agency progress toward establishing the EO1 required baselines.


Level 1: Getting Started and Uploading Current Invoices

Your agency will initiate contact with your personal EnergyCAP liaison to help train your Accounts Contact to upload your agency’s current invoices. Current invoices are defined by EnergyCAP as bills with an end date within 60 days of the upload date.

Each agency will scan and upload all relevant utility invoices including Electricity (municipal), Water (water, sewer, fire protection), and Delivered Fuels (gasoline, diesel, propane, kerosene) into EnergyCAP’s bill upload platform: BillCAPture.

No need to scan Eversource Electric, Eversource Natural Gas, UI, SCG or CNG invoices – we already receive these automatically from the vendor.

For those facilities that receive water from a public water system, your agency should upload all water-related invoices including: Water, Steam, Sewer, Chilled Water, Hot Water, and Fire Protection, following the levels of the data collection checklist.

BillCAPture Scanning Guidelines

Level 1 Completion Certificates

Level 2: Forming an Accurate Building Inventory

Your agency's EnergyCAP liaison will send your facilities contact a Building Inventory Sheet. This is a spreadsheet designed for you to cross-check what is currently in our system for buildings, accounts, and meters with your agency-specific inventory of this information.

In this spreadsheet you will update all relevant building information and all associated meters with each building. This is estimated to be completed mostly by your Facilities Contact with the assistance of your agency’s EnergyCAP liaison.

Another critical component of the Building Inventory sheet is to distinguish which of your facilities receive their water from a public water supply system and which receive it from onsite supplies (wells/surface water).  For those facilities not on a public water system, producing their water from onsite supplies, alternative baseline development methodologies will be provided on a case-by-case basis.

Level 3: Uploading Historical Invoices

With the help of your EnergyCAP liaison, your agency will scan and upload any and all historical utility invoices, including electricity, natural gas, gasoline, propane, fuel oil, water, fire protection, and sewer, back through January 2018. No need to scan Eversource Electric or Eversource Natural Gas invoices – we already receive these automatically from the vendor

Level 3 Quick-Start Guide



Training was provided on July 10, 2019 to demonstrate the steps of the data collection process in order to make this process faster and easier.




Survey on Agency Practices

To support your agency in achieving 25% waste reduction by 2030, the Sustainable Materials Management Project Team has developed a survey to assess agency waste and recycling practices.  Specifically, the survey will help the Team identify:

  • how agencies contract for waste and recycling services
  • how recycling and trash containers are set up to facilitate recycling and waste reduction
  • opportunities for waste reduction and collection of additional recyclable materials
  • estimated cost of implementing best management practices
  • how widespread certain practices are in order to develop best management practices
Please complete this survey for your agency and submit to by December 18, 2019.

Survey FAQ

Should my agency answer the survey for buildings where we occupy only a portion of the space?

Yes! However, if your agency occupies a state owned building, please complete Sections 1, 3 and 4.  DAS will complete Section 2 of the survey.  If your agency occupies a privately owned leased space, please complete the entire survey as best as possible, indicating N/A where necessary. 

Where are the drop down multiple choice options?

The multiple choice options appear once you click within the answer cell and then click on the drop down arrow that appears. 


Statewide Baseline

The state agency-wide waste disposed baseline will be calculated by using a sample of office buildings that utilize a trash compactor and/or have reliable data.  Trash compactors provide accurate weight measurements of solid waste and will be used as a proxy to calculate the statewide baseline for Executive Order 1.  Agencies using compactors will submit data for Fiscal Year 2020.

In the future, we will rely on obtaining better agency specific data from solid waste and recycling collectors through revisions in statewide and individual agency contracts.


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