Our customers can access benefit and application information, 24/7, at www.connect.ct.govand www.ct.gov/dss/apply;
or 1-855-6-CONNECT (except during system maintenance beginning on Friday, March 13, from 7:00 p.m. to Saturday, March 14, 7:00 p.m.).ADDING SOME TEXT.


  • What is the partnership with the UCONN School of Social Work?

    OSD provides services under a partnership with The University of Connecticut School of Social Work (UConn SSW).  The OSD staff and the services are part of a formal partnership between the UConn SSW and DSS. This arrangement insures effectiveness, efficiency, and shared resources that benefit the partners, clients and the State of Connecticut. Benefits of this partnership include enhanced Federal Reimbursement, a connection to the academic community in the field of Social Work and Public Policy, and access to the resources of UConn to enhance OSD services to DSS. 

    The UConn School of Social Work and the Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS) have worked collaboratively for over forty years.

  • What is the DSSLearnCenter?

    The DSS Learn Center is an Internet-based Learning Management System (LMS) which provides users with easy access to view and register for Instructor-Led Courses, E-Learning Courses, Learner Assessments and other training and professional development opportunities offered by the Office of Organizational and Skill Development (OSD).

    Supervisors and Managers have the ability to track their staff’s professional development as well as enroll their staff in training related activities. Users can also easily view and print transcript information.  From an administrative perspective, the DSSLearnCenter brings together student profile information, course information and content, training and testing statistics, usage tracking, and report generation.

  • How do I register for access to the DSSLearnCenter?

    Access to the DSSLearnCenter is restricted to DSS employees.  Some employees of partners who have a formal relationship with DSS may be given access to take mandatory courses as required by DSS. 

    The link to request a login ID and password is below.


  • How will I know if training is cancelled for inclement weather?

    For OSD Sponsored Training

    The toll free number to call to retrieve information about training cancellations is

    1-866-277-5319 - it is listed on the DSSLearnCenter Main Page.

    The Local number is 860-424-5490.

    The OSD inclement weather line is updated by 6:45 a.m. with any cancellations or delays of training.  You should call the inclement weather line when scheduled for training if there are weather conditions anywhere in the state that may prevent the session from being held.   If state offices are closed by the Governor then training is cancelled.  This only applies to OSD sponsored raining. 

    A reminder - DSS staff and OSD staff often travel to sites for training that are not in their assigned office.  Weather conditions in one part of the state may prevent travel to another area that is not affected.  As a result, OSD considers the weather conditions across the state, the assigned office location of the staff attending the training and travel to the training site when making decisions about cancelling training. 

    For DAS Sponsored Training

    If you are attending a DAS sponsored class and there is inclement weather, you should listen to radio and TV stations for individual college closings.  When in doubt, students should call the college in question.  If a DAS sponsored class has been canceled, staff should report to their DSS workplace unless there are office delays or closures.  When classes are held, students are expected to attend, and no refunds or credits will be given for non-attendance