Express Bus Service
If you work in Hartford, Commuter Express bus service is a comfortable, hassle free and affordable way to go. With over 20 routes in the Greater Hartford area and many convenient Park & Ride lots with free parking, you're certain to find a route near you. Once you board, there are very few, if any, stops before the end of your trip.
Most Commuter Express service operates in peak hours from approximately 6-9 am and 3-7 pm on weekdays only, depending upon the route. Many morning and afternoon buses extend beyond downtown to serve the Asylum Hill and State Capitol areas. Several routes also provide weekend service or mid-day departure from downtown, as well.
Commuter Express service to Hartford is provided by both CTtransit and private operators under contract to ConnDOT. Please visit the Commuter Express page on the CTtransit website for route maps and schedules for all Hartford area Commuter Express buses, including those operated by private operators.
Commuter Express service to New Haven is provided by a private operator under contract to ConnDOT. For information on express bus service from Hartford/Middletown to downtown New Haven, please see the Hartford Express Bus Route #20 schedule on the Commuter Express page on the CTtransit website.
Commuter Express service between Stamford, CT and White Plains, NY is provided by the I-BUS, operated by CTtransit. For information on the I-BUS call CTtransit at 203-327-7433 or toll free in area codes 914 & 203: (888) BUS-RIDE
Another great benefit to buying the 31-day or monthly express pass...
Emergency Ride Home!
Because we know emergencies happen, the Emergency Ride Home benefit provides the perfect solution for getting you where you need to go as soon as possible without worry. If you have a valid 31-day or monthly express bus pass, you're allowed up to four free rides every year for emergencies if your employer is a participating partner.
For details on this program, please visit or call 1-877-CT RIDES (1-877-287-4337)