To support essential travelers during the COVID-19 public health crisis, CTDOT has launched a temporary program for food trucks to operate at highway Rest Areas in Danbury (I-84), Middletown (I-91), Wallingford (I-91) and North Stonington (I-95). Read more here: Food Trucks Temporarily Permitted at CTDOT Highway Rest Areas

Project Controls
Support Form
Supported by AEC Applications
Design Phase Scheduling

Scheduling Directive ProjectWise Folder

Microsoft Project Tutorial YouTube Playlist

Microsoft Project Tutorials in ProjectWise

Process Maps

How to Read a Process Map.pdf

Design Phase Schedule Process Map.pdf

Preliminary ROW Tasks.pdf

Design-Phase Utility Coordination Process Map

Resource Loading

In Development

Project Data Sharing with SharePoint

In Development

Project Risk Management

In Development



The Bureau of Engineering and Construction is in the process of establishing a multifaceted Project Management Business Solution (PMBS) that is to be used for all CTDOT Capital Projects. The PMBS will standardize and then implement Design Phase Scheduling, Task Process Mapping, Resource Loading, Project Data Sharing & Coordination and Project Risk Management,

Design Phase Scheduling

The purpose of Design Phase Scheduling is to improve project schedule reliability by standardizing and then tracking critical project tasks. The goal is to provide staff at all levels access to essential project information that is easy to find and easy to understand. This is accomplished by creating schedules using Microsoft Project and then by requiring certain tasks that standardize the look and feel of the schedules.

Process Maps

The purpose of Process Mapping is to expedite project task completion by standardizing processes and by providing guidance in a clear and effective manner. The goal is to present a clear enough process so that an engineer trainee or a consultant that has never done business with the CTDOT can open a Process Map and complete a task as accurately and efficiently as possible. This is accomplished by using Microsoft Visio to outline all the steps and link all the resources needed to complete any given task; one-stop shopping.  The second purpose of Process Mapping is to allow the CTDOT to react and implement changes to processes in a more fluid manner, so when an internal process changes we can demonstrate and implement that change in a clear and effective way.

Resource Loading

The purpose of Resource Loading is to improve cross-discipline coordination by providing living Design Phase Schedules that identify what resources (persons or groups) are assigned to any given task. The goal is to provide staff at all levels information on who is involved with a project, what their roles in the project are and what other projects they may be involved with. This is accomplished by assigning resources to tasks in the Microsoft Project Design Phase Schedules.

Project Data Sharing with SharePoint

The purpose of using Microsoft SharePoint is to improve data sharing and tracking by creating individual project servers that provide and track essential project information. The goal is to improve data sharing and tracking between offices within the CTDOT, regulatory agencies, regional planning agencies and consultant engineering organizations. This is accomplished by architecting a standardized CTDOT SharePoint Server system that enables user accessibility, Microsoft Project Schedule publishing, document tracking and much more.

Project Risk Management

The purpose of Project Risk Management is to improve project execution by better managing project risks through identifying and planning for potential risks to the public, the project schedule or to the project budget. The goal is to identify and plan ahead for potential project risks, instead of reacting to project issues that could have been avoided. This is accomplished by identifying project risks and creating a risk repository, which is then used to vet projects for potential risks which are then proactively incorporated into the project design, scope, schedule or budget.

 Additional information coming soon.

Requests for additional information or

comments should be addressed to: 

William S. Pratt, P.E. 
Transportation Principal Engineer
Phone:(860) 594-3320