To support essential travelers during the COVID-19 public health crisis, CTDOT has launched a temporary program for food trucks to operate at highway Rest Areas in Danbury (I-84), Middletown (I-91), Wallingford (I-91) and North Stonington (I-95). Read more here: Food Trucks Temporarily Permitted at CTDOT Highway Rest Areas

Who To Call?

State and local officials, as well as members of the general public, are often unsure whom to contact regarding various traffic related issues. Common questions received by the Office of the State Traffic Administration (OSTA) and the Department of Transportation (DOT) include: "How do I get a traffic light installed?" "Who is responsible for slowing vehicles speeds on my street?" "How can I get that pothole fixed on the road that I take to work?"

Listed below are a series of questions and answers to help explain the relationship of the OSTA and the DOT, and how to deal with various traffic concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where is the OSTA located?

    The OSTA, which is staffed by the Executive Director and clerical and engineering personnel, is located within the Department of Transportation. It is located at 2800 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, CT 06131-7546, Phone: 860-594-3020, Fax: 860-594-2552.

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  • How do I go about getting a speed limit changed or traffic signal installed?

    The first step to take is to contact the Local Traffic Authority (LTA) of the town/city involved. Each of Connecticut's towns/cities has a designee who handles traffic related matters in that town/city. In larger towns/cities, it may be a professional traffic engineer, and in some towns/cities it may be the Chief of Police or the First Selectman. You should discuss your request with the LTA first, since the LTA is the one who is most familiar with the area in question and may be aware of previous studies or any other similar complaints from residents. Also, by statute, the OSTA must work in cooperation with the LTA in reviewing regulatory matters.

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  • What happens after I talk to the Local Traffic Authority (LTA) regarding my problem?

    If the LTA feels that the request is a legitimate one, it can be forwarded to the OSTA or, depending on the nature of the request, to the appropriate office in the DOT for review. An investigation will be conducted and, if OSTA determines that action is needed, a report will be prepared recommending approval or denial of the request. If no OSTA action is required, a reply to the LTA will be forwarded by the investigating unit in the DOT.

    There are many items which are handled by other offices within DOT which do not require any action by the OSTA.

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  • Suppose I don't agree with the report prepared by Traffic Engineering?

    Local Traffic Authorities (LTAs) are welcome to express their concerns to the Executive Director of the OSTA. Members of the public must voice their concerns/issues through their LTA, who will then convey the concerns to the Executive Director.

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  • How can I get a "No Thru Trucks" sign erected on my street?

    The OSTA, in cooperation and agreement with the Local Traffic Authority of a town, may prohibit through truck traffic on any street or highway. The Attorney General's Office has defined a through truck as one which travels from a point outside the limits of a city, town or borough through such city, town or borough without any scheduled stop in the locality in question. Thus, a "No Thru Trucks" sign may not affect the majority of trucks using a particular road in a town/city, if they have a local destination.

    Towns may preclude trucks from town roads by ordinance as long as they do not become de facto no through truck routes; that is, when the road in question passes over a town line to an adjoining town.

    Care should be taken in the implementation of such prohibitions in that truck traffic will be diverted to other routes which may be less satisfactory.

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  • How do I go about getting any other sign installed?

    Any requests for Regulatory (no parking, stop/yield signs, etc.) or Warning (curve, signal ahead, etc.) signs should be made to the LTA. If in agreement, the LTA will forward the request to the OSTA or the Division of Traffic Engineering for review.

    For information about Supplemental Destination Guide Signs (Tourist Attraction Signs, Logo Signs, etc.), please see the following:

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  • Who do I contact regarding existing traffic signals, traffic calming or guide rail?

    Any requests to revise the operation of a traffic signal (addition of a left-turn arrow, revision to signal timings, etc.); or request related to traffic calming (speed bumps, bulb-outs, etc.); or requests regarding guide rail should be made to the LTA. If in agreement, the LTA will forward the request to the Division of Traffic Engineering for review.

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  • Who do I contact regarding installation of a mirror and/or blind driveway signs?

    The Department of Transportation does not permit the use of mirrors or the installation of blind driveway signs within the State highway Right-of-Way. Mirrors can be a distraction to motorists and cause problems with night time driving due to headlight reflectivity.

    The Department, through its regulations, is required to use the Federal publication of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) on roads open to public travel. The Federal signing guidelines provided in the MUTCD do not include "Blind Driveway". There is also potential concern that the sign may provide a false sense of security to those specific individuals.

    If there is a sight line restriction from a roadway or driveway, the responsibility of achieving adequate sight lines lies with the owner of the intersecting road or drive.

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  • I have read the OSTA brochure on Certificates of Safe Traffic Operation, which refers to large developments. Does the OSTA ever deny an application for such a certificate because the residents or town/city object to a development?

    No. The OSTA and the Division of Traffic Engineering of the DOT work closely with the Local Traffic Authority of a town/city in determining the requirements for roadway improvements in conjunction with the issuance of certificates of operation. By statute, the OSTA can only consider traffic safety in its review. While issues such as the impact on the environment or the quality of life in a town/city which may be impacted by a large development may be valid, they do not come under the OSTA jurisdiction. These are decisions that must be made on a local level. If a developer's engineer can demonstrate, through accepted traffic engineering techniques, that the improvements proposed by the developer to mitigate the impact of the generated traffic are adequate, the OSTA will normally issue a certificate of operation.

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  • Whom do I contact regarding potholes, drainage problems, or other maintenance issues?

    The Department of Transportation has four district offices, located in Rocky Hill, Norwich, New Haven and Thomaston. These offices handle various maintenance and construction functions.

    The appropriate district maintenance office should be contacted regarding problems relating to maintenance functions on state roads (see listing at the bottom of the page).

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  • Can a resident contact the OSTA directly with a traffic problem?

    This practice is discouraged. We ask that all requests for traffic control devices begin with the designated Local Traffic Authority (LTA) of a town/city. The LTA is usually the most knowledgeable of local conditions. This procedure ensures that the LTA is aware of all local concerns, endorses such concerns, and it facilitates OSTA/DOT work efforts by enabling us to deal with a single town/city representative.

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  • As Local Traffic Authority, I am not always sure whom to contact regarding a particular problem.

    Please see OSTA's "Guidance for Local Traffic Authorities" publication with the latest available information on who best to contact for a particular topic. Below is a list of various offices and additional contact information. If you are unsure, contact the office which most closely relates to the question you have.

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  • Who is my Local Traffic Authority?

    Local Traffic Authority List

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Who To Contact:

Department's Office of the State Traffic Administration
Phone: (860) 594-3020
Fax: (860) 594-2552

Department's Division of Traffic Engineering
Phone: (860) 594-2711

Department's District Offices

DOT Districts Map

District 1 - Rocky Hill: Tel. (860) 258-4500
District 2 - Norwich: Tel. (860) 823-3211
District 3 - New Haven: Tel. (203) 389-3010
District 4 - Thomaston: Tel. (203) 591-3606

Requests for:
Drainage problems on state roads; potholes, sight line problems (trees, etc.), Encroachment permits, Parades (Special Events), Signs knocked down, Other maintenance-type problems

Traffic Signal Malfunctions: Burned Out Bulbs

District 1 (Rocky Hill) Elect. Unit: (860) 566-3156
District 2 (Colchester) Elect. Unit: (860) 537-8942
District 3 (Milford) Elect. Unit: (203) 878-1869
District 4 (Southbury) Electrical Unit: (203) 264-9590

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