DSET provides statewide Enhanced 9‐1‐1 planning, equipment and implementation, including Next-Generation 9-1-1 services (NG911); public safety telecommunicator training and certification; public safety frequency coordination; funding for regional public safety answering points (PSAPs); funding for PSAPs in cities with populations greater than 40,000; grant assistance for PSAP capital expenses, and grant assistance for coordinated medical emergency direction (CMED).  DSET provides all state and local public safety agencies with street centerline and street address information (geographic information systems or GIS) for emergency response purposes. DSET also provides leadership and plan development for the six New England states’ 700 MHz, 800MHz and 4.9 GHz planning committees.

DSET funds the maintenance and manages access to the fiber-based Public Safety Data Network (PSDN), which serves as a base transport infrastructure and interconnectivity pathway for public safety related applications and services throughout the state. The PSDN provides the connectivity necessary for optimal 9-1-1 services, delivers greater reliability and speed, and improves data interoperability and radio interoperability between PSAPs, towns and cities.

DSET oversees the Connecticut Telecommunications System (CTS), which provides land mobile radio and other interoperable communications for the State Police as well as municipalities, other state agencies, multi-state agencies and federal agencies, with over 15,000 radios in use. CTS manages and maintains the microwave transport system used for the statewide radio network; as well as the state-owned, leased or shared tower facilities; including licensing, contracts, security and structural requirements management. DSET is also responsible for the Network Control Center, which monitors elements of the NG911 system, the PSDN and the CTS, and operates on a 24/7/365 basis.

William Youell, Director


Featured Links

Text-to-911: Additional Information for PSAPS
First Responder Network Authority
National Emergency Number Association (NENA)
Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO):
CT ECO 2016 Orthophotography
Public Education Resources


News and Announcements


In accordance with the provisions of Section 4-168 of the Connecticut General Statutes the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, after completion of the hearing and comments process,as well as the Attorney General's office review, have submitted to the Legislative Regulation Review Committee (LRRC) three proposed regulations concerning:

Upon final approval by the LRRC, DESPP will file the completed regulations with the Secretary of State's Office, at which time the regulations will become effective according to their terms.  The progress of each of the proposed regulations can be followed at the links shown above.

10-Digit Emergency Numbers at PSAPs

There are two types of 10-digit emergency numbers that PSAPs are familiar with. One type are the "fallout numbers" that PSAPs identified out of their existing telephone lines in their PSAP or implemented as new lines during the NG911 roll-out.  These "fallout numbers" are specifically for the use of the NG911 system to deliver a 9-1-1 call to a PSAP when no network path is available to that PSAP from the NG911 core, and are similar in concept to one type of default routing that was provided from the legacy E9-1-1 selective routers.

The second type of 10-digit emergency number are those used so that PSAPs can receive emergency calls from other PSAPs, including out-of-state PSAPs; and so that Central Station alarm companies can deliver their emergency alarm activation notifications to the correct Connecticut PSAP; and finally to provide a default route for telephone companies - both wireless and wireline - to be able to deliver a 9-1-1 call to a PSAP when they cannot get their customer's 9-1-1 calls into our network core for delivery.

PSAPs are required to have both of these types of 10-digit emergency numbers. Both of these types of 10-digit numbers must ring directly into the PSAP as an emergency call. They cannot be answered by an auto-attendant recording that requires the caller to take any additional action, such as pressing "0". Because of the 9-1-1 re-route potential for these lines, PSAPs cannot make the assumption that the caller will be able to "overdial" any digits, or will be able to comply with the instructions of the auto-attendant. Many of our PSAPs have recently made changes to their in-house telephone systems, or are contemplating changes in the near future. We ask all PSAPs to ensure that these requirements are met in the configuration of their local phone system.

Next Generation 911 System Reports and Training

DSET is pleased to announce the completion of the NG911 call handling component at each of the PSAPs across the state. The new system includes many detailed reports, which are available to system administrators and supervisors. Additionally, you are now able to email the completed reports to an email address of your choice. In the same way that locally-printed reports can be in Adobe pdf format, XML format or in Microsoft Excel format, reports sent as email attachments can also be in those formats. This means, for example, that you can email an Excel spreadsheet of your data to yourself, and run your own analysis, produce graphs and charts that meet your needs and do any other customized spreadsheet analysis that you might wish to do.

DSET has sent an email attachment to all PSAP Directors with detailed step-by-step instructions on how to run the Call Volume per Range of Time Report.  This is the same report which DSET uses and reports on at E9-1-1 Commission meetings.  If you have not done so already, we strongly advise that administrators and supervisors attend AT&T System Administrator Training.  To register for training, or for assistance with running the reports, please contact Peter Lucco in DSET at (860) 685-8155.


The addition of the Community Engagement Module has made it easier to opt-in to receive alerts:

Voiance Language Services Replaces Language Line

In 2016, the State of Connecticut’s contracted interpretation service provider was changed to Voiance Language Services. The dedicated number to access the services is: (844) 514-0030.

PSAP dedicated PIN Numbers and the procedures on how to access Voiance, were mailed to each PSAP. If you have questions please contact Carey Thompson or (860) 685-8031.

Restrictions for use remain in effect, specifically: DSET will not pay for any translation services that are not directly related to a 9-1-1 call. Your town may choose to purchase additional translation services directly through Voiance.

Please remember: You should always call 9-1-1 during an emergency, but as a backup you should also designate an emergency contact in your phone and have your local Police Department or Troop telephone number programmed into your phone.