Private Security Companies

  • Effective December 1, 2017, the State Criminal History Record Check rate will increase from $50.00 to $75.00.
  • Effective January 1, 2019, the FBI Background Check rate will increase from $12.00 to $13.25.

Connecticut General Statute 29-161g, requires that any person or firm wishing to conduct business as a private security company in this state, must first obtain a professional license from the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection. Guidelines for obtaining the license, eligibility criteria, and applicable license fees are detailed in the statute. Private security companies are also required to register all employees working as security officers under their license. Any people hired to work, as security officer shall be certified as a security officer and obtain an identification card prior to the security service company making application to register the security officer with the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection. The Special Licensing and Firearms Unit (SLFU) is responsible for processing the company license applications and employee certification identification card and registrations, as well as investigating complaints concerning violations of the license statutes.

Information can be found in the following subject areas:


Applicants for a Private Security Service License must be at least 25 years of age, have good moral character and have at least 5 year supervisory security experience or 10 years experience as a police officer with a federal, state or organized municipal police department. If the applicant is a corporation, association or partnership, the person making the application shall be a member of the association or partnership or an officer of the corporation, and meet the above qualifications.

The commissioner may, at his discretion, substitute up to one year of experience for a private security service license applicant upon proof of satisfactory participation in a course of instruction pertinent to the license. Employment as an investigator, does not qualify as time earned to obtain a security service license. No license shall be issued to any person who has been convicted of any felony, (2) convicted of any misdemeanor under section 21a-279, 53a-58, 53a-61, 53a-61a, 53a-62, 53a-63, 53a-96, 53a-175, 53a-176, 53a-178 or 53a-181d, or equivalent conviction in another jurisdiction, within the past seven years, (3) convicted of any offense involving moral turpitude, or (4) discharged from military service under conditions that demonstrate questionable moral character.

No license may be granted to an applicant currently vested with police powers. The license of a corporation may be denied by the commissioner, or suspended or revoked, if it appears that ten percent or more of the stock of such corporation is held by a person who cannot meet the character standards required of the license applicant.

Applicants for a license are required to post a $10,000 performance surety bond with the state as a condition of license, and also provide a $300,000 General Liability Insurance Policy. Any person aggrieved by an act of the licensee, may proceed against same to recover damages.


The following materials must be submitted by the applicants for a Private Security License

  1. Application, Form DPS-366-C accurately completed and notarized.
  2. Two (2) recent photographs, 2" x 2", full-face passport style with blue background.
  3. Return completed fingerprint card with two Checks or Money Orders, one in the amount of $75.00 and the other $13.25, payable to the Treasuer, State of Connecticut
  4. Motor vehicle driving record for the past three (3) years from the motor vehicle agency in the state of residence of the applicant.
    a). A copy of applicant's current operators license.
  5. If applicant has been in the military, a copy of his/her DD-214 or other documentation to indicate type of discharge, with reenlistment codes.
  6. Four (4) letters of character reference signed by the persons providing the reference. These letters are to be sent directly from the author to the Special Licensing & Firearms Unit. Letters must include the addresses and telephone numbers of the authors. Letters sent by the applicant's immediate family (parents, wife, etc.), and form letters are not acceptable, and will be returned. We will not accept those letters mailed to or hand carried by the applicant. The letters must be submitted to this office within 60 days of submission of application.
  7. A recent credit bureau report (for licensee only).
  8. Minimum High School Education, provide a copy of high school diploma, GED, college transcript, or college degree.
  9. The applicant must be a U.S Citizen, or a naturalized U.S. Citizen, or possess an INS Green card. Proof of said documents is required. An INS work permit is not acceptable to work in the Security Industry.
  10. If the applicant is retired or separated from a Federal, State a Local Police Department, a letter of discharge must be sent from the former employer to this department. The letter from said department must include length of service, title(s) held, duties performed and date of retirement or separation.
  11. If the applicant is seeking a license as a private security, he/she must meet the five (5) years supervisory security experience, or ten-(10) years experience as a police officer.
  12. Documentation from previous security employment verifying license eligibility must indicate, in chronological order, the following: date of hire and termination, duties, performed (what, where and how long) in each position, reason for leaving employment.
  13. Applicants must submit written verification from the state agency regulating private security stating the applicants name, type of license held, length of time applicant has been held and if the current license they hold is in good standing.
  14. If a corporate license is being sought, a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation from the Connecticut Secretary of the State must be submitted. If the corporate entity is an out-of state corporation, a copy of the Authority to do Business as a Foreign Corporation from the Connecticut Secretary of the State must be included.
  15. If the applicant is currently under any psychiatric care, a letter from the attending Psychologist or Psychiatric must be mailed to this office to verify the applicant's ability to hold the license being applied for.
  16. Applicants should be aware that an oral interview would be conducted as part of the background process. The Applicant must submit all the items requested before said interview is scheduled.
  17. Corporate Officials: All persons engaged, as corporate officials must be licensed with the Special Licensing and Firearms Unit. (Corporate official, meaning president, vice president, secretary or treasurer) Failure to license a corporate official may result in your license not being issued. Corporate officials may not work as security officer or bodyguard, unless he/she has been properly registered as an employee of the company. Any corporate officer hired to work, as security officer shall be certified as a security officer and obtains an identification card prior to the security service company making application to register the security officer with the Commissioner of the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection.
  18. A license renewal package must include a completed Form DPS 331-C (Renewal Application for License as Private Security), a Form DPS-363-C (Bond for Private Security License), and the $300,000 General Liability Insurance Policy, two current photographs 2"x2" (full face) of licensee and an alphabetical listing of all their employees, as of the renewal date. A check in the amount of the appropriate license fee made payable to the Treasurer, State of CT, must also be provided.
  19. All information requested in connection with a license application or renewal, must be submitted to SLFU within 60 days. Failure to submit the information on a timely basis will result in the rejection of the application. A new application, containing updated information and materials, would then have to be submitted.
  20. Return "COMPLETED" applications to:
    Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection
    Division of State Police
    Special Licensing & Firearms Unit
    1111 Country Club Rd.
    Middletown, CT 06457-9294

Fee Structure

The following license classification and fee structures apply:

  1. The license for an individual private security service shall be as a security service. The fee for an individual security service license shall be $1,450.00 for the initial 2-year license and $625.00 for 2-year renewal.
  2. The license for a corporation, association or partnership shall be as a security service. The fee for a corporate security service license shall be $1,750.00 for the initial 2-year license and $1,000.00 for 2-year renewal.

All of the above licenses shall be issued for a period of 2 years. An application must be submitted every two years thereafter to renew the license for an additional two years term.

License Renewal

A private security service company license is issued for a period of 2 years. Ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of a license, the Special Licensing and Firearms Unit will mail the licensee a renewal application. The renewal application includes Form DPS-331-C (Renewal Application), Form DPS 363-C (Verification of Performance Bond). The applicant also needs to submit the $300,000 General Liability Insurance Policy and a list of all registered security officers. The licensee must complete and submit the application prior to the expiration of the license. The application will be reviewed by SLFU to determine the continued eligibility of the licensee to retain the license. A list of the various license classifications and fees is contained in this website. The licensing fee shall be made payable to the "Treasurer, State of Connecticut" in the form of a check or money order. No cash is accepted

Licensed Private Detectives and Security Companies

Certification - Identification Card Training
Connecticut General Statute 29-161q requires that security officers obtain a Security Officer Certification Identification Card, prior to a Security Service Company registering such employee with the Special Licensing and Firearms Unit. All security officers must be at least 18 years of age and (armed security officers must be at least 21 years of age), to work armed.

Applicants for Security Officer Certification Identification Card must complete a course of instruction approved by the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection, at their expense. The course is offered by private instructors and involves classroom criminal justice training. Upon completion of the course, the instructor signs off on the reverse side of the application form DPS 135-C. The application form and fingerprints are then submitted to the Special Licensing and Firearms Unit. The Security Officer card is good for 5 years unless suspended or revoked.

The cost of obtaining the certification card is $100.00, plus fingerprint card with two Cashiers Checks or Money Orders, one in the amount of $75.00 and the other $13.25, payable to the "Treasurer, State of Connecticut". A criminal history background check will be run on the prospective applicant. The applicant will be notified of the approval or denial of the certification identification card.

The employer is responsible for insuring that the employee has obtained the security officer certification identification card, the employee will not be allowed registration with out it.

Failure to register an employee or allowing such person to work without the proper security officer certification identification card may result in the suspension or revocation of the company's business license. Failure of the security officer to obtain the certification identification card may result in the employee being issued a citation.

No person shall be approved for the security officer certification identification card that has been convicted of a felony, any sexual offense or any crime that would tend to question the honesty and integrity of the person. No person that has been denied a security service license, except based upon lack of experience, may be certified or registered as a security officer. Security officers may only be issued, and wear badges or insignia of the type authorized and approved by the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection. See approved Badge form under "Application Forms" An employer is required to notify SLFU within 5 business days of the resignation, termination or firing of any employee registered as a security officer. Further, the employer is required to submit a list of all registered security employees to SLFU, each year, upon renewal of their license.

The Security Officer Certification Identification Card Application Form and fingerprints must be obtained from an approved instructor. The form cannot be downloaded off the website. You can arrange to have an application form mailed to you by calling (860) 685-8160 and requesting it. A list of approved firearm instructors and curriculum's is provided with the application form or can be accessed to: Approved Security Officer Certification Instructors

Firearms Permit Endorsement

Connecticut General Statue 29-161z requires that all employees hired by a security service to perform security officer services, while armed with a firearm, must obtain a special permit from the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection. Armed security officers must be at least 21 years of age. The employer is responsible for insuring that the employee has obtained the permit (endorsement). Any employee hired to work, as security officer shall be certified as a security officer and obtains an identification card prior to the security service company making application to register the security officer with the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection. The permit endorsement is in addition to the permit requirements imposed under C.G.S. Sec. 29-28. Failure to register an employee or allowing such person to work without the proper supplement firearm permit may result in the suspension or revocation of the company's business license and the imposition of a $75.00 fine per violation. The security officer would also be issued a $ 75.00 fine for carrying a firearm without the proper pistol permit endorsement.

Applicants for the security officer firearms permit endorsement must complete a course of instruction approved by the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection, at their expense. The course is offered by private instructors and involves classroom training in safety and use of firearms and range qualification. Upon completion of the course, the firearm instructor signs off on the reverse side of the application form DPS-1030. The application form is then submitted to the Special Licensing and Firearms Unit. A $62.00 application fee is charged for issuance of the permit endorsement. The permit endorsement is good for 5 years unless suspended or revoked, and runs parallel with the expiration date of the Connecticut State Pistol Permit. The applicant has to annually obtain a firearm refresher course utilizing the same process as mentioned above.

The Security Officer Firearm Permit Endorsement Application Form DPS 1030 must be obtained from an approved firearms instructors. The form cannot be downloaded off the website. You can arrange to have an application form mailed to you by calling (860) 685-8160 and requesting it. A list of approved firearm instructors and curriculum's is provided with the application form or can be accessed below.


A security service companies may hire as many security officers as necessary to conduct its business. All security officers must be at least 18 years of age and (armed security officers must be at least 21 years of age), be of good moral character. Immediately upon the hiring of any security officer the company is required to register such employee with the Special License and Firearms Unit. Any people hired to work, as security officer shall be certified as a security officer and obtain an identification card prior to the security service company making application to register the security officer with the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection. The cost of registering the employee is $40.00 per employee. The application forms DPS 688-c and instructions for registering an employee can be found in the "Application Forms" section of this website. The employer is required to submit photographs collected from the employee. A criminal history background check will be run on the prospective employee. The employer will be notified of the registration or denial of the employee. Failure to register an employee may result in the suspension or revocation of the employer's private security license.

No person shall be approved for employment as a security officer who has been convicted of a felony, any sexual offense or any crime that would tend to question the honesty and integrity of the person. No person that has been denied a security service license, except based upon lack of experience, may be registered as a security officer. Security officers may only be issued, and wear badges or insignia of the type authorized and approved by the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection. See approved Badge form under "Application Forms" An employer is required to notify SLFU within 5 business days of the resignation, termination or firing of any employee registered as a security officer. Further, the employer is required to submit a list of all registered security employees to SLFU, each year, upon renewal of their license.


Approved Security Officer 8-Hour Criminal Justice Certification Instructor

Pursuant to Connecticut General Statute 29-161q, all Contract Security Officers and Proprietary Uniformed Security Officers will now be mandated to take an 8-hour training in order to be a Certified Security Officer in the State of Connecticut. This course will insure that the Security Officer is certified and eligible for security employment. Once these Security Officers have taken and successfully completed the 8-hour training, they will be issued a Security Officers Identification Card through our department.

To qualify as an instructor the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection shall approve individuals to teach the 8-hour Security Officer training, who have successfully documented five (5) years industry experience as an instructor, trainer, training manager or equivalent of education and experience.

  • Criminal Justice, Instructor Request Package
  • Security Officer Training Instructor Application
  • Security Firearms, Instructor Request Package

These application packages can be obtained by calling 860-685-8046 Monday-Friday.

Public Security Instructor List (Guard Card) 


Pursuant to Connecticut General Statue 29-161z, all Armed Security Officers will now be mandated to take an 8-hour training and firearms qualification course and annually take a refresher course in order to receive and maintain the security firearms (blue card endorsement) in their State pistol permit. This course will insure that Armed Security Officer are trained and qualify with the firearms carrying in the armed security employment.

To qualify as an instructor the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection shall approve individuals to teach the Security Firearms Course, you must possess one or more of the below minimum instructional credentials. Prior to the instructor approval he/she must obtain a Connecticut Pistol Permit and said number should be used as his approved instructor number.

  1. Connecticut State Police or P.O.S.T. Firearms Instructor
  2. FBI Firearms Instructor
  3. NRA Security Firearms Instructor or NRA Police Firearms Instructor
  4. Other recognized 40 hr. minimum firearms instructor certification, i.e.,
    • Smith Wesson Academy, SIGARMS Academy, etc.


Form Number Form Name
DPS-366-C Application for Private Detective or Security Service License*
DPS-363-C Bond form for Private Detective/Security Service License
(Reminder - prior to licensing a Private Detective Licensee needs a $300,000 General Liability Insurance Policy)
DPS-688-C Application for Employee Registration
DPS-331-C Renewal Application for license as Private Detective/Security Service License
 --- Administrative Directives to Applicants Seeking Private Detective/Security Service License
 --- Administrative Directives for Security Officer's Training Certification ID Card
 --- Administrative Procedures for Registration, Reinstating and Terminating Guards and Investigators
 --- Authorization for Release of Personal Information
 --- Badge Information
 --- Tax Information Statement

Last Date Modified: 05/08/2019