First-time qualifying individuals who desire the authority provided by LEOSA to carry a concealed firearm nationwide must:
- Call Imisa Rivera at 860-685-8011 to schedule your date prior to filling out your application. (See dates offered)
- Letter/s or Good Standing from all of the departments you worked for.
- A Set of Fingerprints. (If you get them at the State Police Headquarters, they will be done free of charge; the original set is required for your file)
- A valid Connecticut Permit to Carry Pistols and Revolvers.
- A completed application. (See forms)
- A Release and Indemnification form. (See forms)
Please get all documents to us prior to your appointment. (Fingerprints need to be mailed in or hand delivered)
You may fax: (860) 685-8496
or mail
Imisa Rivera
Special Licensing & Firearms Unit
1111 Country Club Rd.
Middletown, CT 06457