
The Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) is an annual Hazard Mitigation Grant Program that provides funds for projects to reduce or eliminate risk of flood damage to buildings that are insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

Cost Share Breakdown by Property Type
  • Severe Repetitive Loss Property-100/0
  • Repetitive Loss Property-90/10
  • Planning Grants-75/25
Eligible Federal Activities include
  • Community Flood Mitigation Projects
  • Plans that focus on reducing impacts of flooding (maximum of $25,000 per local plan)
  • Mitigation of Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) properties as defined by FEMA.
  • Mitigation of Repetitive Loss (RL) properties as defined by FEMA.

Key Requirements
  • Sub-applicants must have a FEMA approved Hazard Mitigation Plan in place
  • All projects must be in compliance with DEMHS’s Flood Certification from CT DEEP (including elevation of structures to the 500 year flood event plus 1 foot)
  • All elevations/re-construction/flood-proofing projects must be designed to ASCE 24-14
  • All projects must be cost-effective using FEMA’s Benefit Cost Analysis Software or Pre-Calculated Benefits
  • Projects will be ranked within their category by Benefit Cost Ratio

Additional information programmatic information and requirements can be found on the FEMA website.