Grant Process

The Connecticut Citizen Corps Program (CCP) is a sub-program of the federal Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP); The Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (DESPP) applies annually to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for this funding and is the designated State Administering Agency (SAA). CCP funds are not "sub-granted"  to municipalities and grantees in the same manner as HSGP Regional Collaboration funds; CCP utilizes an application and completion report process.

Process Breakdown:

The following is basic overview of the CCP Application/Completion Report process for sub-recipients of CCP funding. A more extensive overview of this process can be found in the Connecticut Statewide Citizen Corps Program Handbook. The flowchart below, an excerpt from the handbook, provides an overview of this process.

1. Application to request CCP funding for eligible costs is submitted to the DESPP/DEMHS Strategic Planning and Community Preparedness Unit with approval by the regional Citizen Corps Council representative.

2. DESPP/DEMHS Reviews Application and Approves, funding decisions are relayed to the Statewide Citizen Corps Advisory Council and the applicant.

3. If approved, the grantee may commence with the CCP grant project.

4. Once complete, grantee submits a completion report that corresponds with its project type.