
Is your town committed to preserving its historic areas? If so, you may want to explore how your municipality can establish historic districts and properties, which would then empower your local preservation committees to review and approve any proposed exterior architectural changes to these designated areas.

Since 1959, 126 historic districts, including 8,128 buildings and 92 individual properties, have been designated all across Connecticut. They span 72 cities and towns — and are found in both urban and rural areas.

How to Create a Designation

Contact the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). Our staff meets regularly with local communities that are considering establishing local historic districts and historic properties. We can walk you through the designation process, the responsibilities of the study committee and the preparation of the study report.

Training Services

In partnership with the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation, SHPO holds annual training for local historic district commissioners and Certified Local Governments on managing historic districts in Connecticut. These workshops cover such topics as the basic legal and regulatory framework for administering the local historic district ordinance, the Certified Local Government designation process, design review standards and grant programs, and other sources of financial assistance.


Mary Dunne at (860) 500-2356 or mary.dunne@ct.gov.