
SCA Pharmaceuticals

The need      
A location with easy access to its customers in the Northeast.

The solution   
Support from the Manufacturing Assistance Act.

The story
SCA Pharmaceuticals makes injectable compounds like cardiovascular drips, antibiotics, epidurals and many others for hospitals and healthcare facilities. SCA needed a manufacturing location with easy access to its customers in the Northeast, and it also needed a well-educated, productive workforce. Connecticut had both, and SCA decided on a location in Windsor. Equipping the building and making it work-ready would cost $19.4 million.

The state agreed to provide an $8.5 million loan, $4.5 million of which would be forgivable if the company creates 361 jobs within five years.

The results
SCA opened its new 90,000 square-foot plant in November 2017 with about 175 workers and is expected to meet its 361-job target.