Emergency Orders issued by the Governor and State Agencies


Issued by Governor Lamont

January 19, 2022: Executive Order No. 14F

  • Proof of vaccination booster or testing for nursing home visitors and primary and secondary essential support persons

January 11, 2022: Executive Order No. 14E

  • Reemployment of retired teachers to help address teacher shortage

January 7, 2022: Executive Order No. 14D

  • Flexibility to provide for adequate healthcare resources and facilities
  • Practice before licensure for certain healthcare profession applicants and graduates
  • Temporary permits for certain healthcare providers extended
  • Participation in resident physician assistant program prior to permit issuance
  • Temporary suspension of physician assistant supervision restrictions
  • Temporary suspension of in-person supervision requirement for advanced practice registered nurses
  • No employer charge for sequestration expenses

January 6, 2022: Executive Order No. 14C

  • COVID-19 vaccination booster requirement for employees of state hospitals

January 6, 2022: Executive Order No. 14B

  • COVID-19 vaccination booster requirement for employees of long-term care facilities

September 30, 2021: Executive Order No. 14A

  • Revised version of Executive Order No. 14

September 28, 2021: Executive Order No. 14

  • Extends the duration of the following executive orders to February 15, 2022:
    • Executive Order No. 7P, Section 1
    • Executive Order No. 9, Section 1
    • Executive Order No. 9Q, Section 3
    • Executive Order No. 12D
    • Executive Order No. 13A
    • Executive Order No. 13C
    • Executive Order No. 13E
    • Executive Order No. 13F
    • Executive Order No. 13G
  • Extends the duration of agency or municipal orders that were issued pursuant to any unexpired COVID-19 order
  • Repeals, renews, and revises Executive Order No. 11D Sections 2 and 3 concerning the emergency procurement of essential goods and services

September 10, 2021: Executive Order No. 13G

  • Replaces and clarifies Executive Order No. 13D on COVID-19 vaccination requirements for state employees, school employees, and childcare facility staff

September 3, 2021: Executive Order No. 13F

  • Modification of deadline for long-term care facility staff to receive vaccinations

September 3, 2021: Executive Order No. 13E

  • Establishment of temporary nurse aide program

August 19, 2021: Executive Order No. 13D

  • COVID-19 vaccination requirements for state employees, school employees, and childcare facility staff

August 19, 2021: Executive Order No. 13C

  • Access to COVID-19 immunization information

August 6, 2021: Executive Order No. 13B

  • Requirement for employees of long-term care facilities to receive COVID-19 vaccinations

August 5, 2021: Executive Order No. 13A

  • Authorization for municipal leaders to implement universal mask requirements
  • Modification of effective date on legislation that requires testing of nursing home staff

July 19, 2021: Executive Order No. 13

  • Extends the duration of the following previously issued executive orders to September 30, 2021:
    • Executive Order No. 7P, Section 1
    • Executive Order No. 7EEE, Section 1
    • Executive Order No. 9, Section 1
    • Executive Order No. 9Q, Section 3
    • Executive Order No. 10, Section 4
    • Executive Order No. 11D, Sections 2 and 3
    • Executive Order No. 12A
    • Executive Order No. 12D
  • Modifies Executive Order No. 7EEE
  • Modifies Executive Order No. 12A
  • Modifies Executive Order No. 11D
  • Extends all unexpired orders, rules, regulations, directives, or guidance issued by agencies or municipalities related to COVID-19 through September 30, 2021, if they were issued pursuant to one of the orders above, unless the issuing authority repeals them sooner.
  • Allows the remaining 27 active executive orders to expire at midnight on July 20, 2021.

July 13, 2021: Extension of Declaration of Civil Preparedness and Public Health Emergencies

June 30, 2021: Executive Order No. 12D

  • Implements certain requirements regarding evictions:
    • Requires landlords to apply for the UniteCT rental assistance program prior to delivering an eviction notice for nonpayment of rent;
    • Requires landlords to give tenants facing eviction for nonpayment of rent, for lapse of time, or whose right to occupy a unit has terminated at least 30-days’ notice prior to beginning an eviction;
    • Provides those tenants an opportunity to continue all terms of the lease by paying outstanding rent within the 30-day period;
    • Requires all eviction notices to be delivered with certain information about the state’s UniteCT program and the federal eviction moratorium in both English and Spanish; and
    • Requires a stay in eviction proceedings of up to 30 days if either the landlord or the tenant applies to the UniteCT program.

May 25, 2021: Executive Order No. 12C

  • Modification of thirty-six month age limit for Birth-to-Three services

May 20, 2021: Executive Order No. 12B

  • Extension and expiration of COVID-19 orders

May 20, 2021: Executive Order No. 12A

  • Revised order for masks and face coverings
May 18, 2021: Executive Order No. 12 
  • Revised order for masks and face coverings

May 18, 2021: Extension of Declaration of Civil Preparedness and Public Health Emergencies

April 30, 2021: Executive Order No. 11F

  • Extension of authority for DMV to issue duplicate driver's licenses and identification credentials remotely
  • Permits service of alcohol outdoors without requiring that drinks be served with food

April 20, 2021: Executive Order No. 11E

  • Extends to May 20 executive orders that have been identified as critical to pandemic response and recovery

April 19, 2021: Executive Order No. 11D

  • Consolidates and renews contracting flexibility to procure essential goods, services, and real estate to respond to the pandemic

April 19, 2021: Executive Order No. 11C

  • Consolidates and renews authority for relevant agency heads to restrict visitation at congregate facilities in order to limit the risk of transmission of COVID-19

April 19, 2021: Executive Order No. 11B

  • Consolidates all of the temporary flexibilities and changes to liquor sales and service

April 19, 2021: Executive Order No. 11A

  • Consolidates and renews sector rules and related enforcement authority so that the Department of Economic and Community Development can continue to issue changes to these rules as the circumstances evolve and vaccination rates increase

April 19, 2021: Executive Order No. 11

  • Extends to May 20 various executive orders that have been identified as critical to pandemic response and recovery, except for those covered by Executive Orders No. 11A through 11D

April 19, 2021:  Extension of Declaration of Civil Preparedness and Public Health Emergencies

April 6, 2021: Executive Order No. 10E

  • Absentee voting eligibility during COVID-19 pandemic

March 18, 2021: Executive Order No. 10D

  • Relaxation of capacity limits for religious, spiritual, or worship gatherings
  • Repeal of mandatory travel advisory and self-quarantine requirements

March 14, 2021: Executive Order No. 10C

  • Extension of legislative action to expand access to telehealth services

March 4, 2021: Executive Order No. 10B

  • Early opening of 2021 fishing season

February 8, 2021: Executive Order No. 10A

  • Extension of COVID-19 executive orders
  • Extension of agency and municipal emergency orders
  • Extension of eviction moratorium
  • Effective dates for protection from civil liability for actions of omissions in support of the state's COVID-19 response
  • Extension until March 1, 2021 of certain provisions related to court operations and associated requirements

February 4, 2021: Executive Order No. 10

  • Exclusion of individual stimulus payments from benefit eligibility calculations
  • Suspension of reapplication filing requirement for the additional veterans tax relief program
  • Suspension of reapplication filing requirement for the Homeowners’ – Elderly/Disabled Circuit Breaker and Freeze Tax Relief Programs
  • Use of commuter parking facilities as needed for COVID-19 testing and vaccination
  • Renewals of liquor permits extended
  • Paid leave requirements for staff of local and regional boards of education
  • Relaxation of limits on religious gatherings
  • Absentee voting eligibility during COVID-19 pandemic

December 23, 2020: Executive Order No. 9T

  • Extension of eviction moratorium

December 18, 2020: Executive Order No. 9S

  • Amendments to mandatory self-quarantine for travelers from states with high COVID-19 levels
  • Authorization for continued temporary suspension of the requirements for licensure, certification, or registration of out-of-state providers

December 16, 2020: Executive Order No. 9R

  • Suspension and modification of tax deadlines and collection efforts for tax bills that become due and payable on January 1, 2021
  • Suspension of municipal assessor certification program requirement
  • Alcoholic liquor sales by caters

December 7, 2020: Executive Order No. 9Q

  • Administration of COVID-19 vaccine by licensed pharmacists
  • Reporting of influenza vaccine administration to patients younger than 18
  • Out-of-network COVID-19 immunization

December 4, 2020: Executive Order No. 9P

  • Increase in weekly benefit amount and qualification for Lost Wages Assistance
  • Remote licensing examination for subsurface sewage disposal system cleaner and installer

December 1, 2020: Executive Order No. 9O

  • Flexibility in hiring short-term substitute teachers
  • Sale of alcoholic liquor at virtual events by charitable organizations permitted
  • Resumption of certain Judicial Branch requirements and deadlines

November 24, 2020: Executive Order No. 9N

  • Additional enforcement authority regarding violations of size and capacity restrictions
  • Commissioner of Public Health measures to ensure enforcement

November 20, 2020: Executive Order No. 9M

  • DECD authority to enact rules for all sports activities
  • Renewals of certain permits extended
  • Extending authorization for online continuing education for plumbers and electricians
  • Extended deadlines for continuing education for plumbers and electricians

November 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 9L

  • Extension of COVID-19 executive orders to February 9, 2021
  • Extension of agency and municipality orders of concurrent duration with public health and civil preparedness emergencies

November 5, 2020: Executive Order No. 9K

  • Repeal of municipal authority and return to statewide protective measures
  • Return to Phase 2 limits on certain gatherings
  • Reduced capacity at indoor graduation ceremonies
  • DECD authority to enact sector rules for youth sports
  • DECD authority to enact sector rules governing mandatory closing times for certain businesses and other establishments
  • Extension of expanded outdoor dining
  • Extension of prohibition on sale of alcohol by certain permittees without the sale of food
  • Flexibility for school nutrition programs

October 29, 2020: Executive Order No. 9J

  • Municipal authority to revert to more restrictive pre-October 8, 2020 size and capacity limitations and rules for certain businesses and gatherings
  • Modifications to deadlines to allow early preparations for absentee ballot counting

October 27, 2020: Executive Order No. 9I

  • Amendments to mandatory self-quarantine for travelers from states with high COVID-19 levels

October 20, 2020: Executive Order No. 9H

  • Remote participation in agency and municipal meetings
  • Technical revisions to extension of eviction moratorium

October 13, 2020: Executive Order No. 9G

  • Municipal authority to revert to the more restrictive pre-October 8, 2020 size and capacity limitations and rules for certain businesses and gatherings

October 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9F

  • Amendments to size restrictions on certain gatherings
  • Extension of drive-in worship services and graduations

September 30, 2020: Executive Order No. 9E

September 25, 2020: Executive Order No. 9D

  • Extension of prohibition on sale of alcohol by certain permittees without the sale of food
  • Extension of contracting flexibility regulated to student privacy data

September 16, 2020: Executive Order No. 9C

  • Amendments to mandatory self-quarantine for travelers from states with high COVID-19 levels
  • Resumption of non-judicial tax sales pursuant to Executive Order No. 7S and 7CC

September 15, 2020: Executive Order No. 9B

  • Amendments to mandatory self-quarantine for travelers from states with high COVID-19 levels
  • Authorization for the issuance of fines
  • Repeal of executive orders extending liquor permittee credit period

September 8, 2020: Executive Order No. 9A

  • Reissuance and extension of COVID-19 executive orders to November 9, 2020
  • Extension of agency and municipality orders of concurrent duration with public health and civil preparedness emergencies

September 4, 2020: Executive Order No. 9

  • Commissioners of Early Childhood and Education may issue operational rules
  • Extension of prohibition on sale of alcohol by certain permittees without the sale of food
September 1, 2020: Extension of Declaration of Civil Preparedness and Public Health Emergencies

August 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7OOO

  • Extension of expanded outdoor dining
  • Modification of the extension of 30-day period of credit for liquor permittees
  • Extension of eviction moratorium
  • Resumption of certain requirements and deadlines regarding civil and family matters

August 14, 2020: Executive Order No. 7NNN

  • Modifications to face covering requirements
  • Permission for DECD commissioner to establish size limits for private gatherings

August 10, 2020: Executive Order No. 7MMM

  • Management of absentee ballots for the August 11, 2020 primary

July 28, 2020: Executive Oder No. 7LLL

  • Resumption of requirements and deadlines in child protection matters

July 24, 2020: Executive Order No. 7JJJ

  • Rebuttable presumption of eligibility for workers compensation
  • Discharge, discrimination, discipline, and deliberate misinformation or dissuasion prohibited

July 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7III

  • Repeal of advisory self-quarantine
  • Mandatory self-quarantine for travelers from states with high COVID-19 infection levels
  • Extension of statutory or regulatory deadlines by DMV

July 14, 2020: Executive Order No. 7HHH

  • Authorization for continued temporary suspension of the requirements for licensure, certification, or registration of out-of-state providers

July 13, 2020: Executive Order No. 7GGG

  • Authorization for temporary rental housing program
  • Temporary mortgage relief program
  • Online continuing education for plumbers and electricians

July 6, 2020: Executive Order No. 7FFF

  • Modifying minimum service hours for private non-medical institutions for adults

June 30, 2020: Executive Order No. 7EEE

  • Authorization for DSS to provide funding from the Coronavirus Relief Fund to additional providers
  • Online continuing education for plumbers and electricians

June 29, 2020: Executive Order No. 7DDD

  • Extended protections for residential renters affected by COVID-19
  • Authority to extend statutory and regulatory administrative deadlines by an additional 90 days

June 25, 2020: Executive Order No. 7CCC

  • Clarification of time periods in Executive Order No. 7I
  • Extension of time for fire service personnel examinations
  • Issuance of duplicate licenses and identity cards

June 24, 2020: Executive Order No. 7BBB

  • Safety advisory regarding travel from states with high infection rates
  • Amended deadline for candidates to withdraw from presidential primary
  • Accelerated date to finalize order of names on presidential primary ballot
  • Temporary commercial pesticide junior operator certification
  • Authority to modify enhanced health procedures in child care and day camps

June 17, 2020: Executive Order No. 7AAA

  • Technical correction to Executive Order No. 7ZZ, Section 8
  • Authority to modify limitation on group sizes in child care
  • Waiver of requirement to hold annual agricultural fair and reporting requirement to maintain agricultural society property tax exemption
  • Mandatory COVID-19 testing for staff of private and municipal nursing home facilities, managed residential communities, and assisted living services agencies

June 16, 2020: Executive Order No. 7ZZ

  • Modifications to adapt to Phase 2 reopening efforts
  • Restrictions on large gatherings and events
  • Further clarification of limits on alcohol sales by restaurants, bars, and private clubs
  • Restrictions of off-track betting extended
  • Extension of essential business rules
  • Clarification of Executive Order No. 7MM
  • Extension of remote notarization

June 10, 2020: Executive Order No. 7YY

  • Resumption of court filing deadlines
  • Modifications to DMV functions
  • Modifications to Executive Order No. 7E

June 5, 2020: Executive Order No. 7XX

  • Modification of safety rules for drive-in religious gatherings
  • Safety rules for drive-in graduations
  • Suspension of the involuntary discharge of nursing facility residents and residential care home residents who may be discharged to homeless shelters, except during emergency situations or with respect to COVID-19 recovered discharges

June 4, 2020: Executive Order No. 7WW

  • Technical clarifications regarding the ballot petitioning process for the August 2020 primary and November 2020 general election
  • Further clarification of limits on alcohol service and sales related to catering

June 2, 2020: Executive Order No. 7VV

  • Amended limitation on program sizes in child care

June 1, 2020: Executive Order No. 7UU

  • Mandatory COVID-19 testing for staff of private and municipal nursing homes, residential communities and assisted living agencies
  • Determination of suitable work

May 29, 2020: Executive Order No. 7TT

  • Reopening of barbershops and hair salons on June 1
  • Amended prohibitions on large gatherings

May 27, 2020: Executive Order No. 7SS

  • Creation of temporary nurse aide

May 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7RR

  • Authority for DEEP to issue rental refunds
  • Modification of age limit for early intervention coverage
  • Waiver of requirement for guest books at private clubs

May 20, 2020: Executive Order No. 7QQ

  • Modifications to permit the use of absentee ballots to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission during August 11, 2020 primary
  • Clarification that orders by commissioners issued pursuant to the governor’s executive orders are not regulations

May 18, 2020: Executive Order No. 7PP

  • Reopening Phase 1
  • Enforcement of sector rules governing the reopening of businesses
  • Extension of prohibition on large gatherings to June 20, 2020
  • Extension of restrictions on off-track betting, indoor fitness, and movie theaters to June 20
  • Further clarification of limits on restaurants, bars, and private clubs – mixed drinks permitted for takeout delivery
  • Limitation on the operation of day camps
  • Enhanced health procedures for all day camps
  • Cancellation of resident camp operations
  • Limitation on the operation of summer and educational programs operated by local or regional boards of education
  • Suspension or modification of regulatory requirements to protect public health and safety

May 14, 2020: Executive Order No. 7OO

  • Procedures for local appointments and elections requiring in-person vote

May 13, 2020: Executive Order No. 7NN

  • Waiver of statutory vote on supplemental federal block grant
  • Remote participation in member meetings
  • Waiver of certain regulatory limitations on the amount of support that can be provided to caregiver relatives
  • Technical modification of grace period for April and May rent
  • Authorization for OPM to direct DSS to provide Coronavirus Relief Fund distributions to nursing home facilities
  • Authorization for OPM to direct DSS to provide Coronavirus Relief Fund distributions to COVID recovery facilities and alternate COVID recovery facilities
  • Authorization for additional COVID-19 related hardship relief funding under the Coronavirus Relief Fund to nursing home facilities
  • Coronavirus Relief Fund distribution determinations not subject to rehearing or appeal
  • Extension and sunset of suspension of tax on single-use plastic checkout bags

May 12, 2020: Executive Order No. 7MM

  • Allows municipalities to expedite changes to their zoning rules or other ordinances to expand outdoor dining
  • Creates an expedited approval process for restaurants and other establishments that serve food to get fast-tracked permission to create or expand outdoor dining areas
  • Allows other businesses such as retail stores to get fast-tracked permission to sell goods on the sidewalk or in other outdoor areas, including shared spaces or spaces provided by municipalities
  • Allows restaurants and other businesses who already have liquor permits to serve alcohol only with food without applying for a separate patio or extension of use permit
  • Allows private clubs to sell alcohol only to their members for delivery or pickup

May 11, 2020: Executive Order No. 7LL

  • Modifications to the petitioning process for the August primary

May 7, 2020: Executive Order No. 7KK

  • Pharmacists are permitted to order and administer Food and Drug Administration approved tests for COVID-19

May 6, 2020: Executive Order No. 7JJ

  • Applicability of Executive Order No. 7S, Section 8 – Suspension of reapplication filing requirement for the Homeowners’ Elderly/Disabled, Circuit Breaker Tax Relief Program and for the Homeowners’ Elderly/Disabled Freeze Tax Relief Program
  • Distance learning and remote testing certification for DEEP programs
  • Tolling of land use and building permits
  • Allowance of suspension of in-person voting requirements by members of the public for critical and time-sensitive municipal decisions

May 5, 2020: Executive Order No. 7II

  • Extension of school class cancellations for remainder of school year
  • Authorization for the Department of Social Services commissioner to temporarily waive, modify, or suspend home health regulatory requirements
  • Extension of the start date for imposition of a late fee for obtaining dog licenses from July 1, 2020 to August 1, 2020
  • Authority to waive certain requirements for the issuance of vouchers under the Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children

May 1, 2020: Executive Order No. 7HH

  • Mandatory suspension of annual town meeting or referendum to adopt budget
  • Authorization for common-interest communities to hold meetings remotely

April 30, 2020: Executive Order No. 7GG

  • Extension of payment time for sealed ticket revenue due to the state
  • Waiver of notarization requirement for embalmer’s affidavit accompanying death certificates
  • Temporary suspension of controlled substance registration
  • Modification of state contracting statutes to facilitate the emergency procurement of essential services
  • Modification of state contracting authorities to facilitate the emergency procurement of essential services
  • Modification of state construction requirements to facilitate the emergency provision of construction and construction-related services
  • Extension of existing contracts to prevent gaps in necessary services

April 24, 2020: Executive Order No. 7FF

  • Additional flexibility for Medicaid-enrolled providers to perform telehealth through audio-only methods for new patients

April 23, 2020: Executive Order No. 7EE

  • Mandatory reporting by managed residential communities
  • Mandatory reporting by nursing homes
  • Civil Penalties for failure to comply with mandatory reporting
  • Waiving certain Medicaid prior authorization requirements
  • Waiving Medicaid bed reservation requirements for residents on leave from intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities
  • Waiving requirements for signed delivery receipt for medical equipment, devices, and supplies

April 22, 2020: Executive Order No. 7DD

  • Additions to the definition of telehealth provider
  • Flexibility for Medicaid-enrolled providers and in-network providers for commercial fully insured health insurance to perform telehealth through additional methods
  • Additions to permissible out-of-state healthcare providers
  • Participation in intern, resident physician, or United States Medical Officer candidate training programs prior to permit issuance
  • Participation in resident physician assistant program prior to permit issuance
  • Temporary suspension of physician assistant supervision restrictions
  • Temporary suspension of in-person supervision requirement for advanced practice registered nurses
  • Provision of services by respiratory care therapist and respiratory care technician students
  • Suspension of continuing education requirement for health care providers
  • Modification of 36-month age limit for Birth-to-Three services

April 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7CC

  • Applicability of Executive Order No. 7S, Section 7 to additional critical and time-sensitive municipal fiscal actions
  • Clarification of time periods regarding suspension and modification of non-judicial tax sales pursuant to Executive Order No. 7S, Section 11
  • Exclusion of federal stimulus payments in evaluating eligibility for state or local programs financed in whole or in part using state funds
  • Alternative to physical presence in court for finding of irretrievable breakdown of marriage
  • Alternative to in-person waiver of right to file motion or petition for educational support
  • Alternative to physical appearance of petitioner regarding decree of dissolution after entry of decree of legal separation
  • Alternative to in-court canvas prior to entrance of final agreement
  • Alternative to physical presence when findings on the record required
  • Revised financial protections for people covered by insurance who receive out-of-network health care services during the public health emergency

April 17, 2020: Executive Order No. 7BB

  • Cloth face coverings or higher level of protection required in public wherever close contact is unavoidable
  • Further postponement of presidential preference primary to August 11

April 15, 2020: Executive Order No. 7AA

  • Approval of temporary additional nursing home beds for COVID-19 recovery

April 14, 2020: Executive Order No. 7Z

  • Modification of state contracting statutes to facilitate the emergency procurement of essential goods
  • In-person attendance requirement suspended for assessment appeals
  • Suspension of requirements for security officer license

April 11, 2020: Executive Order No. 7Y

  • Implementation of a nursing home surge plan

April 10, 2020: Executive Order No. 7X

  • Protections for residential renters impacted by COVID-19
  • Continued cancellation of school classes through May 20, 2020
  • Extension of closures, distancing, and safety measures through May 20, 2020
  • Modification or deferral of educator certification testing
  • Permission to operate food trucks at rest areas

April 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 7W

  • Suspension and modification of tax deadlines and collection efforts pursuant to Executive Order No. 7S, Section 6
  • No increased experience rating based on COVID-19 unemployment claims
  • Coil cleaning requirements modified
  • Delivery signature requirement suspended
  • Return of permit not necessary for temporary closures pursuant to Executive Order No. 7D
  • Ninety-day provisional permits
  • Renewal date for on-premise liquor permits to be extended
  • Permit need not be recorded with town clerk

April 7, 2020: Executive Order No. 7V

  • Safe workplaces in essential businesses
  • Temporary permits for certain health care providers extended and fees waived
  • Practice before licensure for certain health care profession applicants and graduates
  • Practice before licensure for marital and family therapy associates
  • Practice before licensure for professional counselor associates
  • Protection from civil liability for actions or omissions in support of the state’s COVID-19 response.

April 5, 2020: Executive Order No. 7U

  • Protection from civil liability for actions or omissions in support of the state’s COVID-19 response
  • Financial protections for the uninsured and people covered by insurance who receive out-of-network health care services during the public health emergency.

April 2, 2020: Executive Order No. 7T

  • Prohibition on non-essential lodging
  • Further clarification of limits on restaurants, bars, and private clubs
  • Suspension of notarization requirement related to Connecticut Recovery Bridge Loan Program
  • Flexibility to maintain adequate child care infrastructure
  • Suspension of rehearing rights for temporary rate increases for certain health care providers
  • Alternative to affidavits in relation to orders of protection and relief

April 1, 2020: Executive Order No. 7S

  • Safe stores mandatory statewide rules
  • 60-day grace period for premium payments, policy cancellations, and non-renewals of insurance policies
  • Extension of 30-day period of credit for liquor permittees
  • Daily payment of certain taxes changed to weekly
  • Flexibility to amend Medicaid waivers and state plan
  • Relief from certain municipal tax deadlines and collection efforts
  • Allow suspension of in-person voting requirements for critical and time sensitive municipal fiscal deadlines
  • Suspension of reapplication filing requirement for the homeowners’ elderly/disabled circuit breaker tax relief program and for the homeowners’ elderly/disabled freeze tax relief program
  • Substitution of full inspection requirements pertaining to October 1, 2020 grand list revaluations
  • Extension of deadline to file income and expense statement to August 15
  • Suspension of non-judicial tax sales

March 31, 2020: Executive Order No. 7R

  • Continuation of funding for boards of education
  • Continuation of payment of public school staff
  • Preservation of student transportation services and special education providers
  • Restrictions on entrance to state parks, forests, and other lands
  • Curbside pickup of alcoholic beverages permitted

March 30, 2020: Executive Order No. 7Q

  • Requirement of limited group sizes in childcare
  • Enhancement of health procedures for all operating childcare programs
  • Authorization of remote notarization

March 28, 2020: Executive Order No. 7P

  • Authorization to provide for non-congregant housing for persons at risk

March 27, 2020: Executive Order No. 7O

  • Suspension of license renewals and inspections by DPH
  • Modification of health care provider identification badge requirements
  • Waiver of registration requirement for alcohol-based hand sanitizers and medical devices
  • Waiver of Birth-to-Three family cost participation fees

March 26, 2020: Executive Order No. 7N

  • Further reduction of social and recreational gatherings to 5 people
  • Restrictions on restaurant payment and pickup operations
  • Further restrictions on retail operations
  • Requirement of firearms transactions by appointment only
  • Suspension of tax on single-use checkout bags
  • Prohibition of employers from requiring employees to place items in customers' reusable bags
  • Suspension of 21-month limit on Temporary Family Assistance
  • Suspension of school testing assessments for 2019-20 school year

March 25, 2020: Executive Order No. 7M

  • Tolling of time periods for DOT final determinations on permits
  • Suspension of mandatory statutory filing requirements for FOIA appeals and decisions
  • Authorization of state agencies to extend statutory regulatory administrative deadlines by 90 days

March 24, 2020: Executive Order No. 7L

  • Extension of class cancellations at all public schools to April 20
  • Early opening of fishing season
  • Suspension of restrictions on reemployment of municipal retirees
  • Flexibility to maintain adequate medical marijuana access for patients
  • Extension of time period for nursing home transfers
  • Modification of the duties of registrars of vital records
  • Modification of in-person purchase of and access to copies of vital records
  • Modification of marriage license requirements

March 23, 2020: Executive Order No. 7K

  • Suspension of non-critical probate court operations
  • Suspension of non-critical Workers' Compensation Commission operations
  • Authorization of remote notarization
  • Modification of DPH regulatory requirements
  • Suspension of national criminal history records checks for long-term care providers

March 22, 2020: Executive Order No. 7J

  • Clarification of "Stay Safe, Stay Home" Executive Order No. 7H regarding nonessential business operations
  • Extension of time period for fire service personnel examinations
  • Delivery of methadone to homebound patients by methadone maintenance clinics
  • Suspension of rehiring procedures and restrictions on temporary worker retirees
  • Modification of real property statutes to facilitate leasing, repairs, alterations and use of real property
  • Modification of state contracting statutes to facilitate leasing, repairs, alterations, and use of real property

March 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7I

  • Modifications to DSS benefits                 
  • Flexibility related to the Student Data Privacy Act
  • Modifications related to DCF
  • Modifications to DCP regulations regarding pharmacies  
  • Suspension of in-person shareholder meeting requirements
  • Procedural relief for municipalities                 

March 20, 2020: Executive Order No. 7H

  • "Stay Safe, Stay Home" restrictions on all workplaces for non-essential business
  • Requirement of a coordinated effort between the State of Connecticut and its municipalities

March 19, 2020: Executive Order No. 7G

  • Postponement of presidential primary to June 2
  • Suspension of non-critical court operations and associated requirements
  • Permits certain restaurants and other eating establishments to sell alcohol with take-out food orders under certain conditions
  • Flexibility for Medicaid-enrolled providers and in-network providers for commercial fully insured health insurance to perform telehealth through additional methods
  • Temporary suspension of in-person investigative visits regarding reports of elder abuse
  • Extension of time for disclosure of investigation results

March 18, 2020: Executive Order No. 7F

  • Closure of large, indoor shopping malls
  • Closure of places of public amusement
  • Expansion of Medicaid telehealth coverage to audio-only telephone
  • Waiver of in-person service, gearing, and screening requirements for facilities that have issued orders limiting visitor access
  • Continuation of classes and programming at certain schools operated within DOC, DCF, and DMHAS

March 17, 2020: Executive Order No. 7E

  • Further modification of 180-day school year requirement
  • Suspension of required fingerprinting availability at police departments
  • Extension of time period for DESPP permits
  • Suspension of the immediate recoupment of DSS public assistance benefit overpayments
  • Suspension of in-person hearing attendance at DSS fair hearings

March 16, 2020: Executive Order No. 7D

  • Further reduction of social and recreational gatherings to 50 people
  • Limits restaurant, bar, and private club operations to off-premise consumption of food and non-alcoholic beverages
  • Closure of off-track betting facility operations
  • Closure of gym, sports, fitness, recreation facilities, and movie theaters

March 15, 2020: Executive Order No. 7C

  • Cancellation of classes at all public schools
  • Flexibility of graduation requirements and prescribed courses of study
  • Flexibility for educator prep programs
  • Flexibility for educator certification timelines, educator evaluations, and school in-services
  • Extension of municipal budget adoption deadlines
  • Extension of regional board of education budget adoption deadlines
  • Remote conduct of DMV operations
  • Limits on visitors to facilities that treat persons with psychiatric disabilities
  • Limits on visitors to the Southbury Training School
  • COVID-19 information sharing between facilities that treat persons with psychiatric disabilities, DPH, and local health directors

March 14, 2020: Executive Order No. 7B

  • Suspension of in-person open meeting requirements
  • Waiver of manufacturer registration requirement for hand sanitizer
  • Suspension of garbing Requirements for non-hazardous compounding of sterile pharmaceuticals
  • Refunds certain liquor license application fees permissible
  • Waiver of face-to-face interview requirements for Temporary Family Assistance
  • Flexibility to maintain adequate childcare resources
  • Flexibility to provide for adequate healthcare resources and facilities

March 13, 2020: Executive Order No. 7A

  • Grants DPH commissioner authority to restrict visitors at nursing homes and similar facilities

March 12, 2020: Executive Order No. 7

  • Prohibition of social and recreational gatherings to 250 people
  • Limits on nursing home visitors
  • Modification of 180-day school year requirement
  • Extension of DMV licensing renewal deadlines and suspension of other DMV requirements
  • Modification of Police Academy attendance requirements
March 10, 2020: Declaration of Civil Preparedness and Public Health Emergencies


Issued by Department of Administrative Services

July 23, 2020: Memo regarding Executive Order 7M on statutory deadlines or limits related to IT and Telecommunications Strategic Plan
April 14, 2020: Implementation order for Executive Order 7M temporarily extending certain statutory deadlines
April 7, 2020: Implementation order for Executive Order 7M temporarily extending certain statutory deadlines
March 31, 2020: Memo regarding Executive Order 7M on statutory deadlines or limits related to the building and fire codes


Issued by Department of Agriculture

March 30, 2020: Implementation order for Executive Order 7M regarding deadlines for all administrative appeals statutes and also on extension of expiration dates for Animal Population Control Program Vouchers 


Issued by Department of Consumer Protection

April 9, 2020: Implementation Order for Executive Order 7W, regarding Delivery Signatures and Renewal Extensions
April 7, 2020: Food and Standards Division Guidance for Selling Produce and Packaged Foods for Curbside Pickup
April 2, 2020: Implementation Order for Executive Order 7T, Updated for Liquor Delivery
April 2, 2020: Implementation Order Regarding Extension of Deadlines at the Department of Consumer Protection
March 31, 2020: Implementation Order for Executive Order 7R regarding Liquor Curbside Pickup
March 29, 2020: Delivery of Medication to Automated Dispensing Machines in Hospitals
March 27, 2020: Resources for Businesses Manufacturing Hand Sanitizer and Medical Equipment
March 27, 2020: Letter to Pharmacy Credential Holders Regarding Regulatory Waiver
March 22, 2020: Consumer Protection Releases Implementation Order for Executive Order 7J
March 19, 2020: Drug Control Division Releases Guidance for Practitioners Regarding Refill and Reissuance of Controlled Substances
March 19, 2020: Implementation order: Limits on restaurant, bar, private club operations and other permit types
March 16, 2020: Implementation order: Procedure for refunds of temporary liquor permits for cancelled events 
March 15, 2020: Implementation order permitting pharmacies to compound and sell hand sanitizer


Issued by Office of Early Childhood

To view all of the emergency orders issued by the Office of Early Childhood, click here


Issued by Department of Energy and Environmental Protection

April 30, 2020: Updated waiver of RVP regulations and the ASTM designation for gasoline during the COVID-19 emergency


Issued by Department of Housing

March 31, 2020: Notice and Order Regarding Executive Order 7P Safe Housing for People Experiencing Homelessness
March 30, 2020: Notice and Order Regarding Statutory and Regulatory Administrative Deadlines for Department of Housing Administrative Hearings 


Issued by Insurance Department

April 9, 2020: Bulletin on extension of licensing deadlines in light of COVID-19
March 26, 2020: Bulletin to all companies licensed to write auto/motorcycle liability insurance on extension of coverage for personal delivery drivers
March 24, 2020: Bulletin to insurance companies, health care centers, and fraternal benefit societies on compliance with certain filing requirements in light of COVID-19
March 24, 2020: Bulletin to all insurance companies on a 60-day grace period for insurance premium payments due to the disruption caused by COVID-19
March 11, 2020: Notice to all travelers and travel insurance carriers on COVID-19 emergency declaration
March 9, 2020: Bulletin to all health insurance companies and health care centers on COVID-19 testing


Issued by Office of Health Strategy

March 31, 2020: Revised Guidance Regarding the Temporary Waiver of CON Requirements for Approval of Increased Licensed Bed Capacity and the Temporary Suspension of Services at Connecticut Hospitals

March 25, 2020: Guidance Regarding the Temporary Waiver of CON Requirements for Approval of Increased Licensed Bed Capacity and the Temporary Suspension of Services at Connecticut Hospitals
March 16, 2020: Guidance regarding the Certificate of Need process and the state's response to COVID-19


Issued by Department of Motor Vehicles

March 20, 2020: Notice and order of extension or waiver of motor vehicle registrations and other transactions
March 13, 2020: Notice of waiver of certain federal motor carrier safety regulations
March 12, 2020: Notice of extension of expiration date or period of validity of licenses, permits and ID cards
March 12, 2020: Notice of Waiver for International Registration Plan Requirements (IRP) for Connecticut


Issued by Department of Public Health

January 10, 2022: Order regarding temporary suspension of respiratory care licensure
January 4, 2022: Amendment to implementation guidance for Executive Order No. 13G: Vaccination mandate for individuals working for state facilities, state hospitals, public and non-public preK-12 schools, and child care facilities
December 22, 2021: Order temporarily suspending state licensure requirement for selected professions
November 22, 2021: Order regarding conditions and environments requiring universal masking for the prevention of COVID-19 on and after May 19, 2021
September 10, 2021: Order regarding registration and training of temporary nurse aides
August 19, 2021: Order regarding disclosure of COVID-19 vaccination status
August 11, 2021: Order regarding weekly testing of unvaccinated nursing home staff
August 7, 2021: Order regarding conditions and environments requiring universal masking for the prevention of COVID-19 on and after May 19, 2021
May 20, 2021: Order regarding conditions and environments requiring universal masking for the prevention of COVID-19 on and after May 19, 2021
January 20, 2021: Connecticut travel advisory
December 24, 2020: Order regarding temporary suspension of licensure for out-of-state providers
December 24, 2020: Order regarding water system operator exams
December 18, 2020: Connecticut travel advisory
December 7, 2020: Order regarding reporting COVID-19 vaccinations
December 7, 2020: Order expanding authorized professions to administer vaccines
October 29, 2020: Connecticut travel advisory
October 7, 2020: Order regarding the exclusion of process servers from nursing home facilities, residential care homes, and chronic disease hospitals
September 25, 2020: Order rescinding restrictions on visitors in nursing homes, residential care homes, and chronic disease hospitals
September 24, 2020: Order on PPE in nursing homes and rest homes
September 17, 2020: Connecticut travel advisory
September 4, 2020: Order regarding nurse aid training and employment
August 27, 2020: Order expanding nursing home visitations
August 19, 2020: Connecticut travel advisory
August 14, 2020: Order regarding LPN virtual simulation training
July 23, 2020: Connecticut travel advisory
July 14, 2020: Order regarding the temporary suspension of licensure, certification or registration requirements to allow out-of-state providers to assist in COVID-19 efforts for the duration of the emergency
July 2, 2020: Connecticut travel advisory
June 26, 2020: Order amending the list of reportable diseases, emergency illnesses, and health conditions to include hospitalizations due to COVID-19
June 12, 2020: Order regarding parental in-person visitation of minors in certain long-term care facilities
June 9, 2020: Order regarding patients with disabilities in health care facilities
June 1, 2020: Order regarding the certification of unlicensed assistive personnel to administer medications in residential care homes
May 27, 2020: Order modifying administrative deadlines and procedures
May 22, 2020: Order modifying regulations for behavioral health facilities and nursing homes
May 15, 2020: Order temporarily suspending the requirements for licensure, certification or registration for certain professions for sixty days
May 15, 2020: Order extending the temporary suspension of the requirements for licensure, certification or registration for certain practitioners for an additional sixty days
May 14, 2020: Order modifying the May 6, 2020 order on the reporting of COVID-19 testing
May 9, 2020: Order modifying the requirements regarding visitor restrictions at nursing homes, residential care homes, and chronic disease hospitals
May 6, 2020: Order permitting COVID-19 testing without a referral by a licensed practitioner
April 27, 2020: Order modifying regulations regarding home healthcare agencies
April 21, 2020: Order extending the date of visitor restrictions at nursing homes, residential care homes and chronic disease hospitals
April 11, 2020: Order modifying regulations regarding alternate COVID-19 recovery facilities
March 30, 2020:Order on suspending the need for any licensee to renew their license or pay renewal fees during the pandemic
March 30, 2020:Order on vital statistics offices reporting deaths
March 28, 2020:Order on the movement of people experiencing homelessness from congregate shelters to alternative housing
March 23, 2020:Order allowing out-of-state practitioners to render temporary assistance in Connecticut
March 18, 2020:Order changing the list of reportable laboratory findings
March 13, 2020:Order to nursing home facilities, residential care homes, and chronic disease hospitals implementing 30-day visitor restrictions
March 9, 2020:Memo issued to nursing and convalescent homes on visitor restrictions


Issued by Public Utilities Regulatory Authority

March 12, 2020: Docket No. 20-03-15 – Emergency Petition of William Tong, Attorney General for the State of Connecticut for a Proceeding to Establish a State of Emergency Utility Shut-off Moratorium


Issued by Department of Revenue Services

May 5, 2020: DRS Extends Application Deadline for Municipalities to Submit Neighborhood Assistance Act Proposals
April 29, 2020: DRS Reminds Connecticut Employers of Withholding Tax Return Due Date
April 18, 2020: DRS Reminder: File Your Connecticut Individual Income Tax Returns Electronically
April 17, 2020: DRS Announces Priority One Taxpayer Assistance Program
April 14, 2020: DRS Extends Filing, Payment Deadlines for Certain State Tax Returns to Align with Federal Changes
April 2, 2020: DRS Extends April 15 Filing and Payment Deadline for Connecticut Gift Tax Returns
March 30, 2020: DRS extends filing and payment deadlines for sales tax and room occupancy tax
March 30, 2020: Connecticut's single-use plastic bag fee temporarily suspended
March 30, 2020: DRS issues waiver of certain International Fuel Tax Agreement requirements
March 20, 2020: DRS extends filing and payment deadlines for personal income tax returns to July 15, 2020
March 15, 2020: DRS Extends Filing Deadline for Certain Annual State Business Tax Returns


Issued by Department of Transportation

April 10, 2020: Food Trucks Temporarily Permitted at CTDOT Highway Rest Areas
March 23, 2020: Emergency declaration regarding vehicles carrying divisible loads