How would our training grant proposal be evaluated?
There are ten (10) criteria used to evaluate each workforce training grant application. For more information and detail on each criterion, please reference the Application Guidance document as well as the Application Process Overview and Evaluation Rubric document.
- Is the proposed workforce training program tailored toward those most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and to increase the workforce participation of historically marginalized and underserved populations?
- Is the application collaborating with partners, such as workforce non-profits, to limit duplication in programming services and where possible, collaborating on a cross-regional or statewide approach?
- Does the proposed training program align to current employer demand in Connecticut?
- Does the application clearly provide a plan to meet the proposed performance metrics (95% completion rate, 85% placement rate, etc.)? If the program already exists, verification of historical performance will be requested. If the program does not already exist, examples of previous experience administering similar types of programs will be requested.
- Does the proposed training program offer pre-training assessment for participants?
- Does the proposal include the minimum services required, including but not limited to: recruitment, assessment, case management, placement support, supportive services (transportation, housing, food, technology, etc.)
- Does the application include a narrative detailing how the program will be sustained after CareerConneCT funding has expired?
- Does the proposal incorporate career coaching support for individuals enrolled in training including job placement services and continued employability coaching? OR, Does the proposal include additional training beyond entry level positions to provide for long-term career pathways?
- Does the proposal mention any commitments of public or private matching investments?
- Does the average cost per participant remain under $10,000?