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Many State of Connecticut phone numbers are currently down. The issue was first reported on Tuesday September 14 and the service provider is currently working to get all phone services restored.

What's in effect now?

Read time: 6 minutes

Possession of 1.5 oz of cannabis is now legal. Retail sales will likely not be available until at least the end of 2022. Those who wish to grow cannabis at home may not at this time. Medical marijuana patients will be able to grow up to 3 mature and 3 immature plants at home starting October 1, 2021, with a cap of 12 total plants per household. All adults will be able to grow under the same rules starting July 1, 2023.

The policies and procedures related to Public Act 21-1, An Act Concerning Responsible And Equitable Regulation Of Adult-Use Cannabis, are effective October 16, 2021 and are available at

For those considering starting a business, license applications are not currently available. The Social Equity Council must first issue its final approval on what will be required for evaluation before the Department of Consumer Protection can publish any application.

The Department of Consumer Protection will begin to make applications available 30 days after the Social Equity Council issues its final approval of income and residency documentation and subsequently posts the criteria on its website.


Please be aware that there are also very specific advertising guidelines for businesses who intent to participate in the retail sale of cannabis.

Please read the articles below for more details, and check back regularly for updates.

For Entrepreneurs
For Individuals