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Many State of Connecticut phone numbers are currently down. The issue was first reported on Tuesday September 14 and the service provider is currently working to get all phone services restored.


Read time: 6 minutes

An employee is anyone that is a member of the board of a company with an ownership interest in a cannabis establishment and anyone who is directly employed by a cannabis business or who has access to the business and its products.


From the law:


Section 1(20)"Employee" means any person who is not a backer, but is a member of the board of a company with an ownership interest in a cannabis establishment, and any person employed by a cannabis establishment or who otherwise has access to such establishment or the vehicles used to transport cannabis, including, but not limited to, an independent contractor who has routine access to the premises of such establishment or to the cannabis handled by such establishment; (2) "Backer" means any individual with a direct or indirect financial interest in a cannabis establishment. "Backer" does not include an individual with an investment interest in a cannabis establishment if (A) the interest held by such individual and such individual's spouse, parent or child, in the aggregate, does not exceed five per cent of the total ownership or interest rights in such cannabis establishment, and (B) such individual does not participate directly or indirectly in the control, management or operation of the cannabis establishment.

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