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How does the new law for adult use cannabis effect medical marijuana patients?

Read time: 6 minutes

The new adult-use cannabis law increases the medical marijuana program limits to 5oz per day, while allowing the Commissioner of Consumer Protection to set lower limits as necessary to protect overall medical supply.  The Commissioner has currently set the purchase limit at 3oz per month for qualifying patients.  Qualifying patients will also have access to different dosage forms, strengths and delivery devices than consumers, and medical marijuana products that are sold in the medical marijuana program will not be subject to the tax imposed on adult-use cannabis.


Existing dispensary facilities may convert to hybrid retailers that will serve both qualifying patients and consumers, but hybrid retailers will remain dedicated to servicing patient needs. New hybrid retailers may also open, increasing geographical access to medical marijuana products for patients. Additionally, qualifying patients are no longer required to select one dispensary facility to purchase medical marijuana products; they can now purchase medical marijuana products from any licensed dispensary facility or hybrid retailer. Qualifying patients may also grow up to three mature and three immature cannabis plants in their primary residence in accordance with 21a-408d of the Connecticut General Statutes (as revised by Section 70 of P.A. 21-1).

Adult Use Medical Program