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Many State of Connecticut phone numbers are currently down. The issue was first reported on Tuesday September 14 and the service provider is currently working to get all phone services restored.

Miscellaneous Filings

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Miscellaneous Filings

See forms and fees below:


A. Certificate of Surrender of Special Charter/Certificate of Incorporation:
Stock Corporation $100

Non-stock Corporation $20

Appointment of Attorney for Foreign Corporation as Executor or Trustee a/k/a under the will $50

Appointment of Attorney for Banks Branches (Per county) $50

Certificate of Convenience $50

Foreign Business Trusts $50
Letter of Compliance $50
B. Appointment of Attorney for:

Non Resident Landlords $50

Real Estate $50

Circuses $50

Fireworks $50

Vendors (Cigarettes) $50

Railroad and Public Services Companies Mortgages (File in duplicate)  $50

Supplemental Indentures (File in duplicate) $50

Appointment of Agent Unincorporated Homeowners Associations $90

Change of Address $18
C. Insurance Company Domestication:  
  To Connecticut (Plus franchise tax)  $100
  From Connecticut $100

Download PDF containing fees for all business services.

Forms and Fees Business Maintenance