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Many State of Connecticut phone numbers are currently down. The issue was first reported on Tuesday September 14 and the service provider is currently working to get all phone services restored.

Information Available

Read time: 6 minutes

If you need business data, you'll want to bookmark the Connecticut Data Collaborative website. Explore the site and discover a wealth of information on myriad subjects, including lots of useful and interesting business data that can help you grow your business. 


Some of the business data sets you might find interesting include:

  • Search Business: Full text searching and downloading of business registration records
  • Download Data by Month: Recent SOTS business registration activity
  • NAICS Code Lookup
  • Starts and Stops: Overview of business entities forming/registering and dissolving/withdrawing in a given month
  • Business by Sector Map

Beyond business data, you will find all kinds of other information about demographics, education, healthcare, housing and civic engagement. Check out the CT Data Collaborative, it's an education in itself.

Business Data