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Many State of Connecticut phone numbers are currently down. The issue was first reported on Tuesday September 14 and the service provider is currently working to get all phone services restored.

Entity Transactions Fees

Read time: 6 minutes

Entity Transactions Chapter 616 - No Forms Available

A. Merger  $60
B. Domestication (Changing state of formation only, not entity type)  $100
C. If entity is domesticating into CT, add the formation document/organic document fee as follows:
  Limited Liability Company $120
  Domestic Stock Corporation - up to 20,000 shares $250
  Limited Liability Partnership $120
  Conversion (Changing entity type)   $60
D. If entity is converting into CT entity, add the formation document/organic document fee as follows:
  Limited Liability Company $120
  Domestic Stock Corporation - up to 20,000 shares $250
  Limited Liability Partnership $120 

Download PDF containing fees for all business services.

Forms and Fees New Businesses