Department of Correction Facilities
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Connecticut Burn Injury Reporting
The Office of Education and Data Management (OEDM) administers Connecticut burn injury reporting on behalf of the State Fire Marshal. C.G.S.19a-510a requires all attending physicians, administrators of Healthcare Institutions, their designee or any other Healthcare provider, to report specific treated burn injuries.
Energy Assistance - Cold Weather Preparedness Tips
When the weather gets cold, elders especially may develop a reduction in their body temperature more easily, as a result of decreased ability in temperature control and decrease in subcutaneous fat. Excessive drop in body temperature can lead to hypothermia. Elders with chronic illnesses, such as chronic respiratory diseases or asthma, are also vulnerable to disease deterioration in cold weather.
IT Capital Investment Program - Project Status Reports
Each agency receiving funds through the Information Technology Capital Investment Program must report semi-annually to the Information Technology Strategy and Investment Committee and OPM, IT Policy Director. The reports on this page are separated by those projects already completed (closed out) and projects still underway (Active).
National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS), Fire Data Reports and Incident Counts
The Office of Education and Data Management (OEDM) is responsible for maintaining Connecticut's statistics for the U.S. Fire Administration’s (USFA) database for the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS). The NFIRS data provides fire information at the local, state and national levels, and assists fire service agencies and public officials in identifying fire-related problems and trends.
Social Work Services develops services and methods of service delivery designed to respect the client’s right to self-determination and empower and protect individuals, families and those who are economically disadvantaged or otherwise vulnerable.