April 4: Update from the Co-Chairs of the Governor's COVID-19 Learn From Home Task Force
April 4, 2020
Dear Members of the Media:
As you may be aware, last
week the Governor formed the COVID-19 Learn From Home Task Force (LFHT) to lead
the effort to ensure every student has access to high-quality learning content
at home. The LFHT’s first task is to lead the safe, efficient and timely
distribution of two recent philanthropic donations intended to advance
equitable access and support continuity of education at home, including the gift
of up to 60,000 laptops to high school students by the Partnership
for Connecticut as well as more than 185,000 high-quality, Scholastic
book packs by the Nooyi Family for PK-8 grade students. Eligibility in this
program is limited to the state’s 33 Alliance Districts (ADs) who serve
significant populations of students who are eligible for free or reduced-price
meals, and laptop distribution will prioritize students demonstrating the most
On Monday, March 30, the LFHT notified ADs that the application for opt-in, designed to be concise and easy to complete, was open and we remained in close communication with superintendents and district personnel over the last week to determine specific needs and ensure preparedness to receive, distribute, and integrate these resources into participants existing remote learning efforts and IT systems. This support involved holding a webinar with district administrators and a separate webinar with district IT Directors and support staff.
Today’s receipt of all 33 Alliance Districts’ Laptop and Scholastic Applications marks the completion of the first major milestone of the LFHT’s work. The LFHT’s focus now shifts to the review and approval of these applications while continuing to provide guidance to school superintendents as they prepare their district’s respective plans for device and book pack distribution, maintenance, and communication with students and their families so they have the information necessary to participate.
Given the need to maintain
the practice of social distancing and other measures to contain the spread of
COVID-19, the LFHT is coordinating the delivery of these resources in a way
that is expedient while also prioritizing the health and safety of students,
families and district personnel. As we progress towards the LFHT’s end goal of
getting these critical learning materials into the hands of students most in
need, we will continue reporting updates on our work to keep you informed
throughout the process.
Nate Quesnel,
Paul Freeman, Co-Chair
Governor’s Learn from Home Task
Force Governor’s
Learn from Home Task Force
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