Governor Ned Lamont


Governor Lamont: Education Week Ranks Connecticut Schools Among Top Three in Nation On Chance-for-Success Index

(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Ned Lamont and State Education Commissioner Miguel Cardona today highlighted the release of a report from independent news organization Education Week that ranks Connecticut’s education system in the top three among the 50 states and the District of Columbia when it comes to providing opportunities for success throughout an individual’s lifetime.

Released this morning, the first installment of the organization’s 2020 Quality Counts report card includes its annual Chance-for-Success Index, on which Connecticut ranks third in the nation with an overall score of 88 out of 100 and a grade of B-plus – well above the national average of 79.2 and C-plus grade. Connecticut’s 2020 ranking improved as compared to its 2019 ranking of fourth overall in the nation.

“Connecticut has the best teachers of any state in the nation and they are delivering results that are having positive impacts on students’ lives that are aiding them throughout their careers – and for that, we owe them a debt of gratitude,” Governor Lamont said. “The ability to attract businesses and encourage them to expand and grow in our state is directly tied to the quality of education our workforce receives, which is why it is critical that we have an exemplary education system that provides workers with the tools they need to compete for jobs in today’s 21st century economy. Still, while these successes should be celebrated, we cannot lose sight of our efforts to close the persistent achievement gap and provide a quality education for young people in all of our communities, because all of our children are deserving of a bright future no matter where they live. I applaud the efforts of our teachers, staff, and administrators throughout our state’s school system for the dedication they provide each and every day.”

“The demands of employers are evolving and changing as are the needs of our young people and what will be required of them to compete and thrive upon graduation. As an agency, we are building our capacity and adapting to meet these needs with the help of targeted, strategic coordination between our partners across education, business and government,” Commissioner Cardona said. “While the ‘Quality Counts’ report indicates we are making encouraging progress as a state, our ongoing focus remains providing the early foundations, strong academic core which lead to equitable student outcomes, and innovative college and career pathways necessary to equip all of our students with options for success and happiness at every stage of their lives.”

The Chance-for-Success Index examines family, school, and socioeconomic indicators in order to better understand the role that education plays in promoting positive outcomes across an individual’s lifetime. The Education Week Research Center developed the Chance-for-Success Index based on an original state-by-state analysis, combining information from 13 indicators that span a person’s life from cradle to career. Those indicators fall into three sub-sections:

  1. Early Foundations: Are Kids Getting Off to a Good Start?
    • For early foundations, which examines factors that help children get off to a good start, Connecticut earns an A-minus and ranks 16th. The average state posts a B.
  2. School Years: How Are Students Faring in School?
    • Connecticut receives a B-plus for the school years, a sub-category focusing on metrics related to pre-K enrollment through postsecondary participation. It finishes third in the nation in this area. By comparison, the nation as a whole earns a C-plus.
  3. Adult Outcomes: Are Adults Finding Opportunities for Success?
    • In the area of adult outcomes, based on postsecondary educational attainment and workforce indicators, Connecticut’s grade is a B. It ranks 10th in the nation. The national average is a C-plus.

The other two installments of the organization’s annual Quality Counts report are on School Finance and K-12 Achievement and will be released later in the year. The grades and scores for the Chance-for-Success Index that are featured in the installment released today make up one-third of the overall rankings that will be published in September.

Education Week is an independent, nonprofit news organization dedicated to providing K-12 leaders in the U.S. with objective reporting on the news, trends, and events that shape the rapidly changing education landscape.




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