Connecticut State Department of Education News


Gov. Malloy: Education Week Ranks Connecticut Fourth In Nation On Annual Report Card

State Earns a "B+" on Performance Indices, Ranks Above National Average of "C"

(HARTFORD) – Governor Dannel P. Malloy and State Education Commissioner Dianna R. Wentzell today announced that Connecticut has been ranked fourth among the 50 states and the District of Columbia on Education Week’s annual edition of its Quality Counts 2018: School Finance Report & Rankings. Connecticut received an overall score of 87.8 out of 100 points and a grade of B+ while the nation as a whole received a grade of C.

“Connecticut has made real progress in educational outcomes over the past seven years,” Governor Malloy said. “From day one, my administration has been laser-focused on making sure that every kid – no matter their zip code – has the opportunity to succeed. While we have more work to do to make sure all students graduate prepared for the jobs of the 21st century, we should be proud of the progress we have made as a state.”

Education Week’s “Quality Counts 2018: School Finance Report & Rankings” is an annual report card that examines school funding in every state with particular focus on equity and spending.

“These grades reflect our efforts to fulfill our promise of an equitable quality public education for all by providing the support, resources and guidance necessary for school districts to create engaging, diverse and welcoming learning environments in which all students can achieve success,” said Commissioner Wentzell. “Under Governor Malloy’s leadership we have implemented several innovative programs that are transforming the educational experiences and outcomes of thousands of young people across the state including traditionally underserved students and families.”

The favorable School Finance grades received by Connecticut can be attributed in large part to a 2012 state education reform package spearheaded by Governor Malloy that among other reforms focuses on providing additional support for the state’s lowest-performing schools and districts and delivering more resources to the districts with the greatest needs. Specifically, these goals are achieved through two Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) administered programs: Alliance Districts and the Commissioner’s Network. The Alliance District program is a unique and targeted investment in Connecticut’s 33 lowest-performing districts that serve over 200,000 students and over 410 schools. Since the program began in 2012-13, Alliance District 6-year spending has totaled $678 million, including $136 million in 2017-18. The Commissioner’s Network is a commitment between local stakeholders and CSDE to dramatically improve student achievement in up to 25 schools. Since its origination in 2012-13, Commissioner’s Network spending has totaled $59.3 million, including $10 million in 2017-18. Since 2012, there have been a total of 22 schools in the Commissioner’s Network at some point; there are currently 15 Commissioner’s Network designated schools. 

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Peter Yazbak
Communications Director
860-471-3518, cell
860-713-6528, desk