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Assistive Technology Guidelines-Executive Summary
The 2013 Connecticut Assistive Technology (AT) Guidelines provides both school districts and Birth to Three service providers guidance to ensure that all children identified for AT services have access to AT through a framework for making decisions about the AT needs of children and students with disabilities.
Assistive Technology Resource Guide
The purpose of this guide is to inform educators, instructional staff, parents, and students about available resources that may be utilized to ensure that educational outcomes are realized for all students. Assistive technology is a support that is considered for many students.
Clinical Procedure Guidelines for Connecticut School Nurses
These guidelines are intended to help school nurses develop the procedural aspects of individual health care plans for students with special health care needs and in providing task-specific training for other school personnel, when indicated.
Coaching and Self-Reflection Tool for Competency in Teaching English Learners
Aligned to Connecticut’s CCT Rubric for Effective Teaching, this tool is for professional development and growth as well as guiding observations and discussions.
Concussion Education Plan and Guidelines for Connecticut Schools
These guidelines provide accurate information, resources, and guidance for school districts to implement concussion education plans.
Connecticut Assistive Technology Guidelines - Section 1: For Ages 3-21
This document provides a framework for making decisions about the assistive technology needs of students with disabilities.
Connecticut Assistive Technology Guidelines - Section 2: For Infants and Toddlers under IDEA Part C
The purpose of this document is to help service providers ensure that all infants and toddlers who require assistive technology (AT) as indicated under IDEA Part C receive the appropriate devices. This document also assists parents in understanding how assistive technology is incorporated into early intervention services in Connecticut.
Connecticut High School Science Safety
Direction, support, and resources for high school science teachers and school administrators to plan exciting and safer laboratory experiences for students based on prudent professional practices and legal safety standards.
Connecticut Labor and Working Class History
Lesson plans, resources, and materials for teachers about the history of labor and business in Connecticut.
Connecticut Middle School Science Safety
Direction, support, and resources for middle school science teachers and school administrators to plan exciting and safer laboratory experiences for students based on prudent professional practices and legal safety standards.
Draft Guidelines for Health Screenings: Vision, Hearing and Scoliosis
The purpose of the Guidelines for Health Screenings is to provide information on the rationale, proper procedures and recommendations for implementation of screening programs for vision, hearing and postural concerns.
Education Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of Lead Poisoning in Children
These guidelines address lead prevention; early identification of students exposed and affected by lead; and educational programming in response to lead exposure in order to mitigate existing or potential deficits.
Field Trips: Guidance for School Nurses
These guidelines provide school nurses and school districts with information, resources, and guidance needed to develop safe plans for the health care needs all students on field trips. School nurses should use these guidelines in conjunction with their individual school district policies and procedures.
Full, Equal and Equitable Partnerships with Families
Connecticut's definition and framework for family engagement
Guidelines for Adapted Physical Education
The purpose of these guidelines is to clarify and to underscore the importance of physical education—in the context of meaningful physical participation within a community of peers—for students with disabilities in a school environment.