Change the Script Logo

Change the Script is a new statewide program that connects town leaders, healthcare professionals, treatment professionals, and everyday people with the resources they need to face prescription drugs and opioid misuse - and write a new story about what we can accomplish when we all work toward a shared goal. The campaign is intended to provide useful, usable materials, anchored by a consistent message, to help address the opioid crisis at the most local levels. There are 3 distinct parts to the campaign:

A toolkit that contains creative materials such as advertisements, posters, billboards, direct-distribution pieces, radio scripts, and other materials that can be co-branded by an engaged party and used locally. Ready-to-use materials that do not require customization are also available for distribution and use at the state level.

A targeted campaign to prescribers to increase awareness and utilization of the CPMRS. It utilizes digital ads, direct mail, social media, posters, flyers and journal advertising to reach prescribers and pharmacists.

An educational campaign for state residents that helps to increase awareness of the dangers of opioid and prescription drug misuse while focusing on decreasing the stigma of addiction and promoting life saving measures such as naloxone and treatment. The campaign materials available for use include social media messages, PSAs (radio and TV), billboards, posters, and brochures.