Assisted Living Facility Residents’ Rights

Medical Care

To participate, to the fullest extent that you are able, in planning your own medical treatment and care.

To receive a level of care and services that address your changing physical and psychosocial status.

To choose a physician, advanced practice nurse, or physician assistant.

To obtain medications from a pharmacy of your choosing.

To receive pain management as needed.

To refuse to participate in experimental research.

To refuse medication and treatment after you have been informed of the possible consequences of this decision.

Freedom From Abuse

To be free from chemical and physical restraints.

To be free from physical and mental abuse and neglect.

To live in safe and clean conditions in an environment that is not overcrowded.

To be treated with respect, courtesy, consideration and dignity.

To retain and exercise all constitutional, civil and legal rights to which you are entitled.

Discharges and Transfers

To receive written notice at least 30 days in advance when the facility requests your transfer or discharge. Notice shall include the name and contact information for the LTCO.

To be transferred or discharged only in accordance with the terms of the admission agreement and the law.

To appeal an involuntary discharge.

To not be arbitrarily and capriciously moved to a different bed or room.

Privacy and Confidential Treatment

To privacy and to have your personal information kept confidential.

To reasonable opportunities for private and intimate physical and social interaction with other people.

To have a private telephone in your living quarters at your own expense.

To receive and send mail in unopened envelopes and the right to request and receive assistance in reading and writing correspondence.


To keep and use your personal property.

To wear your own clothes.

To hire a private caregiver or companion at your expense and responsibility.

Visits and Activities

To meet with any visitors of your choice, at any time, in accordance with facility policies and procedures.

To request visits at any time by representatives of the religion of your choice and to attend outside religious services at your own expense.

To take part in activities and to meet with and participate in the activities of any social, religious, and community group.

To participate in meals, recreation, and social activities without being subjected to discrimination.

To refuse to perform services for the facility.

To organize and participate in a resident council that presents residents’ concerns to the administrator of the facility.


To receive prior to, or at the time of admission, and afterwards, an admission agreement that complies with all applicable laws and describes the services provided and the related charges.

To receive upon request a written explanation of fee increases that are not related to increased services.

To receive written documentation that fee increases based on a higher level of care are based on reassessment of your condition.

Protection of Rights

To voice complaints without fear of interference, discharge, reprisal, and obtain contact information about government agencies to which residents can complain and ask questions.

To expect the facility to promptly investigate and try to resolve your concerns.

To receive a written statement of resident rights and any regulations established by the facility.



Resident Rights in Nursing Facility